
Why life is better than death?

10 posts in this topic

Hi all, so for a long time I have been pondering the question of Why life is better than death? 

If life doesn't have any meaning, so why it's better to live than die? 

It might sound like a very depressive question, but actually, I'm curious why it's better to struggle through all life's challenges and do all the surviving if, in the end, nothing will matter.

Of course, some people might say, that it's because of the experiences of life, but then the question goes:

Why is experience better than death? What's about the experience that makes life worth living?

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I find it absurd to desire to be different than who one is, or to have been brought about differently, the worse circumstance in which one is found the more prone to this absurdity one is.

But it must be ridiculously hellish the place to be for this absurdity to have no resolution, but you are not finding it unless you look for it.


Why life and not death? This answer, following the rules prior is already apparent trough life as something that comprises all conceivable negations to the assertion (of life over death). Meaning that you may want to die, but even that affirms living, you may ought to die, but that affirms living as well.


Death subsists in the living, to which no substantial opposite has ever been thought, and remain hypothetical and therefore empty.

The hypothetical opposite, though lacking in all substance, should be presented, exposed, thought, defined, articulated, such that these endevours can ultimately be disjoined to what actually matters, who one can become, ones inner potential, highest desires or ambitions, deepest personal aesthetics, appreciations and possible goodness of the heart.


Experience is not "better than death", not because it is worse, but because the assertion entails a contradiction, you simply have no idea about what you are thinking such to put either on the scale opposite of the other.

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Not only has life meaning, but it has intrinsic meaning.


For in no other way could a billionth of humanity stand on its own feet in a singular moment, the nihilism comes in when the intrinsic meaning is given a name, and divided trough reason on all else.

This precisely is what we have before us in the materialistic globalism, the instrumental value of oneself onto others constituting responsibility aided by the intrinsic value distributed over the same domain is given in these modern times an exponential curve.


We have become instrumentally insignificant to those around us, and intrinsically insignificant to ourself, the answer is that we must get away from society at large, find a tribe or an apartment for our self alone (get back to the instrumental and intrinsic roots, 7/8%), adapt in contradiction to those roots (about 90% does this currently) or grow into an actual love for the whole system (2/3%). 

To adapt in contradiction to the roots of reciprocity (intrinsic/instrumental value) can make you Narcissistic, luxurious, success-driven, money grabbing, opinion consuming, overly attention seeking, news/sex/substance/porn/information addicted and not least develop eternally unsatisfied social cravings.


To reiterate, the magnitude of humanity and I will add to that the magnitude of the universe trough science has made what we consider ourself insignificant in comparison, a rare but substantial way out of this is represented by the 2% that learn to love that which were previously considered beyond themselves, but is ultimately nothing but, and even this latter integration is possible.

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We have to live inorder to refine the quality of the question itself.

Just as a question could only be conceived out of the answers that is already hidden within.

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23 hours ago, Meskauskas said:

Hi all, so for a long time I have been pondering the question of Why life is better than death? 

If life doesn't have any meaning, so why it's better to live than die? 

It might sound like a very depressive question, but actually, I'm curious why it's better to struggle through all life's challenges and do all the surviving if, in the end, nothing will matter.

Of course, some people might say, that it's because of the experiences of life, but then the question goes:

Why is experience better than death? What's about the experience that makes life worth living?

It does not look like it is better

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On 2022. 05. 14. at 11:40 AM, Meskauskas said:

Why is experience better than death? What's about the experience that makes life worth living?

This assumes, that after death you won't have any experience. There is no objective answer that can be given, why experience makes life worth living.

However, if we want to go with the conventional definition of death, then we can say, that paradoxically death making life worth living.

When you ask yourself the question why living is better than being dead, its basically a subjective question. Because any experience can be subjectively evaluated on the good and bad scale. You are the one, who evaluates an experience and put a value on it. So the answer can only be given by you.

On the other hand, we can talk about generally speaking why people subjectively value life over death. For instance being able to

  • have enjoyable, pleasurable experiences,
  • to create,
  • to connect with others,
  • to  develop yourself,
  • to express your unique nature in the world
  • to have the ability to love
  • to have the ablity to fall in love
  • etc
On 2022. 05. 14. at 11:40 AM, Meskauskas said:

Hi all, so for a long time I have been pondering the question of Why life is better than death? 

If life doesn't have any meaning, so why it's better to live than die? 

With life you have the ability to create. Lack of meaning is better than a deterministic meaning, because you can create the meaning yourself.

Edited by zurew

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When you're truly alive, this question doesn't arise.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 14.5.2022 at 11:40 AM, Meskauskas said:

Hi all, so for a long time I have been pondering the question of Why life is better than death? 

If life doesn't have any meaning, so why it's better to live than die? 

It might sound like a very depressive question, but actually, I'm curious why it's better to struggle through all life's challenges and do all the surviving if, in the end, nothing will matter.

Of course, some people might say, that it's because of the experiences of life, but then the question goes:

Why is experience better than death? What's about the experience that makes life worth living?

Life is full of meaning.


If you want to truly investigate this question, take hold of the experience of "better" ("betterness"), sit down and observe it clearly. See it for what it is, recognize it's being.

Currently, you do not know what the question you posed even is. So that is where you must start. Start by looking carefully at the actuality of betterness. When you realize the ontology of the stories you are spinning and creating, which your questions are part of, you will realize why these questions are just that, stories.

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I think death (non existence) is waaaaay better than life.

Life is just suffering and a constant struggle.

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On 5/14/2022 at 8:02 AM, Reciprocality said:

Not only has life meaning, but it has intrinsic meaning.


For in no other way could a billionth of humanity stand on its own feet in a singular moment, the nihilism comes in when the intrinsic meaning is given a name, and divided trough reason on all else.

This precisely is what we have before us in the materialistic globalism, the instrumental value of oneself onto others constituting responsibility aided by the intrinsic value distributed over the same domain is given in these modern times an exponential curve.


We have become instrumentally insignificant to those around us, and intrinsically insignificant to ourself, the answer is that we must get away from society at large, find a tribe or an apartment for our self alone (get back to the instrumental and intrinsic roots, 7/8%), adapt in contradiction to those roots (about 90% does this currently) or grow into an actual love for the whole system (2/3%). 

To adapt in contradiction to the roots of reciprocity (intrinsic/instrumental value) can make you Narcissistic, luxurious, success-driven, money grabbing, opinion consuming, overly attention seeking, news/sex/substance/porn/information addicted and not least develop eternally unsatisfied social cravings.


To reiterate, the magnitude of humanity and I will add to that the magnitude of the universe trough science has made what we consider ourself insignificant in comparison, a rare but substantial way out of this is represented by the 2% that learn to love that which were previously considered beyond themselves, but is ultimately nothing but, and even this latter integration is possible.

Life neutral, whatever meaning life has is only your projection. Everything in your entire life is just a perspective. This is why arguments and conflicts happen because those are just opposing perspectives. The only accurate thing you can say is Life and Death are love, because that is foundation of all that is. Life and Death are also ONE because that is the foundation of all that is. All knowledge is based on these two foundations Oneness and Love. Everything else outside these two truths is just a perspective. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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