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Rites Of Initiation

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I'm working on the Life Purpose course and have just finished watching the video about Finding my Bliss.  This then got me watching videos from Joseph Campbell.  In one video on Youtube, called "Becoming an adult", he talked about the different rites of passage and initiations in different cultures around the world (specifically simple cultures and societies).  He talked about how these initiations were designed to kill the infantile ego (characterized by submissiveness and dependence on the society).  Therefore bringing into consciousness the mature ego (characterized by authority, responsibility, and courage over one's own life).  He goes on to express how many people in our culture live to be 30 or 40 still dependent and submissive in the infantile ego.  An example he used for an initiation was of a tribe in Papua New Guinea.  The initiation started by covering the boys eyes so they couldn't see.  Then a man would come in waving a bullroarer around in the air.  This would make a sound which would made the boy think it was a deity, while the man would say he was intent on eating the boy.  Then the boy would think he was dead.  This would then create the effect of breaking through death.  Therefore, killing the infantile ego and making way for the mature ego.

I'm wondering if you have any personal experiences with rites of passage, any knowledge or wisdom about how one could create these for themselves in a culture without them.  Also, do you think we can create them ourselves, or does the knowledge of knowing what is happening make these initiations not work?  

I believe that our culture is deficient in initiations and that it is having a negative effect on many people's development.  Causing men and women to grow older physically, but stay immature mentally.

I believe that by creating a video on rites of passage and initiations would help many people, and that it's important for a healthy society.  

Thank, in advance, for you consideration.  

Here's the video 



"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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