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Using science as a belief system to justify ignorance

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I see this everywhere. With just about any topic. But HIS is the best example for the "smart" and "logical, rational" and "advanced" society. Lol, how many people ASSUMED this is true already. A simple check disqualifies this whole string of assumptions. Same with anything Elon Musk does with hyperloop, space X etc. they only report if something succeeds and they erase their history, their predictions and declarations about what they will do and how it is going to be. But the audience of this will discard enlightenment or spirituality or spititual powers or whatever. But they will endorse this scam without even checking it.

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Goddamn this is ridiculous. And you can tell in the original video they're deleting any and all comments calling out their bull. Coffeezilla where you at!?

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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My ears did not like that.

Anyhow, what is going on, what did they who created these graphic designs try to do which they failed at or lied about? Without all the annoying commentary.

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