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Be like the rock standing against the crashing waves.

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There is a lot of turmoil, mental illness and general chaos breaking out throughout the world.

What started off fairly optimistic this year took a turn for the worse.

Issues in my personal life compounded by being affected emotionally by the external world (recession, ukraine, culture wars/political divide etc.) I have had a few manic/depressive swings and felt waves optimism and confidence come crashing down to depression and hopelessness in matter of days.

How do you stand against the waves of internal and external chaos? What "in the moment" techniques (breathing, yoga etc) and more broadly perspective shift / change of routine/actions has helped you most?

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One thing that has helped, is lessening the consumption/dependence of external information, from culture via social media and YouTube. 

but then you run the risk of having nothing outside of yourself to ground yourself in. Which has its own challenges.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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