
It's All A Joke! =))

104 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Visionary said:

@Old Soul you should at least try mushrooms or acid. Trust me, this will give you a major boost in your consiousness and self development work. It will make it easier for everyone to realize their true nature. People underestimate these other substances, because '5meo'  popped out of nowhere after Leo's video's. And making it 'easier' is not really that easy. These substances can smack the taste out of your mouth.

Already recommended it to @Martin123

watch out for should and shouldn't statements :P And yeah, I would try all kinds of stuff out if someone gave it to me. That stuff is not aviable in your local grocery store. Funny that you mention it tho, I noticed how after Leos dmt vid that stuff popped up everywhere like mushrooms after the rain. Suddenly everyone is interest in it. No one cared before this. Also reality was pretty solid before Leo came around. Everything had it's place and it's cause. The moon was there even if you don't look at it and physical stuff was actually solid, physical stuff. Now it's all illusion and experience and in general reality is fucked up, but it doesn't make things better. Only harder and more complicated and unpleasant. I wonder what if this is all bullshit and Leo just raped my mind? Prior to this confusion reality was simple. I could touch the apple and hold it, that was my direct experience that it was a solid, real physical object. When I left my house and came back later it still was there, that was my direct experience that it must be always there.

Imagine this, a person has a pretty solid world view and understanding, then comes along a cult guru with his crap and he twists the mind of that person and bends it to his own will. The person is gullible and hopes for a better life and hopes to find something more than there is to see, so it's easy for the cult guy to break the persons mind. Soon the person is meditating most of the day, doing nothing but breaking it's own will and mind, believing weird stuff and ultimatly taking drugs and losing it completely and forever. I can not exclude this scenario from all the possibilities that are out there

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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@Old Soul =DDD I love your conspiracies.
Yeah... what if Leo is just one big fucking massive Mind-rapist. I guess we'll have to find out! :D Hahahhaha

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Leo is just that :P ET's these days..


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1 minute ago, John Flores said:

@pluto Lol, Leo for sure is tapped into higher intuition.


There are levels of spiritual attainment that once you reach, you are not allowed to disclose that you have reached since it's against the heavenly "code"...basically religion is right...there IS a heaven, but in order to attain it, you have to be in the Now so that heaven becomes earth - so that heaven. Comes this world...this idea that you have to die in order to reach heaven, is not only false, it's counter productive for experiencing heaven and spiritual experience 

In a sense it's true, you have to die to go to heaven. Means your ego has to die. Aka you

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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17 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Old Soul I do not want to go through ego death without fulfilling certain missions first. Once you go through ego death, it messes with free will. Your intuition just gets higher and higher and you understand what darkness truth is...even those who have made "deals with the devil" knows how undesirable it is to experience darkness. They say they love it, because their ego begs for it....since they became enlightened amidst habits of chaos/lies/etc, but their soul is eternal and can never disappear. They cannot be rid of their "portion" of divinity that is eternal and enhanced, depending on the righteous deeds you do here in this plane of existence. They therefore go through pain/guilt, when their ego does not take this point, they often would be diagnosed with mental illness, but many of them are hiding well. They neither can reveal secrets nor does the ego allow them to (easily) do kindness since it has to have an ulterior motive

What is your mission that you have to complete prior to enlightenment? And how can I find out what mine is? I do not plan to get enlightened anytime soon so I might as well first complete my earthly mission. Tell me more about it good sir

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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IT'S ALL A JOKE! TOLD BY YOU!!! I understood thanks @Old Soul

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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27 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

IT'S ALL A JOKE! TOLD BY YOU!!! I understood thanks @Old Soul

You are welcome

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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In other words, the joke is that we are all infinite, but we all pretends to be just "poor little me". :)) 

Imagine Jesus or Buddha playing that they are drunk and silly, this is the comedy! :D 

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1 hour ago, John Flores said:

@Barna Right but if you tried speaking to their soul (convincing them they are living in some kind of weird self created illusion) they throw you into a mental hospital. So just be careful. Also, NEVER say the term "we don't exist". It shocks the body and the internal and external ego retaliates. 

That's the problem I have, I want to "shock" people and they sure are thinking I am crazy. Lol.

And the most funny thing is that I am really talking to my self.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@John Flores  I wasn't saying that I tried to "convince" religious people. I only talk about that with people that I see that they can be open to the truth. I used to be a "bible thumper" before.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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It's all a joke, until someone pisses in your soup ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's all a joke, until someone pisses in your soup ;)

hehehe... true... but you know if someone does that now I will laugh too Lol

Meditation has changed me so much, thanks to you Leo


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's all a joke, until someone pisses in your soup ;)

The funny part of the joke is not about what's happening, but our feelings about it. The funny part is that we are infinite, but we somehow feel like we are the victim of the soup-pissing. :)) 

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I want to see the joke too :3




Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Snick-The ThinkTank, you said it yourself that experience or experiencing is the only thing that exists. If this is the case, who is the one who takes it seriously? :D 

Life is not a joke if you believe that you are a human. :) 

But let's analyze existence. If experiencing is all that there is, then you can identify with all experiencing, or you can say that you are emptiness (no experiencing). In either case, the joke of life is that we think that we are the victims of it. Like if we were someone who can get hurt. :) 

On the level of the body it's understandable that we avoid pain, it's the normal thing to do, because we all love our bodies. But pain is not something that can hurt You. It's uncomfortable, but discomfort cannot hurt You, it is only an experience.
Let's go to extremes. Even when intense pain is the only thing that you feel, you can either say that you are not an experience, or you can say that you are every experience which means that you are pain itself. So who is the one who gets hurt? :) 

And what if the body dies? Can it hurt you? Three things can happen after death: 1. you experience a different dimension of reality; 2. you become emptiness itself; 3. you become infinite (every experience that exists). In either case you just get closer to Yourself. So how can death hurt you? :) 

The joke of life is that we feel fear while we are absolutely invulnerable and invincible. :D 

Edited by Barna

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Just wanted to share this here.


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42 minutes ago, Barna said:

The joke of life is that we feel fear while we are absolutely invincible. :D 

Ok bro, just tell yourself to take me with you, I asked 876 times in the last 30 minutes, the fucker doesn't wants to show me.




God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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31 minutes ago, Shin said:

Ok bro, just tell yourself to take me with you, I asked 876 times in the last 30 minutes, the fucker doesn't wants to show me.




Stop wanting and it will be shown to you lol xD

Having no destination, I'm never lost. - Ikkyu

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@Shin Just take some 5. If my irresponsible ass was ready for it then you are ready for it as well. :D 

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