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Weird way to fall asleep quickly

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Over the past years I have been experimenting with different ways of shifting from wakefulness to sleep at night, and I realized this weird way I can fall asleep very quickly that works very reliably for me. 

What you do is start using your imagination to imagine up objects, people, situations, or what Leo might call "figments" one by one. The trick is to try to imagine things/figments that are very "far away" from each other, in the sense that they aren't logically or in any way attached to each other. So we are aiming for randomness here. 

So for example "cow" then "milk" then "sun" then "warm" then "baseball" then "fast" are in a sense attached to each other. So these would not be good for this exercise.

Instead you could imagine first "brick" then "toothpick" then "an indian man sitting in a car" then "a stamp" then "baguette" etc. keep it going in this way, and only continue if the thing/figment you imagined up is not logically tied to the previous word. Just keep going quite quickly, and watch in awe what consciousness can imagine up. 


What is essentially being done here is simulating the sleeping/dreaming state of a more free flowing consciousness before actually being in it, and in this way making the transition to it faster. 



Edited by TheAlchemist

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Thanks, I'll try this. It often takes me more than half an hour falling asleep.

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@TheAlchemist Damn, just tried this now. Pretty relaxing. Thanks

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Sounds interesting, ive found relaxing every muscle in my body one by one to help. 

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