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Question about visualization

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I consider visualization a meditation. I am a little confused about what do. When I visualize, ideas will pop into my mind. Do I ignore the ideas and focus on the visualization, or do I write the ideas down and then continue with the visualization?

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5 hours ago, Seth said:

I consider visualization a meditation. I am a little confused about what do. When I visualize, ideas will pop into my mind. Do I ignore the ideas and focus on the visualization, or do I write the ideas down and then continue with the visualization?

Depends on your intention of the practice.  What do you really want to get out of your visualization? What is the intention you are setting for it?  

This is up for you to decide if you think it is worth writing them down.  If I had some golden insights and ideas that outweighed my initial intentions, I may write them down as the insights are running through me.  This is one of the reasons why it is hard for me to meditate.  But for me, I think it is worth it.  However, I am trying to go to the next level and working on trying to let go and detach from me wanting to engage in my creative thoughts.

When you visualize, it is important to set an intention or question to focus on.  Sometimes you can be playful and explore your imagination.  Your visualization can be for insight, creativity, relaxation, identifying limiting beliefs, exploring trauma/shadow work, overcoming fear, etc.

Sometimes, you can train your mind to let go of the ideas and continue the visualization.  This helps you train your memory, as opposed to being reliant on remembering through writing it down.  Keeping your focus solely on the visualization can help train other parts of your mind.  If you keep going off and on then your practice will be weak.  So it is kind of a trade off, and you are the judge of what is most important to you.

EDIT: I would also note that you may miss out on an even deeper realization if you disengage from the visualization practice to engage with the ideas and insights.  It can sometimes be hard to tell if the ideas you get in your practice are the seed or fruit of the insight.  The solution can be to experiment with doing both ways to see which strategies work best for you.  But whatever you do, follow your highest inspiration.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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