
John Anthony, fraud or legit claims?

35 posts in this topic

So i have watched some of his content and noticed that he says that most guys can get good with girls much faster than RSD or other companies claim. He says his students get good with girls super fast, they dont need 2000 approaches because they are given an optimized results-proof system. Personally i find his logistics advice to be the best in the internet but the claims seem a bit far feched to me. Like virgins getting 5 lays within the first 8 weeks of using his programs. John himself has probably legit game and his gfs are super hot but im unsure about the claims when it comes to his students results.

Would like to hear your opinion about this.

Here attached is the video (sceeenshot since i am on my phone atm) of the video where he makes the claims



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Ye he gets serious results.

I just think you turn into a quasi sociopath. And it isn't very fun being a sociopath.

The dudes openly an alcoholic too.


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Idk man, I think you're making a deal with the devil when you watch content by these kinds of people, or especially if you buy their shit.

Might make you better with girls, but you lose a lot of your integrity and morality. I'm sure this is the dude with many sexual assault charges, for example. And the way he words his marketing is essentially a modification of the classic "I've discovered a super easy one-step secret no one else knows about X, give me money and I'll tell you" which is as big a red flag as it gets. There is no shortcut.

I would prefer coaches that are slightly more holistic and about making you into a strong man rather than a robot that chases pussy. And honestly, I've made alright progress with little coaching/theory, just action

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His advice is "Hi I want to meet you", and then vibing (AKA normal conversation), then making moves, especially pretending you're a DJ and inviting them for drinks at your afterparty.

This "scene" is ridiculous. Srs.

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3 minutes ago, Bando said:

wouldnt say its worth $4,000 though

Why anyone would ever spend $4k on a dating course is entirely beyond me

Anything they teach you is available in truck loads online with a tiny bit of effort

Edited by something_else

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He's legit Ive had wings who gamed with him before also have a friend who bought his products, they're very practical but its not new information if thats what your hoping for.

He's not re-inventing the wheel he is only distilling all the concepts on how to run proper nightgame, dates, and online game into a digestible format without the the mindset stuff. You can find all this info for free btw on forums/blogs.

One nugget I learned from him is using Face app to enhance your pictures and running multiple online dating accounts. Its a bit over extreme but it definitely works. Theres so much to online dating people don't know about, its not about "take pictures and post them" theres a lot of ways to game dating platforms. Im pretty sure thats how he can make those claims of the results his students get.

Id be cautious of him though I really dislike his marketing tactics, and can sense his core values are low conscious but his dating advice is practical, wouldnt say its worth $4,000 though.

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Dont know why my post glitched like that I re-uploaded what I wrote before

1 minute ago, something_else said:

Anything they teach you is available in truck loads online with a tiny bit of effort

I agree there much better things to spend 4 grand on especially since this field is so fleshed out  with information for free but hey to each there own

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10 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

He says his students get good with girls super fast, they dont need 2000 approaches because they are given an optimized results-proof system.

Definitely BS

His advice is not bad for getting laid, but you're still gonna have to do 1000s of approaches to get good at it. There is no magic pill for getting good with girls. It requires years of training.

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He is a complete fraud. Do not trust him. He is a fat alcoholic who just sleeps with prostitute.

He was an assistant for RSD and demanded a job but Tyler refused because his game is meh and is mentally unwell, he was so butthurt he obsessively spams videos attacking Tyler and almost all other PUA’s claiming they were all scamming. His PUA system is directly lifted from what Tyler taught at boot camps but he made some small changes that actually make it significantly worse.

Squattincasanova made a good video explaining how ridiculous he is (he advocates using photo shop to get cool pictures for online dating like photo shopping yourself skiing instead of just going skiing like a normal person lmao) but sadly it got taken down.

Multiple students have reported he showed up to boot camps drunk.

Do not trust him.

If you want a legit PUA to learn from try Tyler or Jeffy’s boot camps (I think they are still doing some but plan on ending them soon) or Alex from 4 week natural, or Karisma King or Squattincasanova.

Edited by Raze

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Yeah he’s legit. Bottom line, like Leo said, the best teacher will be through experience. 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no magic pill for getting good with girls. It requires years of training.

There is very literally a magic pill lmao.

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He got cred from Spencer Cornelia that is at least something

He has some sociopathic vibes. That might be good for calling out the PUA scammers.


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23 hours ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:


- He quit drinking now - he said he was using it to quell his extreme anxiety, since he's been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. He's not drinking nowadays though

- His video girlfriend might be a prostitute, but his game is still decent

- Tyler's game is really not that great either anymore. Have you seen him actually pull a girl? He's acting like a weirdo nowadays. Not saying he's fake either, but his style is not exactly pussy magnet.

- Saying some white lies here and there may actually be necessary for success in certain situations. You gotta behave a bit psychopathic to have the most ammount of girls. Of course, that doesn't mean you should lie all the time. I definitely wouldn't do the photoshop thing, but if I had the chance to demonstrate higher value, and some white lie was necessary, I would lie.

- Squatting cassanova is also a piece of shit. Even bigger piece of shit than Anthony

- There's really no reason to not trust Anthony when it comes to his game. The concepts he talks about are often debated on this forum too, recommended by Leo, etc.

To be honest, it's a good thing that there are really practical, no bullshit guys like Anthony out there - even if he lies a lot, has a bad character etc., at least he's calling out the stupidity when he sees it. A lot of PUAs are making a very bad name for this whole "industry", and making clownery of this whole ordeal of talking to women. A lot of men end up embarrassing themselves when they don't have to, giving women weird and creepy experiences - and then there are various feminist backlashes against PUAs, cause guys do weird creepy shit. Talking to women should be quick, effective and to the point. No unnecessary bullshit, no clowning.

How does his game differ from other PUAs?

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@Knowledge Hoarder Be careful about idolizing a teacher like him. He might be getting results ( I didn't really dive deep into his content), but you only see what he wants you to see. Besides, anyone who's done pickup for a while doesn't really give a shit about getting a lot of numbers (you should focus more on quality of a number rather than the sheer quantity).

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25 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

75 numbers in 2 hours


Dude, getting a girl's number means absolutely nothing. You can just walk up to a girl and ask for her number and she will give it to you so that you go away and don't rape her.

If you approach 75 girls per night, one of them will be willing to sleep with you immediately. The problem is that you don't approach and finding even 10 girls worth approaching is not easy.

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Dunno, for me what truly matters is how deep you can go with a stranger how fast. For me that's a true Indicator of skill.

Tons of shallow attraction & lays is meh, kindergarten level. Though it indicates a certain level as well, can't deny it

Edited by Hello from Russia

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30 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

That would belong to "intimate relationship" skills, not PUA skills. PUA is about getting laid, period. Let's not mix these things up.

Besides, you can't "get deep" with someone in a short ammount of time. Just like sex is not serious at first, only casual. Without knowing how to gain casual sex, you'll have nothing. No love, only your hand. And that's just a fact.


Look, I don't idolize absolutely noone - and his personal life is none of my concern. What I care about is whether he can or can't provide me with some value - and whether his skillset is legit. And, objectivelly speaking, when it comes to pure pick up, he belongs among the elite. So, it's only logical for me to take information from the people that are best at what they're doing - whatever it is.

By "quality of number", you mean whether the girl is into you, or whether she is 10/10 stunner, or she has the best personality? Cause he's clearly excelling at the first 2 criteria.


Nah, you definitely can and I did it. Such a intimacy build up can be even more precious and valuable than sex. Not to even say that if you get it all to the actual sex, it's 10-100x is better than just getting some random sex with random 

You and your coach have their own biases in that regard, which is fine, if that is what you truly want to get from it. You do you

Don't take the limits of your skill for the limits of reality 

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Knowledge Hoarder I understand your points, but I am just  trying to warn you not to overlook the personality of the teacher in the hope of get results fast or whatever you want. I was lucky to actually start my pickup journey with very experienced wingman ( 100's of lays) and while he helped me a lot with my game, he also had a poor influence on me through his neurotism, sexism and just generally awful relationship towards woman and relationships.

As far as quality of number goes, I am talking about what Leo mentioned already. Usually you need to have longer interactions to get a quality number that will lead somewhere. I am not doubting you can get a date after 1-2 min number close, but it's highly unlikely and just from the way the video is framed, it's clear that it is aimed on guys who don't have much experience in game.

Regarding owen or other pickup teachers in general. I think I am past the phase where I need to watch anyone really, I am pretty confident I have theory stuff down. I believe I once saw a owen's video where he said that his game is not that great compared to some other guys in the industry and he is more focused on teaching it. But don't kind yourself, he is still way better than me or you will ever be, so there is no point dissmissing him on the base of that. If you wanted to learn tennis, would you only accept the advice from the best player in the world or would you be down to get trained by someone who is great as well and has a lot of experience teaching? I would even say the second option is better for your learning path.

But it's up to you, I am just trying to share my viewpoint.

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4 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Yeeaah, I guess. Right now though, I'm in the mindset of getting the results in whatever way necessary. And, most importantly, I'm in this to change my personality - WHILE getting the best results in the most optimal, time saving way. Obviously, things like overt sexism, etc. are off the table though - but having too much empathy is not the best mindset to have when you're starting off.

Okay. What sort of results do you want to get out of this? In what way's do you want to change your personality.

4 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Ofc, I'm not planning on using/paying for the course, to use it as a crutch. I'll purchase it, watch it, take in the material, optimize it for my place of living, and take action immidiatelly without looking back. Ultimately I depend on myself.

I respect Owen actually, and Julien also. They give a lot of perspective shifting, deep advice that does help with socializing, and living a better life in general. I'd also be a fool to claim, that RIGHT NOW, I am better than Owen. But honestly, with all due respect, when it comes to pure game, most men have the potential to become better than Owen. Or RSD roster in general. They act in a very goofy, weird way. They're probably all intermediate level, compared to someone like JAL.

Like, some of the RSD video pick up infields are literaly a part of cringe compilations. FUCKING CRINGE COMPILATIONS. Regular people, with regular social skills are making fun of them. I haven't seen any Anthony cringe compilation. Clearly, because he's one of the best to ever do it.

Well, most men have the potential to become millionaires, yet they don't. Do not underestimate how hard it is to become and excellent at pickup. I'd say I am close to an intermediate level and I can tell you that anyone from RSD would wipe the floor with me. Who is JAL though? Anyway it's hard for me or you to judge the people on infields. I guess everyone finds their own teacher that suit's them the most. For me generally when I am looking to learn from someone that is not a hard skill (which pickup ain't) I am really careful about what sort of human being I am learning from and if their percieved values align at least somewhat with mine. With the guy you posted, I've known about him for quite some time and he came off to me as just too much of a toxic person, I couldn't really resonate with his vibe. If it works for you, I don't have a problem with that, all the best ;)

Btw. If you ever decide to visit Prague, hit me up and we could go out together ;) 

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