Leo Doesn't Make Sense Anymore

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I've watched the last video of Leo and i don't understand some things. Basically his solipsism goes out the window but at the same he still insists on it.

I really don't know what to make of this. I don't know how he defines solipsism so maybe there is some misunderstanding. But how can you admit that you can't know whether other bubbles exists (finally he admits that) and then still insist that your Consciousness is Absolute. This does not make any sense whatsoever.

And then he goes on imagining, fantasizing about connecting with other bubbles and not taking seriously the distinction between fantasy and reality. This is dangerous territory right there.

Some of Leos latest teaching have become really dangerous to my mental health. I am starting to seriously consider all the accusations of him being a cult leader. He certainly knows which buttons to push. But i always defended him. Now i am starting to think that maybe it is time to leave this abusive relationship. This is how it feels the last couple of years.


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@SQAAD I feel same too. I feel like I wasted my years on watching his video. Only to find this new awakening contradicting his all other video and teachings.

He doesnt make a sense now. And it feels like I wasted my all time on actualized .

He doesnt bother about his followers mental health. 


Edited by machiavelli

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If it doesn't yet resonate just leave it there for now. Do what does resonate with you right now! Working through where you are at right now will all contribute to your awakenings. Don't shortcut anything just to be on the same page with someone else. 

Awakening doesn't seem to end and you have to leave some open mind about "new possibilities", new insights. Don't just take someone's word for it until you can verify everything for yourself. Always have some room for doubt/not knowing until verification, aka direct experience. Don't take anything on as belief/truth until you verify/directly get it for yourself. You may even get insights that aren't being talked about yet.

Until then, it's a map/message to let you know what may be possible for you. 

Last thing, paradoxes are a common theme and words have limitations.


Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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Well, he often gets carried away with strange things then not so much. Remember he IS getting high as fuck constantly, you can't expect total consistency. Yeah one week he can heal people miraculously with his mind, another he's talking about why you can't make money appear in your bedroom drawer.

NOBODY has an experience like any of these, and then comes back and never thinks of it or interprets it. The very first words when coming back are sometimes along the lines of "what the FUCK was that?", immediately inquisitive, immediately trying to make sense of what, at the time, you just watched unfold without interpretation, but rather sheer emotional reaction or whatever.

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1 hour ago, machiavelli said:

He doesnt make a sense now. And it feels like I wasted my all time on actualized .

He doesnt bother about his followers mental health. 


You need to wake up to more Universal Truths in order to get what he is trying to convey. If you don't get it, and if you feel like you have wasted your time, do take some time off and to something else.

Remember when he said keep up if you want to grow with "him"?
This is just a part of the process. He is outgrowing so much, it's becoming harder and harder for him to reach all his "fans".

1 hour ago, machiavelli said:

I feel same too. I feel like I wasted my years on watching his video. Only to find this new awakening contradicting his all other video and teachings.

The contradictions is just a part of the paradoxical nature/looping nature of Reality. Whatever gets created, eats its own tail, sooner or later.
(Mushrooms teaches us that)

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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@SQAAD If the teachings don't resonate with you, maybe it is time to find another teacher. Also, spirituality requires a solid foundation for you to be able to handle it, so you maybe be better of spirituality for now. For me, the last episode made so much sense, it was truly amazing.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@puporing Well said.

Leo is on his own journey of growth and expansion, as all of us are. Too many of his followers rely on him to give them the answers and insights instead of actually doing the work to discover and verify it for themselves. He continually tells you not to do this, but I guess many don't have the interest, passion and discipline to put in the work themselves. Never blindly follow and adopt beliefs or truths from any teacher. Always verify them for yourself before adopting it as a truth. 

Several times on the forum I posted my insights into the holographic nature of God/consciousness. How God/consciousness replicates itself infinitely. And the paradox this presents of how something can be an infinite many and one simultaneously. Exploring consciousness at these levels you are going to discover paradoxes and insights that will not make sense to a finite human mind at a limited state of consciousness. This is a never ending journey of exploration and discovery. As you discover more, it will naturally make previous insights incomplete. If this upsets you, then exploring consciousness at these levels is not for you. 

I am extremely grateful for Leo for sharing what is a deeply personal journey in such a public way. I feel like I found a counterpart in him who shares the same level of passion and insatiable curiosity for wanting to understand reality and consciousness at the deepest levels. 

Edited by Matthew85

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3 hours ago, machiavelli said:

@SQAAD I feel same too. I feel like I wasted my years on watching his video. Only to find this new awakening contradicting his all other video and teachings.

He doesnt make a sense now. And it feels like I wasted my all time on actualized .

He doesnt bother about his followers mental health. 


Yes i agree with you. First he was super arrogant about his position on Solipsism. Even though this position didn't make any sense whatsoever. 

And now in his latest video, he says that you can't know whether other bubbles exist, and then he concludes that other bubbles might exist but they are sovereign as his. Then he still insists on Solipsism..... O_o

Also he seems dismissive on the difference of actuality vs fantasy which is very very dangerous. And can affect many users negatively in their mental health.

It doesn't make sense to believe whatever you are imagining on a psychedelic trip just because reality is imaginary. Whether the differences are imaginary or not, is just a word game. There are differences and it does not matter how you call them.

. For me there is a difference between a trip that is genuine and a trip where i confuse my fantasies with actuality.

His latest trip seems as an attempt to find some meaning because solipsism is pure madness as Rupert Spira has said.





Edited by SQAAD

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@SQAAD Agree with you. This latest video effected me badly. I was happy before after watching his solipsisk video that I am all alone . I am the only conscious entity in whole existence.

But now he is changing his stance.

Look at his blog video on solipsism . How confident he was on his claim. Now he is changing his stance. Wtf?

I was very happy before due to solipsisk realization . But now this? 

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And that’s the moment you realise it’s just a word. It has no meaning. 

No concepts are true. 

Really this “divine solipsism” is just a conceptual framing of non-duality.

Not only that but reality can be looked at from infinite different angles at different levels that are all true despite seeming contradictory. I am a human on one level, a collection of cells or atoms on another, empty space at a deeper level, perhaps a soul on another, a single organism as part of a larger collection of organisms on a planet, and further out the empty space that holds all things together in the universe; a perfect unity, and finally beyond that you have God. 

Dualistic manifestations are contained within a non-dual “whole”. 

Don’t worry if that flavour of teaching doesn’t resonate because it doesn’t for me either, you aren’t lacking any wokeness because of it lol. 

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Consciousness is absolute, our bubbles are not, yet the fundamental substance of that bubble is the same. That might be a better way of framing it. 

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30 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Also he seems dismissive on the difference of actuality vs fantasy which is very very dangerous. And can affect many users negatively in their mental health.


Mmm yeah that does sound very worrisome if that is true, I’ve said this before that one’s relative reality is no different after awakening, the rules of the game remain the same. At least in this particular dimension, perhaps there’s one where you really can fart rainbows, not this one. ?

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4 hours ago, SQAAD said:


I've watched the last video of Leo and i don't understand some things. Basically his solipsism goes out the window but at the same he still insists on it.

I really don't know what to make of this. I don't know how he defines solipsism so maybe there is some misunderstanding. But how can you admit that you can't know whether other bubbles exists (finally he admits that) and then still insist that your Consciousness is Absolute. This does not make any sense whatsoever.

And then he goes on imagining, fantasizing about connecting with other bubbles and not taking seriously the distinction between fantasy and reality. This is dangerous territory right there.


@SQAAD What you pointed out here is correct. The "other bubbles" that Leo experienced were just Gods fantasies / imaginations. There are no other bubbles.

Everything Leo said in his latest episode completely contradicts everything he said in the past. It is really a shame because Leos realizations about absolute truth / god / love in the past were spot on, and greatly articulated.

Leo has fallen into the trap of confusing imagination with reality.

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@Michael Jackson His all teaching is contradicted by this latest video. His claim how can there be no other mind but yours. His claim how you are the only conscious entity in existence .

His claim how others are figment of your imagination .

But now he is claiming multiple entities with their own consciousness .

It is like GOD is having infinite POV separate from you and having infinite experiences which you are not conscious of.

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You guys wouldn't be so confused if you were focused on doing practices. If you are just building conceptual models of spirituality then, yeah, you will get very confused.

But also, confusion is a huge part of this work. You are in for years of confusion as you struggle to make sense of all the different stuff that spiritual teachers tell you.

Some confusion is good for ya. And it's good that you don't just take everything I said blindly. I've actually thought about deliberately incorporating falsehoods in my teaching as poison pills, so you are forced to validate everything I say for yourselves.

Maybe this latest video was just a poison pill? How would you know? ;)

It would be really good if in the front of the Bible it said, "Note: 10% of the stuff written here is deliberately false so that you think for yourself. Enjoy figuring out which 10% ;)"

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

You guys wouldn't be so confused if you were focused on doing practices. If you are just building conceptual models of spirituality then, yeah, you will get very confused.

But also, confusion is a huge part of this work. You are in for years of confusion as you struggle to make sense of all the different stuff that spiritual teachers tell you.

@Leo Gura Why dont you answer whether these different absolute minds are existing in differenr realities completely separated from your?

Because if you can have telepathy then it means you are part of their reality . And Absolute Solipsism is contradicted. As it would imply multiple experiences .

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@machiavelli Why don't you awaken and see what's up?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

@machiavelli Why don't you awaken and see what's up?

@Leo Gura Because I already wasted my 10 years on this thing doing this work. Whats the point of teaching on youtube when you cant clear doubts on forum? At one point you have absolute stance on absolute solipsism and on other time you are saying other bubbles exist having their own experiences?

All your previous videos is contradicted by your current video. 

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@machiavelli Well, you are very attached to getting answers from me. Which is a mistake that I have been warning you against for a while now on this forum. But you are rentless with your conceptual questions. So this is the consequence.

Spirituality cannot work that way.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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