
It's All A Joke! =))

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@John Flores That would apply to the deeper meaning of intelligence, not just a sharp intellect which many dictators have had throughout the history.

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4 minutes ago, John Flores said:

@Vanish Yes. People sometimes cause me to lose patience. Just today I watched someone having a conversation about masculine and feminine and the women tryin to ascertain if there is a difference. I was like "oh my God"...these people don't get's doesn't effen matter! What matters is that the gender doesn't even EXIST! 

Observe, don't absorb. We are essentially awareness 'observing' the relative/ object world. The shift towards enlightenment happens when you're able to 'see' past what the ego can see. Awareness becomes self-aware, so to speak.

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@John Flores You understand that they are 'giants' only from the ego's perspective (the mind), right? Shine light of wareness onto the 'giants' and you will find they're just scared little puppies on the inside. Chasing their tails and having an urge to fight speaks more of small, not giant.

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2 hours ago, Barna said:

After reading this thread, I think everybody will come to the same realization while coming back from a 5-MeO trip. I wonder why nobody posted a trip report like this before. :)

Ok cool and very funny answer. Just be prepared for the Leo dude or anyone who is articulate. He will also say something like, "Once self-transendence / enlightenment experience happens to you, it could change the course of the other aspects of your life - like your life purpose, and it could also happen automatically or through meditation, etc. It will be more meaningful than just a joke. It's a huge wisdom."

I'm just preparing you for it in case he comes by. :P

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4 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Ok cool and very funny answer. Just be prepared for the Leo dude or anyone who is articulate. He will also say something like, "Once self-transendence / enlightenment experience happens to you, it could change the course of the other aspects of your life - like your life purpose, and it could also happen automatically or through meditation, etc. It will be more meaningful than just a joke. It's a huge wisdom."

I'm just preparing you for it in case he comes by. :P

What can be greater wisdom then knowing that everything is one, everything is you? I'm not saying that everything is your distant relative. I'm telling you that everything is as you as your own thoughts! :) 

You see the diversity of things everyday. If you once realize that it's all just a play, all just illusion and it's YOUR illusion and YOUR play, then how can it be taken seriously? :D 

Please, tell me this "huge wisdom" in the illusion! :D 

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16 hours ago, Barna said:

What can be greater wisdom then knowing that everything is one, everything is you? I'm not saying that everything is your distant relative. I'm telling you that everything is as you as your own thoughts! :) 

You see the diversity of things everyday. If you once realize that it's all just a play, all just illusion and it's YOUR illusion and YOUR play, then how can it be taken seriously? :D 

Please, tell me this "huge wisdom" in the illusion! :D 

I get your point. What I notice for the most part here in this forum on spirituality, is that if someone says something about spirituality other than "there is no you," they could get labelled as a "dualistic thinker," or something like that. It's difficult to share things other than saying that everything is one. We all pretty much know that already.

I said in another thread that it does help to have a couple of good friends who are into spirituality and share things with them. Friends that resignates with you. If you meet them again, you could share stuff on Maslow or Spiral Dynamics, how you use those to improve, how spirituality interconnects with those and self-actualization / self-improvement, and so on.

Edited by Key Elements

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21 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

It's difficult to share things other than saying that everything is one. We all pretty much know that already.

If you know it, then why do you need friends? :)) So they can tell you that "Yes, you are on the right path, we like that you are so spiritual, and we respect your desire for enlightenment."? :D Don't you see that every individual is just an ego? Your friends are egos who strengthen your spiritual ego. Egos are just God's imagination. Every individual is just an individual imagination. Including me! :) There is only One who is imagining all this. Don't you want to see that?! :D 

I mean it's fun for me to talk with people, and play my role as an individual, but it doesn't help. :) Only an energetic shock helps to experience Infinity. This is what the 5-MeO gives you. :)

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4 hours ago, Barna said:

If you know it, then why do you need friends? :)) So they can tell you that "Yes, you are on the right path, we like that you are so spiritual, and we respect your desire for enlightenment."? :D Don't you see that every individual is just an ego? Your friends are egos who strengthen your spiritual ego. Egos are just God's imagination. Every individual is just an individual imagination. Including me! :) There is only One who is imagining all this. Don't you want to see that?! :D 

I mean it's fun for me to talk with people, and play my role as an individual, but it doesn't help. :) Only an energetic shock helps to experience Infinity. This is what the 5-MeO gives you. :)

Assumptions. I'm not getting what you're saying. Friends are there to help motivate each other - sort of like life coaches - learn from each other - do cool stuff together. Nothing wrong with that. If you don't choose to have friends, it's your choice. I don't get where the 5meo is coming from - not related.

Edited by Key Elements

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16 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Assumptions. I'm not getting what you're saying. Friends are there to help motivate each other - sort of like life coaches. Nothing wrong with that. If you don't choose to have friends, it's your choice. I don't get where the 5meo is coming from - not related.

If you want to improve your person (there is nothing wrong with that), then friends can help, and you will have a beautiful, wise person, and you will have an interesting life and so on... :) 

However, I don't know about your friends, but my friends cannot give me an energetic shock therapy. :)) And this is what needed to experience the fundamental nature of reality which is Infinity/God itself. This is where 5meo comes into the picture. :)  If you want to experience reality as it is, then the only thing that can help is infinite amount of energy poured into your body. :) 

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2 minutes ago, Barna said:

If you want to improve your person (there is nothing wrong with that), then friends can help, and you will have a beautiful, wise person, and you will have an interesting life and so on... :) 

However, I don't know about your friends, but my friends cannot give me an energetic shock therapy. :)) And this is what needed to experience the fundamental nature of reality which is Infinity/God itself. This is where 5meo comes into the picture. :)  If you want to experience reality as it is, then the only thing that can help is infinite amount of energy poured into your body. :) 

I don't like too much the idea of trying any drug. Is there any hope for me?


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 minute ago, abrakamowse said:

I don't like too much the idea of trying any drug. Is there any hope for me?


The experience I'm talking about is pretty drastic and intense and unimaginable. 

Rupert Spira for example says that becoming enlightened is only an "Aha" realization, a recognition. But what I am talking about is like getting shot by a lightning. Maybe you can get shot by a lightning with meditation, but you will probably need years of meditation. Some people meditate for their entire life and don't get shot by this lightning. :) 

I don't really understand why you don't like the idea of trying drugs. If you accept that everything is God, then why would a drug be less then God? :) If it's easier for you, you can look at it as God's medicine. :) 

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1 hour ago, Barna said:

I don't really understand why you don't like the idea of trying drugs. If you accept that everything is God, then why would a drug be less then God? :) If it's easier for you, you can look at it as God's medicine. :) 

I thought about that too... maybe is because I never used it and never buy it, so I am afraid of being caught Lol

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 minute ago, abrakamowse said:

I thought about that too... maybe is because I never used it and never buy it, so I am afraid of being caught Lol

It's very hard to get caught :D You have to be stupid and tell everybody about his substance to get caught. (Like I do :D

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Just now, Barna said:

It's very hard to get caught :D You have to be stupid and tell everybody about his substance to get caught. (Like I do :D



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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2 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

I thought about that too... maybe is because I never used it and I am afraid of being caught Lol

There is no need to use drugs. Realizations, Truth, enlightenment and the state of bliss can all be attained the drug free way by working hard on yourself and staying on the spiritual path, being aware and meditating, sharing love with others and loving yourself. Don't let anyone pressure you into stuff that you geniunly do not want to do. There may be a good reason for your feelings.

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, Old Soul said:

There is no need to use drugs. Realizations, Truth, enlightenment and the state of bliss can all be attained the drug free way by working hard on yourself and staying on the spiritual path, being aware and meditating, sharing love with others and loving yourself. Don't let anyone pressure you into stuff that you geniunly do not want to do. There may be a good reason for your feelings.

You are right. :) I took 5meo because I wanted the experience as soon as possible. But if you have enough years and commitment, probably you can have the same experience with meditation. It just wasn't logical for me to work on my mindfulness, and do meditations for years just to realize what's always already here. :) 

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1 minute ago, Barna said:

You are right. :) I took 5meo because I wanted the experience as soon as possible. But if you have enough years and commitment, probably you can have the same experience with meditation. It just wasn't logical for me to work on my mindfulness, and do meditations for years just to realize what's always already here. :) 

So you basically took it as a quick fix, the lazy mans way of avoiding the hard work? To me it's like skipping the whole adventure, the whole film, the whole game and just getting instantly to the ending, to the reward.

I have nothing against instant gratification and quick fixes, I often take the cheap route or the lazy mans approach to things, but especially in this case this ain't right in my eyes...not wanting to work on your midnfulness and not wanting to meditate for years. I dunno man...and you still don't know what you have got there. Your brain on chems, you really had a glimpse of the truth? Or were you just dreaming, or halluzinating? People with near death experiences often think they see what happens after death, see the afterlife...and people think they actually leave their body and astral travel....but the truth is both are wrong, they are merely dreaming. Lucid dreaming at best.

I would not skip the hard work. Sure take drugs as much as you want, but actually do the work...just to make sure you know.

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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@Old Soul you have to realize that you are identifying yourself with someone who does the hard work. :) This is exactly what the ego is. Identification. You see it, don't you? :) 

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14 minutes ago, Barna said:

@Old Soul you have to realize that you are identifying yourself with someone who does the hard work. :) This is exactly what the ego is. Identification. You see it, don't you? :) 

Yeah I see it. I have actually had this thought before, and I like where it's going. I think you are onto something my friend. I often secretly reflected about dropping all the fucking hard work, but I had this belief deep down inside of me that told me I had to do all the hard work and it was the only way. Now I see, thanks to you, that it was just my ego all along. There is no need for hard work, but there is also no need of taking dmt. I will see when I am dead and till then I can enjoy material life and be a lazy fuck. That's the reason we play this game after all, to enjoy it. Enjoy being alive and endulging in all sorts of unhealthy shit. Why were we born in the first place? To sit and meditate our whole life and suffer and do all this hard work? Don't think so...don't think so.

Thank you my friend.

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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It doesn't matter what role you identify yourself with, it's still identification. :)

Although you were sarcastic, @Old Soul, you were still right about the purpose of life: to enjoy it. But the thing is that I couldn't really enjoy it until I knew who I was. :) 

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