
Pumped Up Body Energy

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Do you people know that feeling that you get that awsome energy feeling throughout the body when you get pumped up? I can also generate this while meditating and in everyday life (since I started with meditation). However what I call pumped up is like a rush of energy while listening to music or watching a film (with somekind of emotion involved?), basically when there is an epic moment. It feels like chickenskin, but without the skinmuscles contracting. Does someone know what kind of energy this is?


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@Marinus What you call "energy" is not an energy, IMHO. :)

It is simply the response of the body-mind to your meditation. I can surely say that your meditation is working !

When the usual negativity of the mind, which contracts the body, puts it in fight-flight mode, a stressful mode, is removed by either silencing the mind or simply witnessing its stupid activities, that negativity evaporates. Like the sunlight evaporates dew. This means the body is freed from the artificial stress, from the claws of ego, and it returns to its normal blissful state. The ecstasy you are experiencing is the natural state of the body, it was suppressed by years of conditioning and negativity of the ego, it rises up as soon as you heal it.

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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@PureExp Awsome!  In other topics of mine people also say I am doing great so I am starting to believe it now.  I only don't exactly understand the fight or flight part.  When I watch a film for example,  when I am emotionally connected to a character I also get this feeling in certain situations.  Do you know how explain this? 


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I get a lot more tingles troughtout my whole body when listening to epic classical music for example. It comes with a sense of hype. Triggered exactly by emotional content, is that what you mean


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Marinus As you must be already knowing, an animal (or human) when faced with danger (any threat to survival) has two choices - fight with whatever is threatening it or run away. It puts heavy demand on the body, it prepares for the danger, all system go on red. Its not a pleasant state for the body obviously. When the danger is over, it returns back to a more relaxed and happy state. Something similar happens to the mind.

People in so called "modern societies" are constantly under this mode, because of survival pressures. Race to earn more money, competition, crime, negative people, abusive relatives, wars......the list is long. Their mind and bodies rarely relax. Eventually it becomes a habit, and the negative impressions become permanent in the mind. Mental chatter is mostly negative, it is trying to cope. Bodies are under stress.

All you need to do is relax and heal, and it returns to natural state producing the blissful feelings. Initially its a big contrast, so feels ecstatic, but more you meditate, more habitual it gets and bliss becomes just peace.

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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