
Too much wasted time trying to cater to a stage orange audience

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I feel like sometimes I get the vibe that a lot of Leos more practically framed insights are often what Leo is trying to really tell his old materialist and rational self, I feel like Leo also converts back to the stubbornness of the materialist paradigm at times too you can just see it in his face when he says " airy fairy" or "new agey" he is really talking about his own personal history of how he used to talk to himself about the mystical, so I feel when Leo does this it actually pushes the pendulum too far in one direction and I feel like it actually is really frustrating to watch Leos videos with a mystical or stage yellow mind because it is clear that so much of his effort goes into convincing materialists and making sure to make it practical, I hope you know Leo you don't have to try so hard to frame your videos for materialists or people who want an absolutely stripped of mysticism direction to self actualization and even awakening, it is absolute nonsense and really no matter what since leo is so smart and intellectual he will always be framing his videos for people who are obsessed with practicality and just think being practical is a given in this sort of human paradigm we take for granted where we need to survive

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I want you guys to take this seriously because this isn't just a given or an objective orientation, This needs to be questioned because if leo comes falling back to orange all the time I will have to start deriving these insights myself, Because leo will literally fall back to the blunder of the brain even! he still talks about the brain as if it even existed in the relative dimension which it does not! not even relatively does a brain exist so why try to frame it as such even for something like a nootropic video or a video about how imaginary heavy metals get caught on a brain when even if this has consequences if you are adamant of being healthy and physiologically educated and wise it still doesn't make it justified to talk as if a brain exists to accumulate foreign material 

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@Egodeathrow it's normal to question your own direct realizations.  Don't blame this on Leo.   Yes, he has his own backstory, but ultimately you will have to work within yourself to resolve.   Others - including Leo - are projections of your mind meant to help awaken you 


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@Inliytened1 Fair, but I think this is a genuine concern in terms of bias and preferences taken for granted, And as long as one is watching Leo they need to have concerns about the perspective he is coming at his more practical advice because some of it is actually just preference and Leo is not always right about relative stuff even though he is right about the absolute

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@Cykaaaa that is comparative as well so what is wrong with teaching solipsism so long as the audience is part of the ultimate subjects or God's dream?

There is no rule to say you cannot teach while being conscious of nobody, Its actually quite an engaging dream and is something God is gonna inevitably gonna be done because everyone feels they're qualified to teach whether it is there survival agenda or worldview, so really just be conscious of nobody when you are watching any video just see the shapes and hear the sounds and don't think of it as being outsourced by the outside it is all happening in your dream and the dream is giving birth to the dream through the vehicle of the teaching itself, Like your smartphone for example while you are watching the video is god in that moment. There are definitely more stage yellow and turquoise viewers, than Leo probably expects and I think it is a bit underestimated how many systems thinkers and beyond watch this content

Edited by Egodeathrow

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@Egodeathrow I guess he tries to appeal to all audiences- he has a million subscribers and 99 percent of those hold the materialist paradigm. If they are open minded enough they will not be paradigm locked so it won't matter. If they are already paradigm locked it also won't matter and his material will go in one ear and out the other.  So ultimately the content is available but it's up to you as the viewer how you interpret it 


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My videos are already too advanced for most people to follow. I cannot just cater to the top 1% of my listeners. It's hard to get views as it is.

I have had to sacrifice millions to teach what I currently teach.

Part of my mission is to convert materialists. I don't like preaching to the choir. The decontruction of materialism is a very big project, much bigger than even most spiritual people realize.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You should be deriving insights for yourself and not live leos life ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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New Age people can be materialist as well, most of their pursuit of shallow forms of spirituality is for some personal survival agenda, be it for vain health benefits, escaping harsh realities, finding a social group / romantic partners.

The hard Truths of a real awakening transcends all of that, and in that respect, it is different from the New Age “airy-fairy” “woo-hoo” teachings.

Leo doesn’t want materialist to confuse the two, as they are already extremely turned off by New Agers … for good reasons in some aspects.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Ok thank you for clarifying, I understand the bind the diversity of people creates for any teacher because some people can be just completely off track or epistemically opposite of what they should be so those people are the densest egos to penetrate so in a sense you should pop the biggest ego bubble possible because that is where the center of mass is in terms of dense and rigid consciousness, Stage orange I mean, Orange can get refined into almost yellow but you can tell something is missing and that's the love or spirit in these folk, So you have to give the most deluded people the most bitter pill of truth because they are the ones that need it the most

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57 minutes ago, Egodeathrow said:

that is comparative as well so what is wrong with teaching solipsism so long as the audience is part of the ultimate subjects or God's dream?

The ultimate test of a theory is, does one act AS IF the theory is true?

Leo is clearly not acting as if the theory is true -- in other words, he does make adjustments based on negative feedback.  If he really believed the audience were not real but his own projection, he wouldn't give a fuck but would pursue his impulses and keep teaching it.

So, no offense to Leo, but I don't think he deep down believes in his own teachings -- certainly not enough to act as if he does.

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5 hours ago, Egodeathrow said:

if leo comes falling back to orange all the time I will have to start deriving these insights myself,

LOL, a bit of centre of the universe are we ? :D 

Perhaps you should look for a different teacher. Most of us are not as evolved as you seem to think you are so it will take a while for majority of Leo's audience to catch up. Isn't the purpose of bodhisattva to come back after the realisation of nothingness and try to teach the masses rather than isolate himself in a cave? Just because in the end nothing is ultimately meaningful or meaningless it doesn't mean we should completely abandon the pursuit of self improvement and dedication to becoming a better human being. 

Perhaps that's what Leo has to do and detoxing "imaginary metals" doing "imaginary pickup" and catering to one's "imaginary self-development" is a part of that journey of "helping the materialists to realise nothingness"

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Didn't read the full thread but its clear that Leo is just a supplement to everything you're supposed to be doing on your own and you can't complain about a Vitamin D supplement when you're whole diet is shit, give Leo your criticism though, its helpful to some extent.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Part of my mission is to convert materialists. I don't like preaching to the choir. The decontruction of materialism is a very big project, much bigger than even most spiritual people realize.

So the goal is to convert hardcore stage orange to stage green? Or more like targeting hardcore scientist and materialist minded people, deconstructing their worldview and converting them into a person who is much more open minded?

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4 minutes ago, zurew said:

So the goal is to convert hardcore stage orange to stage green? Or more like targeting hardcore scientist and materialist minded people, deconstructing their worldview and converting them into a person who is much more open minded?

Its to open up the mind of the materialist. But most are paradigm locked so it doesn't matter.  If their mind is open they were never a true materialist because they weren't locked.


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57 minutes ago, zurew said:

So the goal is to convert hardcore stage orange to stage green? Or more like targeting hardcore scientist and materialist minded people, deconstructing their worldview and converting them into a person who is much more open minded?

Materialism isn't limited to Orange. It's also there with Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and even Turquoise. All of it is infested with materialism.

Even stage Turquoise people believe in brains, atoms, science, history, physics, society, life, death, other people, aliens, past lives, etc. All of that needs deconstructing.

You are not above materialism until you fully awaken to yourself as God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

New Age people can be materialist as well, most of their pursuit of shallow forms of spirituality is for some personal survival agenda, be it for vain health benefits, escaping harsh realities, finding a social group / romantic partners.

The hard Truths of a real awakening transcends all of that, and in that respect, it is different from the New Age “airy-fairy” “woo-hoo” teachings.

Leo doesn’t want materialist to confuse the two, as they are already extremely turned off by New Agers … for good reasons in some aspects.

Yes... I've seen this first hand. Mix of stage Blue/Orange mindset mixed with spirituality as an accessory to attract business/clients. In reality, these people are just parroting nice-sounding lines and not doing any of the hard work themselves. When you point out truth to them they simply ignore you because it would make them have to question what they're doing.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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Materialism is more akin to my direct experience most of the time.  The material aspects of being a human are important.

A flower grows from shit in soil.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

My videos are already too advanced for most people to follow. I cannot just cater to the top 1% of my listeners. It's hard to get views as it is.

I have had to sacrifice millions to teach what I currently teach.

Part of my mission is to convert materialists. I don't like preaching to the choir. The decontruction of materialism is a very big project, much bigger than even most spiritual people realize.

I like this!

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

My videos are already too advanced for most people to follow. I cannot just cater to the top 1% of my listeners. It's hard to get views as it is.

I have had to sacrifice millions to teach what I currently teach.

Part of my mission is to convert materialists. I don't like preaching to the choir. The decontruction of materialism is a very big project, much bigger than even most spiritual people realize.

Wait.. why would solipsistic Leo care about catering to the masses, and maximizing views?


Anyway, I'm a fan of the more advanced videos.  Actualized content attracts two kinds of people: Actualizers and personal development guys.  I think it may be worth considering catering specifically to both groups.  Treating both as the same thing is a bit problematic.

Maybe sell out and offer life-coaching courses to the Orange people, and keep a separate channel/community for the actualizers.


(Actually I'd say there are 2 types of actualizers.  Yellow & Turquoise, basically.  Those who want to hear about politics, and those who want to hear about God/Consciousness/Enlightenment)

Edited by thisintegrated

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