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How to motivate yourself post-awakening?

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Granted I have been struggling with depression for a while...

It does feel like my awakening, has continued to get deeper at the same time. 

I want to live a beautiful life but the weight of responsibilities, student loans for a college degree I don't use, as well as a lot more debt. 

Honestly, I feel pretty overwhelmed by all of this.

I am currently doing a coding bootcamp so I can go into web development in 6 months or so. I wouldn't say it's my life purpose but it's pretty engaging for my personality. I enjoy it a lot. I get pretty engrossed in it for days at a time, especially if it's a new project.

I have a sales job but struggle because of social anxiety but the potential is massive... But my avoidance tendencies cause me to waste a lot of time and essentially produce ZERO $$$.

When I'm ON, I do well, but that's a big IF.

I guess I'm just venting but yeah it's also hard to stay motivated when you see how arbitrary and empty everything is, yet I literally can't stop even if it's a dream because there's certain rules within the game. 

Edited by PenguinPablo

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22 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

I have a sales job but struggle because of social anxiety but the potential is massive... But my avoidance tendencies cause me to waste a lot of time and essentially produce ZERO $$$.

The letting go technique works well with dealing with those negative feeling such as fear etc. They are the reason why everything feels like a struggle. When there's no identity to hold feelings down they come up more and more. By letting go you will start to dissolve these feelings and the body will feel lighter and less effort will have to be made to do things. 

If you want to know more of letting go David R. Hawkins book with the same name is very good.

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I am currently doing a coding bootcamp so I can go into web development in 6 months or so. I wouldn't say it's my life purpose but it's pretty engaging for my personality. I enjoy it a lot. I get pretty engrossed in it for days at a time, especially if it's a new project.

Bashar main teachings is to always follow your bliss/joy/excitement, and that it's not so much about the idea that it's about following the in general most exciting zou can come up with, but what right now, this moment, is the thing that is most exciting. Maybe it's just taking a walk, having a talk, reading a book in bed.. So if web development is something enjoyable you can do now, that is very fine.

41 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

I guess I'm just venting but yeah it's also hard to stay motivated when you see how arbitrary and empty everything is, yet I literally can't stop even if it's a dream because there's certain rules within the game. 

I think you´re trying harder than you need to. How about being more gentle with yourself instead of trying to make life happen. Do what makes you feel well. Don´t try to steer the boat to where you think it needs to go, let go of the oars instead and see if you can feel things clicking into place more, the more you let go and relax more

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Are you sure awakening is the most important thing for you to focus on right now?

Not being condescending, but emotional mastery, resolving your depressive periods, shadow work seem to be more relevant for your situation.

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26 minutes ago, nistake said:

Are you sure awakening is the most important thing for you to focus on right now?

Yeah, this.

Set your vision up first and foremost and that should motivate you through your life. But this vision should be work/busniess/carrier related (How you want to help humanity, or how do you want to express yourself in this world)

@PenguinPablo i think you should get yourself grounded in everyday life. What do I mean by that? I mean, i think you should first get rid of your debts, think about your life what do you want to work, get your financies right ( where you don't need to constantly worry about money).

Basically set your 'normal' life up first, then you can go full on awakening and enlightenment. I noticed a few years about myself, that by watching Leo i unconsciously parroted some of his views and beliefs and goals. Contemplate about your beliefs, goals and about your aim in life. Sometimes we get depressed because we don't actually do what we want, and other times we want to live up to people's lifes and goals and dreams (and of course we do a lot of this unconsciously)

One of the biggest mistakes most of us young Leo followers make, is that we quickly jump for God/enlightenment work without getting our everyday needs met and without getting our everday life work. Because of this, we face a lot of problems and this slowing down the spiritual development process as well. So the ground should be very solid first and then you can try to build on it.

So first get your normal life ready, contemplate about what you actually want to do, and then you can "attack" spirituality and enlightenment with as much energy and force as you want. 

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Just realize that things matter and are important relative to the dream perspective. 

In that regard, nothing really changed with awakening. If you had motivation pre awakening you can have motivation post awakening. 

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On 5/10/2022 at 1:14 PM, GreenWoods said:

Just realize that things matter and are important relative to the dream perspective. 

In that regard, nothing really changed with awakening. If you had motivation pre awakening you can have motivation post awakening. 

Yes, I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed at it all temporarily. 

On 5/10/2022 at 6:32 AM, zurew said:


@PenguinPablo i think you should get yourself grounded in everyday life. What do I mean by that? I mean, i think you should first get rid of your debts, think about your life what do you want to work, get your financies right ( where you don't need to constantly worry about money).

Basically set your 'normal' life up first, then you can go full on awakening and enlightenment. I noticed a few years about myself, that by watching Leo i unconsciously parroted some of his views and beliefs and goals. Contemplate about your beliefs, goals and about your aim in life. Sometimes we get depressed because we don't actually do what we want, and other times we want to live up to people's lifes and goals and dreams (and of course we do a lot of this unconsciously)

Really there is no other choice. Lot's of truth here. Gonna have to put my ego aside for a bit I think and get some low level jobs temporarily.

Edited by PenguinPablo

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On 10/5/2022 at 10:22 AM, PenguinPablo said:

also hard to stay motivated when you see how arbitrary and empty everything

@PenguinPablo If you are awakening, you realize that meaning and value is created not not inherent. CREATE YOUR MEANING!!!
Meaninglessness isn't negative. It's the ego the make it appear so.
This knowledge should be empowering when internalized beacuse it make you understand that you have no limits.
Create your purpose through your values -------------> motivation will follow as long as you follow your excitement!

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Beauty, love, being a creator in this reality, explore consciousness, embodiment of truth. :)

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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