Michael Jackson

Infinity of Gods debunked

68 posts in this topic

I am sorry Leo but with your newest "insight" you have fallen into a trap.

Your "telepathic connection" with "another God" is something that you (God) imagined into existence. There is no "other God." Only Gods (your) imagination of an "other" God. You conflated imagination (Gods way of creating the illusion of reality) with actuality: You are the Absolute, full, complete, one whole, forever singular.

I hope you will recognize this. Your Infinity of Gods is something that you as God imagined into existence. It never existed and never will exist outside of your imagination. You are the only one.


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@Michael Jackson

I’d suggest this was Leo’s best video in a long time. Confirmed many of my own intuitions.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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1 minute ago, aurum said:

@Michael Jackson

I’d suggest this was Leo’s best video in a long time. Confirmed many of my own intuitions.


Then you haven't seen his video on solipsism ;)

And moreover, this video was def. not his best, it is deeply misleading. You propably haven't realized what you essentially are, which is God. You are the only one baby!

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32 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

I am sorry Leo but with your newest "insight" you have fallen into a trap.

Your "telepathic connection" with "another God" is something that you (God) imagined into existence. There is no "other God." Only Gods (your) imagination of an "other" God. You conflated imagination (Gods way of creating the illusion of reality) with actuality: You are the Absolute, full, complete, one whole, forever singular.

I hope you will recognize this. Your Infinity of Gods is something that you as God imagined into existence. It never existed and never will exist outside of your imagination. You are the only one.


Just checked out the vid. The way I see it he's not talking on that level. What you describe is reifying "other Gods" and expecting it to somehow be an existential error that isn't common to doing the same for reifying "typing on a screen on an internet forum with people other than this one" as we are doing now.

It's obvious there aren't really other Gods in the ultimate sense, but obviously the opposite isn't true either -- in order for any distinct God to appear as distinct, it has to imagine itself to be separate from the whole. Whether it believes it and gets engrossed in it (by its own doing, so to speak) is what awakening is all about.

It's not complicated at all, it's just extremely subtle. Though it's NOT subtle when separation is seen through -- it's no longer a conceptual understanding at all.

Until dualistic consciousness is seen through this just isn't obvious. The appearances are totality; they're also a reflection of truth. Hallucinations nonetheless, in a sense. The consciousness of the appearances though... is not even a hallucination, it's an illusion.

Edited by The0Self

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But don't you think that they both could have separate, independent realities (relatively speaking) that are ultimately still one?

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35 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

.Your "telepathic connection" with "another God" is something that you (God) imagined into existence. There is no "other God." Only Gods (your) imagination of an "other" God. You conflated imagination (Gods way of creating the illusion of reality) with actuality: You are the Absolute, full, complete, one whole, forever singular.

It could have been just his imagination with no God behind it, but it could just as well have been another God.

You can't be certain. 

You are God, but I don't think you can be 100% certain that other such Gods don't exist too.

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Don't be mistaken. This might be Leo's best video ever. This is not him falling into a trap. If anything, he's saving himself from a trap. Even if you disagree fundamentally with his new awakening (which I don't), you at least have to admit that this is a much safer approach to solipsism. Preaching about solipsism would just be too much of a liability without these newly-laid foundations. His dissolution of the duality of "real" versus "imaginary" is, in my opinion, genius, but even if you disagree with the things he says, I think we can agree that this episode is a very necessary safety net for anyone who's in over their head with solipsism and suffering from psychiatric problems as a result of it. It's good for people like such to stay connected with the "real world" in some sense and this episode enables it. 

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What is separating other God's, and other dimensions, what is this line of separation made of

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6 minutes ago, Andyforreal said:

What is separating other God's, and other dimensions, what is this line of separation made of

You are everything you are conscious of.

And other Gods are everything that they are conscious of.

So maybe you could say the line of separation is unconsciousness.

Unconsciousness is non-existent, so in that regard there is no separation and they are One.

In that way Absolute Infinity is still One.

And yet each sub-Infinity is still distinct and seperate in a sense.

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If I have understood Leo right by now. He says that everything is imagination.. Right?

And by doing so. There is a implication of no distict or fundamental difference between what you believe to be true, claim to be true, inner knowing, or any prior understanding.

You then proceed to make things up either conciously or unconsciously, and wheter you agree or disagree with something, you only need to apply the word imagination to either credit or discredit any statement as you feel fits your own worldly narrative at that particular moment. 

What is so convenient with this approach, is that you can basically never be wrong if you don't feel like it. Something can be claimed to be true in one moment, and the same claim can be said to be imaginary another time.

You will be able to flipp flopp between any number of gods, or one god, back to more gods and back to one god again, to different level of gods as if any of these imaginary positions is of any help in yours or others day to day experience.

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I'm pretty sure he was talking about a level that is slightly lower than absolute solipsism, where you still feel that there is some 'other' that you can connect to.

He does say it's all in his consciousness in the video though. So I don't really get his point, other than that he had an experience of connecting to an imaginary part of him.

This video seemed to be more of an exploration of a level where you are still somewhat under the illusion of separation.

Consciousness is literally everything, there cannot be another God. Consciousness itself is God.

I have no idea what the thing about these other bubbles of consciousness supposedly connecting to this 'shared reality' is though, this seemingly contradicts what he says in the video earlier on about solipsism.

Besides if there was another God that was also completely sovereign, they would have to have absolutely nothing in common with you and be impossible to connect to, since if you could connect to them, they would already be you.

So this whole thing about connecting to another God is absurd. You can only connect to yourself. The godheads aren't somehow separate entities, it's all you.

Edited by amanen
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I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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@amanen I am also wrapping my head around it. It doesnt make any sense. God is one and singular. Consciousness is singular. There cant be many GODs. 

Leo solipsism video says your mind is all that exist. And others are imagined by you and they dont have experiences nor they do have POV. There is only one entity in universe that can awaken i.e you.

But now this video contradict everything he taught. His all past teaching doesnt make sense now. This new video contradicts all his other teachings.


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Imagine that numbers didn't exist. Asking whether there was one consciousness or two or an infinite number, wouldn't be possible. So all this talk just boils down to this: do numbers exist? The answer is of course no, they are a concept appearing in consciousness. If you want to get a flavour of what it's like not to have numbers, ask yourself: how many parts is my arm made up of?

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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1 hour ago, amanen said:

I'm pretty sure he was talking about a level that is slightly lower than absolute solipsism, where you still feel that there is some 'other' that you can connect to.

He does say it's all in his consciousness in the video though. So I don't really get his point, other than that he had an experience of connecting to an imaginary part of him.

This video seemed to be more of an exploration of a level where you are still somewhat under the illusion of separation.

Consciousness is literally everything, there cannot be another God. Consciousness itself is God.

I have no idea what the thing about these other bubbles of consciousness supposedly connecting to this 'shared reality' is though, this seemingly contradicts what he says in the video earlier on about solipsism.

Besides if there was another God that was also completely sovereign, they would have to have absolutely nothing in common with you and be impossible to connect to, since if you could connect to them, they would already be you.

So this whole thing about connecting to another God is absurd. You can only connect to yourself. The godheads aren't somehow separate entities, it's all you.

@amanen This is precisely correct, you very  well articulated what I was trying to say. Leo is obviously on a lower level of consciousness when he is imagining other "Gods" overlooking the fact that he IS God, imagining other Gods for entertainment purposes.  Calling this an "awakening" is absurdity.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said and to be honest, I am quite shocked how small the number of people here is, who are able to think clearly like you and not just parrot Leo. Leo has obviously fallen into a trap.

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@Michael Jackson His new video doesnt make any sense. If leo could have telepathy connection to another soverign god this proves conscious is connected and is one. 

How can he have telepathy to another God and claim separateness at the same time?

If Absolute solipsism is true and their is nothing but my mind , how can their be two minds communicating with each other? 


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1 minute ago, machiavelli said:

@Michael Jackson His new video doesnt make any sense. If leo could have telepathy connection to another soverign god this proves conscious is connected and is one. 

How can he have telepathy to another God and claim separateness at the same time?

If Absolute solipsism is true and their is nothing but my mind , how can their be two minds communicating with each other? 


Leo probably had an existential crysis, and the video was a byproduct of it but I personally never considered solipsism to be true because it's more complicated than that from my experience, yes there is just one but it's complicated and I don't want to get into it anymore

Also that's what you get in giving someone authority to tell you what reality is, the whole forum is on fire, you have to do the work for yourself 

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