Leo Gura

Good Example Of The Toxic Life Purpose

27 posts in this topic

This reminded me of some of your blog posts about ego and politics.


Politics is basically about evolving our identity as a nation. The turmoil we’re seeing in politics today is the result of old, ethnocentric, nationalistic identities struggling to evolve into new, more global, more multicultural, more cosmopolitan identities. As the world gets smaller due to digital interconnection, ease of travel, migration, and inter-racial relationships the old national, cultural, and ethnic boundaries will inevitably get blurred, leaving many traditional egos feeling their identities threatened.

From https://www.actualized.org/insights/politics-and-ego


When you’re stuck in a low state of consciousness, your life feels like shit, you are disconnected from love, you don’t know how to properly receive or give love, your mind is governed by fear and bitterness, and so dominating and hurting others becomes one’s reason for living. For a wounded psyche, hurting others is actually enjoyable and it can even become a sense of life purpose. A life purpose can be constructive or destructive. The less conscious you are, the more selfish you are, the more destructive your life purpose will tend to be.

From https://www.actualized.org/insights/the-neo-nazi-bible

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It is mindboggeling that one can be so utterly absorbed in ones worldview and purpose that he/she can commit extreme violence. Also shows how hard it is for the individualized human mind to accept that nobody has cruel intentions in the first place, but a meticulously crafted story for why its good.

I remembered that Breivik had a massive manifesto to justify his mass shooting in 2011. He called it A European Declaration of Independence (wiki). He is also a unparalelled example of the toxic life purpose.

I am sure that a toxic purpose like this can also be extremely amplified with substances. There's a phenomenal book (goodreads) by Norman Ohler about the drug use of Hitler and the nazis by for anyone interested in the topic. One of the most interesting reads lately.

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What boggles my mind the most is that this dude was just a normal kid who was bored, went to 4chan, and developed his political worldview off of 4chan memes. That's fucking nuts.

That's like earning your PhD from chimps in the forests of Africa.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Seems pretty evident that white supremacist terrorism is the logical endpoint for the fReeDuMB (mis)conceptions around freedom of speech.

Which primarily entails allowing Bad Actors the 'freedom' to spread toxic and dangerous disinformation (in this case fascist conspiracy theories) without accountability or consequences.

Someone like Charles Manson was thrown in jail because of the influence he had over his followers who went on to commit a series of horrific murders, despite Manson not murdering anyone himself. By that same metric, at the very least Civil Litigation against people like Tucker Carlson who are using white nationalist ideology to indoctrinate and radicalize men who go on to commit horrific murders is equally justified (regardless of the odds of actually winning such a case in court)

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What boggles my mind the most is that this dude was just a normal kid who was bored, went to 4chan, and developed his political worldview off of 4chan memes. That's fucking nuts.

That's like earning your PhD from chimps in the forests of Africa.

I used to go on 4chan in High School, it is such a toxic and nasty place fulled of Nazism.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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@Leo Gura I think Some people are born ready to devote their selves to such  causes. They just need any set of beliefs to adopt and act on.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Hatred has a sick primal attraction to it, but this person had to be missing so many firewalls in their mind to go this far and do something like this. 

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   So, the main takeaway of this is: Go and develop your life purpose and meaning in life, if you don't have one, or someone else will give it to you and trap you into some vision that isn't really yours?

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How can someone be this deluded? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

How can someone be this deluded? 


   Some people just are that deluded, and have developed delusion until at some time would act on that.

   At least it's related to white supremacy and not Incels this time, the later way weirder to make sense of.

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Social Isolation + the internet is a bad combination, If you have struggled to fit in and realised you can't relate to people easily you retreat inwards and that inevitably leads to finding people online with the same hatred and frustration for society ( if you don't have the right support networks or noone gets you help), this inevitably leads to forming toxic narratives and world views to explain why you don't belong and that gives you purpose. This seems like better than killing yourself to live for a purpose to fight why you don't think you fit in. " the reason I don't fit in is because multiculturalism and ethnic equality has destroyed white America where I belong"


I think whats needed here is intervention with people that sturggle to integrate with society and being tolerant of those who are different. Japan has the hikimori crisis but japan doesnt have guns, also japan has mass conformity culture which would drown out radical views somewhat.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What boggles my mind the most is that this dude was just a normal kid who was bored, went to 4chan, and developed his political worldview off of 4chan memes. That's fucking nuts.

That's like earning your PhD from chimps in the forests of Africa. 

Normal people dont do this, lockdown probably spiraled already existing problems in his life; social/ emotional problems , social isolation, bullying, lack of a stable home etc.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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17 minutes ago, Chives99 said:

Normal people dont do this

I dunno about that. The mind is easily corrupted drop by drop.

I wouldn't just chalk this up to him being a psychopath or the like. Mental programming and propaganda is a potent force.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura thanks to your husband I am no longer on the path of a toxic life purpose being a rapper, but onto a positive life purpose, and am building six pack abs. All thanks to your husband.  I don't know what I would do without him. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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On 17.5.2022 at 4:43 PM, Leo Gura said:

What boggles my mind the most is that this dude was just a normal kid who was bored, went to 4chan, and developed his political worldview off of 4chan memes. That's fucking nuts.

That's like earning your PhD from chimps in the forests of Africa.

This is also the labor of fox News, trump and the white nationalist in chief Tucker Carlson. 

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12 hours ago, BuddhistLover said:

@Leo Gura thanks to your husband I am no longer on the path of a toxic life purpose being a rapper, but onto a positive life purpose, and am building six pack abs. All thanks to your husband.  I don't know what I would do without him. 

Who is he?

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Damn it! How longer much will the alt-right echo chambers be allowed to continue spreading their cancerous messages around the US and the rest of the world?!

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13 hours ago, BuddhistLover said:

@Leo Gura thanks to your husband I am no longer on the path of a toxic life purpose being a rapper, but onto a positive life purpose, and am building six pack abs. All thanks to your husband.  I don't know what I would do without him. 

   Wait, what?xD

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21 hours ago, Chives99 said:

Social Isolation + the internet is a bad combination, If you have struggled to fit in and realised you can't relate to people easily you retreat inwards and that inevitably leads to finding people online with the same hatred and frustration for society ( if you don't have the right support networks or noone gets you help), this inevitably leads to forming toxic narratives and world views to explain why you don't belong and that gives you purpose. This seems like better than killing yourself to live for a purpose to fight why you don't think you fit in. " the reason I don't fit in is because multiculturalism and ethnic equality has destroyed white America where I belong"


I think whats needed here is intervention with people that sturggle to integrate with society and being tolerant of those who are different. Japan has the hikimori crisis but japan doesnt have guns, also japan has mass conformity culture which would drown out radical views somewhat.

   Just because a person is socially isolated, or is minimally being social, plus using the internet, doesn't always equal a shooter like this. If you were right, a person who's socially isolated by choice, or is less social and using that time to do online research, studies and hobbies like writing or is doing self help techniques or spiritual practices, would end up just like this shooter using your framing. It ultimately depends on the person, from their value system, cognitive and moral development, personality type, ego development, states of being and life experiences so far.

   The main issue here, is having little to no sense of life purpose. If this man had a life purpose before looking at 4chan and seeing those white supremacy posts, very likely he wouldn't consider them important because he is already pursuing something that is more meaningful to him. Although the flip side of this is that life purpose is subjective and difficult to teach and outsource to others, it's this that'll sometimes make this slow that a person who doesn't come across some life purpose it could've been too late.

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