
Why i cant remember ideas?

8 posts in this topic

Take any book, or a philosophy video, 1 leo video or any idea. I cant remember ideas that i've already learnt.

I wake up but how do i remember f.e.

- do something new

- your mind is deceiving yourself everyday

- etc.

There are thousands of ideas that could make me feel better, be more conscious.

I feel as there is nothing to do. Why do that, also why do that other thing?

I eat healthy, go to gym, meditate, journal, have good sleep, take my medications,vitamins, plenty of water, dont have bad thinking

I still feel something is missing. <- but writing this down my mind thought well whats the problem? Everything is good on its own. Sure you can improve ur life here and there but everything is fine



I think i should tackle big things like internet addiction. Also do bunch of little things that would make me feel better and somehow hope something changes the way i see the world and how i feel


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Breath more consciously during the day.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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I kinda used that as a conv- opener, but what I meant was that you should learn mindfulness and be grateful of whatever comes. Only that way you can be truly happy which means that you have accepted life/present moment as it is. From that attitude you can continue your mundane goals, but you don't need anything anymore as a source of happiness, because it comes from inside you, you beautiful :). What you are missing is the realization that you are not missing anything. The content will not change; so keep practicing mindfulness and acceptance on daily basis.

I would say that the "problem" is that you try to find something beautiful somewhere else, but if you would just open your eyes and see what is front of you, you would find it. You are pretty close to get it, because you already said that everything is good on its own, but next step is to understand that it is good that everything is good on its own. You don't need anything particular more and I would even argue that when you are happy with the less you will be more happy on the long run anyways.

With love -joNi- ? ?

Edited by Kksd74628

Who told you that "others" are real?

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34 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

There are thousands of ideas that could make me feel better, be more conscious.

That's the problem with ideas. An idea is only useful if you use it, not if you just remember it.

36 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

I wake up but how do i remember

Try out one idea at a time, until it becomes a habit. For example, I take a cold shower every morning, at first I had to force myself to do this. Now it's becoming a habit. Is it a useful idea for me? Well, now I've tried it for a while probably not, it actually makes no difference to me. But at least I have embodied the idea and it's not just in my mind.

57% paranoid

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You need to learn how to enter flow state during your day. The key to do that is to get out of your head, into your body. Getting into feeling.  

And to do that, you need to set up your life in a way that you are constantly doing what you love. And if you don't know what you love, you need to work on finding out what that it is. Find the activities you can lose yourself in for hours and set up your life in a way that you are free to do those things. 

Look at Elon musk, he is constantly in flow. He loves his work. You can see that in his succes. 

You have to find what turns you on in life. And then you'll naturally enter flow state.

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47 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

Take any book, or a philosophy video, 1 leo video or any idea. I cant remember ideas that i've already learnt.

Take notes, and contemplate the ideas and make tangible everyday or weekly or monthly or yearly plan how do you want to implement those ideas in your life.

You can't just remember all the self-help ideas because there are way too many things to remember. Thats why note taking and contemplating is important.

Also i believe that you need just a few main changes and habits in your life and pratice them daily and focus on them hard, other small ideas can give you benefits but not nearly as much as the main ones.

By the main ones i mean habits that have a snow ball effect.

By the snow ball effect i mean you start with just a small snowball on the top of the mountain and as time goes on it becomes exponentially bigger. ( for instance meditation or reading )


So if you find an idea interesting you should spend a lot of time about contemplating about how you can implement it in yourlife, what benefits can it have and how does it changes your thinking about yourself and life.

Spend more time about implementing ideas than collecting ideas.

Edited by zurew

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@Kksd74628 yeah that idea too is benefical an simple and true. But when i realize this idea, why do i continue falling back to the same thinking pattern? Why do i deceive myself again that i need more and etc.?

@LastThursday exactly. Just simply trying out the things continously one after another

@JonasVE12 right

@zurew thank this all i needed really practical

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