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Why have the majority of conservative justices in SCOTUS still been okay with ACA?

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As we all know, it's really looking like SCOTUS is going to soon officially rule to overturn the landmark ruling that grants nationwide legal abortion in America.

I get that one of the reasons for this is because the US Supreme Court has had a 6-3 supermajority of conservative justices since only about a year and a half ago, after Amy Coney Barrett got appointed and confirmed by the Trump and the Republican Senate just before the 2020 general election.

The other reason is because most conservatives and Republicans throughout the entire country have always been anti-abortion for many decades. That of course means that Republicans and conservatives have now finally gained the power to overturn the nationwide abortion rights, which is what most of them have been waiting and hoping for a very long time to happen.

Yet, for some reason, even after Amy Coney Barrett began her time as new US Supreme Court Justice, the good majority of conservative justices in SCOTUS still decided in June 2021 to once more to rule in favor of upholding ACA or Obamacare after hearing the California vs. Texas lawsuit brought before them in November 2020. In fact, 7 out of the 9 SCOTUS justices voted against the whole lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of Obamacare. That actually the best margin of victory that the ACA has ever gotten from the most powerful court in the country. 

But a certain majority of conservatives and Republicans in all of America have always been and even still to this day been against Obamacare because of the fact that most of them have always viewed it as a major socialistic law. So, why have the majority of conservative justices in SCOTUS been in favor of protecting ACA?

Edited by Hardkill

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Actually, I think I might have found the answer to this:


Though, I don't totally understand why the Republican senators Collins, Murkowski, and McCain, who saved Obamacare from the "skinny" repeal of the law, decided to vote to uphold essentially all of Obamacare.

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