Leo Gura

Good Example Of The Toxic Life Purpose

27 posts in this topic


44 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Damn it! How longer much will the alt-right echo chambers be allowed to continue spreading their cancerous messages around the US and the rest of the world?!

We can't even stop people from buying and selling illegal drugs online. How are you going to eliminate entire ideas and political philosophies?

All the alt-right leaders have already been doxxed and fired from their jobs, and put on ACLU/SPLC hate group watchlists so they can't get hired again. This just makes them have no choice but to go all-in on producing extremist content as their full-time jobs to continue to survive. They've had their bank accounts and credit card processing removed. Banned from all social media. Domains and hosting shut down. But somehow they keep going. How do you stop a movement that dedicated?

Some of these people are as serious about their ideology as Al-Qaeda. Willing to fight and die for it. If you try to break up their groups, they just make another one that's more secret and harder for authorities to track and prevent stuff like above. You can force the alt-right to only the darkweb and shut down their darkweb sites periodically but more will just pop up.

It's cult-like in nature. If you put more hardship on them or jail/kill their leader you just create martyrs and more violence. The whole reason the Buffalo shooter decided to act now is because he felt the threat was too imminent to wait.

If we can't shut down Alex Jones and covid conspiracies, how do you think we'll shut down people willing to die for their cause?

IMO these people need a pressure release valve, a place to spew their own hatred to each other, it reduces the chances of actual violence occurring.

Ideally we'd let them back on Twitter into the marketplace of ideas and just debunk all their statistics and talking points and make them look stupid. But the problem is too many conspiracy theorists would buy into anything the government or big tech was against.

Edited by Yarco

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39 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Damn it! How longer much will the alt-right echo chambers be allowed to continue spreading their cancerous messages around the US and the rest of the world?!

   Alt right and alt left. It might take one to ruin the bunch, but a pair to ruin the world.

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35 minutes ago, Yarco said:


We can't even stop people from buying and selling illegal drugs online. How are you going to eliminate entire ideas and political philosophies?

All the alt-right leaders have already been doxxed and fired from their jobs, and put on ACLU/SPLC hate group watchlists so they can't get hired again. This just makes them have no choice but to go all-in on producing extremist content as their full-time jobs to continue to survive. They've had their bank accounts and credit card processing removed. Banned from all social media. Domains and hosting shut down. But somehow they keep going. How do you stop a movement that dedicated?

Some of these people are as serious about their ideology as Al-Qaeda. Willing to fight and die for it. If you try to break up their groups, they just make another one that's more secret and harder for authorities to track and prevent stuff like above. You can force the alt-right to only the darkweb and shut down their darkweb sites periodically but more will just pop up.

It's cult-like in nature. If you put more hardship on them or jail/kill their leader you just create martyrs and more violence. The whole reason the Buffalo shooter decided to act now is because he felt the threat was too imminent to wait.

If we can't shut down Alex Jones and covid conspiracies, how do you think we'll shut down people willing to die for their cause?

IMO these people need a pressure release valve, a place to spew their own hatred to each other, it reduces the chances of actual violence occurring.

Ideally we'd let them back on Twitter into the marketplace of ideas and just debunk all their statistics and talking points and make them look stupid. But the problem is too many conspiracy theorists would buy into anything the government or big tech was against.


32 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Alt right and alt left. It might take one to ruin the bunch, but a pair to ruin the world.

So, there is nothing that can be done about anything of this?

It's only to keep getting worse and worse and worse until what?

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Just because a person is socially isolated, or is minimally being social, plus using the internet, doesn't always equal a shooter like this. If you were right, a person who's socially isolated by choice, or is less social and using that time to do online research, studies and hobbies like writing or is doing self help techniques or spiritual practices, would end up just like this shooter using your framing. It ultimately depends on the person, from their value system, cognitive and moral development, personality type, ego development, states of being and life experiences so far.

   The main issue here, is having little to no sense of life purpose. If this man had a life purpose before looking at 4chan and seeing those white supremacy posts, very likely he wouldn't consider them important because he is already pursuing something that is more meaningful to him. Although the flip side of this is that life purpose is subjective and difficult to teach and outsource to others, it's this that'll sometimes make this slow that a person who doesn't come across some life purpose it could've been too late.

If you want to be social and can't thats where the hatred comes in as psychologists state " mass shootings happen when social integration has failed" so there is an attempt, but it doesnt work and they're rejected 

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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51 minutes ago, Chives99 said:

If you want to be social and can't thats where the hatred comes in as psychologists state " mass shootings happen when social integration has failed" so there is an attempt, but it doesnt work and they're rejected 

   I want to be social, and in most cases I can't, but in some cases I can, but that is hardly enough to make me shoot people. While my life purpose is still murky, I'm heading in the direction of being an artist earning large sums of money from drawings, whatever niche or genres that might look like, so I got no time to waste killing people for nothing. Maybe I'm fortunate enough to have the values, cognitive and moral development, personality type, ego development, experienced states of being and consciousness like the paranormal, and life experiences so far that are specific/general, travelled to new places and met different people, had some weird paranormal experiences, that won't turn me into that kind of person and into that situation. Life is too precious for that to happen, despite it's unclearness, despite maybe my cowardice, and whatever reasons not to.

   I guess those psychologist's logic doesn't apply to me, I'm too big and different to box into a neat category.

Edited by Danioover9000

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@Danioover9000 Don't get me wrong they're many other factors here at work being a loner wont make you a shooter, poor mental health , personality disorders , abuse etc all contribute. Hermit monks have no animosity towards the world

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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3 hours ago, Hardkill said:


So, there is nothing that can be done about anything of this?

It's only to keep getting worse and worse and worse until what?

Love and kindness, putting yourself in their shoes, instead of censorship and ostracization. 

Very few people are total psychopaths that inflict pain or hate just for the fun of it. When you get to a large group they never do.

Terrorists, white supremacists, communists, antifa, mgtow. They're all acting out of love. Love for their culture and society, their people, their kids, their gender, their race, something that means the world to them. They're trying to preserve and propagate the things they love the only way they know how. It's a very misguided form of love, but it's still love. The Buffalo shooter killed people because he doesn't want to see the people and culture he loves go extinct.

[Daryl Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Davis) approach is the only way to go. You need to put yourself in a terrorist or racist's shoes and sincerely say to them "I understand why you think and act like you do" and genuinely forgive them instead of wanting to hate and destroy them back.

It's a burden and it's unfair. But if everybody takes the "it's not my job to educate you" approach, everything is permanently fucked and will only continue to go downhill until something huge like a civil war happens.

If you're a teacher and a kid in your class hits another kid, you can: Slap the kid back, make them sit in the corner all alone for hours, or have them empathize with their victim and understand why their behavior was wrong (hopefully culminating in an apology and hug.) When you do one of the first two options, the kid gets even more angry and violent. Same thing happens if you punch a nazi or deplatform them from social media. We're all just big kids inside. You have to do the compassionate but harder option.

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