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Intelligence, the most taboo subject, instead of considering how much of it one may have or lack, such as is so natural in these ages of statistics and measurement, I am instead interested in what it means for people that there are such a thing at all.

These conclusions we draw effortlessly, that comprises nothing yet are typically referred back to as steps on some way, the sum of which are a mere analogy to the actual thought.

I am naturally inclined to intersect all thoughts, converge everything unless a difference is absolutely necessary, make no assumptions or give no credibility to fantasy, but I have also begun seeing that there are dimensions to what the inner mind can do that are beyond its constructions of the world, my ultimate goal would be to create a map of thoughts that are pure fantasy on the one hand and purely conceptual on the other, the only requirement for this map is that neither has any applicability to how we create the world in any moment.

I have a hard time explicating such concepts that are not essential to our creation of the world, but I can non the less experience them all the time and know the logic preconditioned to them though only associate this logic with it after the fact.

I am speaking about concepts that are undivided, not categories of infinite elements such as the "concept" of pancakes or cars, even though these are also undivided identities considered without any of their content.


For context, I argue that in a singular moment of consciousness such as now one may "contain" the concept "pi" without reference to that trough which it has any meaning, pi without its inherence to lines and circles is entirely undivided in that moment but in some set of a higher meaning in another moment, say then that you consider pi and the number of some circumference at the same time, is the thought now divided or not?

I consider it the absolute essence of intelligence that NO POSSIBLE thought can be divided in presence, and that a perpetual synthesis of things is its (intelligence's)  motion, that there forms an identity of the set of "pi" "value x" and "circumference" that itself is irreducible to such components, which non the less inheres to them, the proof of which can be considered as a new moment in which either of them "value x" or "circumference" were thought.

The difference then between imagination and such pure concepts seems totally meaningless with regard to their nature alone, but what I can not take my eyes of any longer is that such pure concepts are a seeming output of some logical system that is absent in pure fantasy.


We are forming millions of identities every day, some such are not essential to the creation of the very experience of "world", while others are totally necessary for the creation of that world WITHOUT us actually interacting with the world in the very moment such an identity were given us, there is as you should conclude some sort of finitism in what I speak of here, some scarcity or restriction that must be admitted for any of this to make sense.

Edited by Reciprocality

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