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okay i get it, all we tryna do is literally just maintaining life, survive, i notice it in every move my body makes , every thought i have, everything others do

and i know this feeling of becoming rigid and numb when u r on the edge of death

but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

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2 minutes ago, marinaaniram said:

but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

If you had no ego, you will have no form. 


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Because we're literally made to survive above all else. No point in valuing happiness and love if you're dead. 

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@marinaaniram why is the little plant beside the sidewalk so desperate to survive?
It cannot be otherwise, Every thing tries to survive. And the phrasing "action of trying" isn't completely correct either.
The sole fact that something exists is already a form of its survival.
Existing and surviving are bound as much as space and time are.

Edited by _Archangel_

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1 hour ago, marinaaniram said:

okay i get it, all we tryna do is literally just maintaining life, survive, i notice it in every move my body makes , every thought i have, everything others do

and i know this feeling of becoming rigid and numb when u r on the edge of death

but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

Ego is identitfying with forms. And no matter what form we take, it will eventually break. To reach a breaking point trancends everything we thought we knew by identifying with a certain form, into a new enhanced state of being and understanding. 

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3 hours ago, marinaaniram said:

okay i get it, all we tryna do is literally just maintaining life, survive, i notice it in every move my body makes , every thought i have, everything others do

and i know this feeling of becoming rigid and numb when u r on the edge of death

but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

The answer to this question is different for every person. What is it you live for? Instead of thinking not death, think of why life?

find these things that you cling to as your identity and you will have your answer. Everything else will be vague and unspecified relative to YOU unless YOU find the answer within.

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4 hours ago, marinaaniram said:

okay i get it, all we tryna do is literally just maintaining life, survive, i notice it in every move my body makes , every thought i have, everything others do

and i know this feeling of becoming rigid and numb when u r on the edge of death

but WHY? why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Own it.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5 hours ago, marinaaniram said:

why do egos wanna live so bad?

If it didn't you'd already be dead and couldn't ask this question.

The only thing keeping you alive is fear of and bias against death.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@marinaaniram Had this realisation last night, high. Noticed that between moments of presence there was this grasping urge to resist or to hold on to something, an identity. Feels like it’s constantly running, trying to control and fix shit. Mad. Presence is pure bliss but hard to settle in for long (least for me atm) without the ego nagging in the form of some thought or trying to solve tension or whatever other problem. Even when it appears there ain’t a problem, it’s there labelling still?

@Leo Gura doesn’t love want to survive?  


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You're getting some really confusing answers here (probably due to the mahasamadhi/mahasomebullshit theory of "true" enlightenment popular on this forum.)

Survival drive is not the same as ego in this context.  You don't need a limited self-identity in order to survive.  Enlightened people have a survival drive -- their lizard brain does not deactivate upon nondual awakening or unity consciousness.)

The ego exists because it offers PSYCHOLOGICAL protection.  You acquired it as a child in order to cope with the world/external reality, along with the belief that you need the defenses it offers in order to survive. (Obviously, it's a false belief, a remnant of childhood programming.)

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4 minutes ago, B222 said:


@Leo Gura doesn’t love want to survive? 

A biased, partial form of love, yes.

Everything is a gradation of Love. This includes fear and bias.

But if you weren't afraid of death you would have died long before you became an adult.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:


Survival drive is not the same as ego in this context.  You don't need a limited self-identity in order to survive.  Enlightened people have a survival drive -- their lizard brain does not deactivate upon nondual awakening or unity consciousness.)


You are actually false. In some people it does, or did you forget the monks that would protest by setting themselves on fire. I think you underestimate what it means to live in a world with infinite possibilities. The moment you start thinking you got a handle on reality weird things start happening.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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7 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

You are actually false. In some people it does, or did you forget the monks that would protest by setting themselves on fire. I think you underestimate what it means to live in a world with infinite possibilities. The moment you start thinking you got a handle on reality weird things start happening.

You are confusing a conscious act of protest -- which does not require being enlightened by any means -- with involuntary deactivation of the survival drive.  Plenty of non-enlightened people kill themselves for all kinds of reasons as well.  The monks CHOOSE to take these actions, they are not deprived of the will to survive.  Their conscience simply overrides the survival drive.

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Well... it's possible to get to a point where you really don't care that much about your physical life/death. It can be freeing to be that, but hopefully still able to make sound decisions about your health and practical stuff like that.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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Basically when your ego is still overly running the show to a degree, what truth manifesting as your insight can sometimes say is that “you can have Heaven all the way over there if you want” — your job is to follow that and say “but I want to be less far from you.”

(so to speak anyway)

The ego wants to feel good, but not as much as it wants to survive — it’s just how seeking presents. And it’s just the nature of loops.

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On 16/5/2022 at 8:45 AM, marinaaniram said:

why do egos wanna live so bad? what s the point? why r we doing this????

Because the ego is a machine of survival. It is a program prepared first to survive at any price, as tribe and then as individual. 

As soon as you are born you cry, you look for the tit. Tit well/ hunger bad . cold bad/ heat good, acceptance good, rejection bad. these are the zeros and ones of the software, and from there, with the subtleties of social interaction, of language, millions of small good/bad dualities are established, which make up the you, which after all is nothing more than an AI program that learns from itself interacting with millions of others ai creating a huge ai that is the collective ego,and that optimizes the chances of survival and development of the human species

Edited by Breakingthewall

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16 hours ago, puporing said:

Well... it's possible to get to a point where you really don't care that much about your physical life/death. It can be freeing to be that, but hopefully still able to make sound decisions about your health and practical stuff like that.

Well, to be precise, perhaps you don't consciously fear dying like some people, but it doesn't mean you are going to throw your life away for nothing, whether through self-neglect or self-abuse.  It's not the same as losing the will to survive, because, again, that's wired-in.  Your lizard brain e.g. is not altered, it gets the same inputs and processes threats as it did before.  

The problem is that human beings with egos have a distorted view of life and death and the relationship between them, and spend too much time dreading things that are not as threatening or scary as they perceive, and in the process fail to fully live.

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

As soon as you are born you cry, you look for the tit.

Infants don't have an ego, it hasn't developed yet (they are undifferentiated from the mother), which kinda proves my point.

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@Leo Gura ah yea love just is? Similar to what Eckhart said; thought needs consciousness but consciousness doesn’t need thought? And like you said, love is like the first layer of every structure; everything that is comes from this source?? But the source itself is impartial?

How would we be dead already if we weren’t afraid of death? Is that by choice or recklessness? I think an intelligent being with no fear would still avoid life threatening danger for example? 

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