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my life has changed because of three reasons

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1) passionate hobby and taking it more seriously 

- stand up comedy (started may 7 2018 did like 6 mics all the way until 2021, but quit for years and then 2021 starting picking it up again and this year been doing wayyy more open mics a week (right now i average about 10 mics a week) 

- this is probably the #1 thing that helped me the most because of how much passion i have for it and see it as a way to make my life more adventurous and gives me reason to live again

- implemented harder work ethic (watched one kobe bryant video lol) 

- set insanely higher goals ("pirate king" comedian king) 

- sleeping 4-5 hours and then when i wake up just being 24/7 productive (you'd be surprised with how much you can surprise yourself when you set your mind to something)

2) quitting all forms of smoking anything, and quitting all alcohol or any mind altering substances 

- also i dont masturbate or watch porn at all 

- i still take adhd vyvanse aka (legal meth) lol

- i also quit all forms of anti-depressants or anything that helps you with depression and faced it head-on through natural means. 


3) working out DAILY for 45 minutes.

- this makes me feel better about myself and my body 

- my eczema decreased significantly and stress too


These three took my life to an absolute 180.

Girls chasing me, including my ex...biggest change i\'ve noticed is im not faking it like before. like i genuinely care more about reaching my goals than i do about sex, relationships, validation, etc and other things i used to care more about. 

i feel my character morphing into who i actually want to be and am starting to actually love myself even my ugliest angles..crazy what hard work can change in just a few days...imagine YEARS wow no wonder kobe bryant was a fucking legend 


things i want to implement more and start doing again

-meditation daily

- quitting all forms of video games and reading/writing more (i quit video games recently) 

- working more (making more money) instead of relying on my parents with helping me out 

- make my own business?




Edited by SageModeAustin

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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