Michael Jackson

God NEEDS you!

11 posts in this topic

God needs you! I know this sounds ridiculous but let me explain...


What is God in its "purest" state? God is nothing. Literally nothing.

In this state of nothingness, God has infite potential but he can't experience it, because literally nothing exists.


Now, God knows conceptually that he is Infinite Greatness, Infinite Goodness, Infinite Love, but it is impossible for him to understand what it MEANS and how it FEELS to be Infinitely Good, Infinitely Loving, Infinitely Beautiful.

Therefore he needs YOU. He needs your body, your eyes, your sights, sounds, tastes, your life, your ideas and your decisions to experience himself. Without them, God is NOTHING. Through them, he can experience the MEANING of Love. Before you came into being, Love was just a meaningless concept and not even that, because meaning and meaninglessness are 2 sides of the same coin, a coin that God first needed to create in order to experience ANYTHING.

Love is beautiful. Love is infinitely Good. God is Love. But to know how good Love really is, it has to be tasted. Your body and your mind are a taste-sensor to taste Love.

And by the way... I did not mean to imply here, that you (the taste sensor) are seperate from God. NO. God IS the taste sensor. God IS the pure formlessness that the taste-sensor is made of. God is the ONLY thing that exists. And YOU are HIM. I know your true name. Your true name is not Mike, Leo, Juliette, or Sophie. Your true name is God.


Have an awesome day!


Edited by Michael Jackson

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25 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:


Hi sweetheart, nice to meet you:P

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10 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Then who or what gives chronic illnes?


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10 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:


Interesting...but why would I do it to myself? ?  I wanna understand.

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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12 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Interesting...but why would I do it to myself? ?  I wanna understand.

There are multiple angles to tackle this. I will try a few:

  1. You are God. So you have absolutely nothing to lose. You are infinite, immortal, all powerful forever. Nothing can be taken away from you. Since you have absolutely nothing to lose you don't "care" about being ill. Imagine you were dreaming at night. Inside of the dream you are ill. Do you care about being ill inside of the dream when you awaken from the dream? No, of course not, because whatever happens in the dream, it doesn't matter. It won't affect the "real" you.
  2. Pain and illness are a means to forget that you are God. If your dream was completely blissful and free of any pain it would be very easy for you to realize that you are God. However, God wants to forget that he is the creator, in order to experience "manyness." So he has to fool himself to believe that he is a finite limited creature. Pain is a useful tool for that.
  3. Pain, illness make life more interesting. Its like watching a horror movie. You actually love the horror and the pain in the movie. In the same way your true Self (God) loves your human pain.
  4. Contemplate this yourself and you will come up with many other great explanations. God is not outside of you. You are God. You yourself deep down inside know all the answers;)
Edited by Michael Jackson

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:x:x:x well said.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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God’s love is biased. He cannot NOT love every part of his being because then creation wouldn’t work. I guess you could say “he” is loving in the sense that he allows us to be able to choose what to love and what not to. There are many things I will never love about existence. I can definitely see unfathomable intelligence in all of creation, but certainly not “love”, not the love we know of at least. So I prefer to call it something along the lines of “absolute acceptance”. Existence can’t deny itself because it’s all there is, so it compensates with infinite love. 

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17 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

God’s love is biased. He cannot NOT love every part of his being


Hahaha, then the God that I have met is a MUCH greater and INFINITELY more loving one, than the one you are talking about. I suggest at least 1 dose of awakening for you.

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