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Prayer and Chakras recommendation?

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What would be a good source to really learn how to balance and open chakras? One that has worked for you. Im interested in balancing the 3 lower and the throat in order to be highly grounded and functional within social. 

On the other hand, I have always been interested in whats real prayer. Many spiritual teachers speak about it but dont really teach what is and how to do it correctly. Even Jesus did it... Any recommendation on how to learn the practice well? 


Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Prayer is a way of being where you are filled with god's love and glory and your cells are singing hallelujah to creation.

Best way to learn this is be exposed to someone who radiates that energy and can transmit it to you. I don't think it's possible to explain prayer through words and instructions. 

ACIM can teach u prayer. Not through instructions but through the grace of holy spirit and Christ.

Take care

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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This is a good explanation on prayer


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Kalki Avatar This guy has a series about it. Has a video on every chakra.

About prayer: it is just a method of concetration like many others, like Mantras.
You get absorb in the object of meditation - in this case a recitation repeated endlessly - and cool things start to happen.
Search for Jesus prayer on wiki and youtube: 

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@Salvijus I kinda understand the purpose and intention behind prayer. But im still confused as how to practice it. I looked in ACIM book, and he explains that prayer is a way of asking for forgiveness. Then I see this spiritual teacher mention prayer but not what to do:

@_Archangel_ Nice video on the chakras. Will check them out. So, you learned prayer as described in the link? Seems like everyone has a different way of praying. 

If not, I will just ask these ppl directly what they do. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Prayer is feminine, it needs receptivity, surrender, openness so that you have no will of your own and love just flows through you. 

Zen is masculine, it needs very intense laser sharp awareness that penetrates through the mind into the primordial eternal reality.

Zen is easier to explain and give instructions and practices. Prayer you won't find any instructions anywhere. Because there is none.

Prayer is not something u do. It's something that happens through u. Can't be tought. But can be transmitted somehow.

Acim is your best chance to understand the magic of prayer imo. It's a mystical thing how it works. Even when u experience prayer u still will not know how it works. Because it's not logical even. 

Good luck

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Kalki Avatar When you read acim just read and the let the energy of the words have an impact. You're not going to get some magical insight or great understanding that revolutionizes your life. It's a transmission of energy and you will move into the same frequency as acim. 

Read a few paragraphs of acim and notice your emotional/energetic state before reading and then during/after. Try meditating right after reading the words. It's not important to perfectly get and understand everything written, just letting the words wash over can have a strong impact.

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You want to vibrate the red, orange, yellow, and blue energy rays. This is something I've been able to do personally. For about half a year I experimented with the sounds called bija mantras by Hindu mystics. And I can say personally that they definitely work, of course, I was chanting them probably in a way most yogis would advise against. As I was uttering the sound as many times as was possible instead of the prolonged emphasis on the end which is ordinarily used.


I've experienced many things in that time. But perhaps one of the most radical things that happened when I was chanting LAM(the a sounds like the a in Father). I had stayed up all night and I was experiencing physical and mental lethargy as well as inflammation in my legs, all obviously occurring due to the sleep deprivation. Then I chanted LAM as many times as I could between breaths for 3 hours and the sleep deprivation symptoms disappeared entirely as if I had slept about 10 hours.


I've also tested the chakra activating notes produced by Tibetan singing bowls. And I can say confidently that they're effective also.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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On 5-5-2022 at 3:54 PM, Kalki Avatar said:

What would be a good source to really learn how to balance and open chakras? One that has worked for you. Im interested in balancing the 3 lower and the throat in order to be highly grounded and functional within social. 

Letting go of reactive energy inside your body is what will make you more grounded. So seek to become reactive, and then ground through letting go of tension in all the muscles and organs between your naval and feet. Relax each muscle inside the tension and when doing this consistently, you will gradually become more grounded. Grounding is something you have to consciously do inside the situations that make you feel ungrounded. The same with the throat. Feel when it contracts, and even seek to get into situations that make your throat contracted, and now relax the muscles, welcome the contraction and break it open as if you are tearing open a box. You can use your voice for that. You need to get used to expressing from your throat until it relaxes. You need grounding for that as well because it will feel vulnerable. If you are ungrounded, you will most likely become reactive to the vulnerability. You also need to relax your forehead especially during this process, because if you are tense there, you will think too much, and then it won't work. It's a feeling process. Kriya yoga has a lot of similarities. It is all about depth of feeling and controlling the energy inside your body. And that's what you need. Become good at feeling and you'll naturally understand how to open your chakras. 


On 5-5-2022 at 3:54 PM, Kalki Avatar said:

On the other hand, I have always been interested in whats real prayer. Many spiritual teachers speak about it but dont really teach what is and how to do it correctly. Even Jesus did it... Any recommendation on how to learn the practice well? 

Drop your analytical mind, and just sit down for a few hours with no distraction and try to figure it out yourself. You'll probably get a lot more out of that. Prayer is all about depth of feeling. Thoughts play almost no role. It's all about energy and feeling. Can you sit down and create tingles inside your balls? Or a sense of love inside your heart? Not thinking about it, but letting the feeling come to you. Prayer is the same, you channel different kinds of energies inside your body until you embody them. You don't need to learn how to do prayer. Your body knows how to do it when you drop into your body, into feeling, and shut off the analytical mind. Society has made our conscious analytical mind very dense, and it is difficult to just cut through all that thinking and just feel intuitively what it is about. We're not used to feeling anymore. Let go of the need to understand, breath and go into the breath because it can take you very deep. Prayer can be a way to channel alignment to your personal goals, or a way to merge with the loving universe. The more time you spend feeling, the easier it becomes. If you do it one hour and for the rest of the day, you think heavily, your progress will be slower. In the beginning, your mind and body will probably be chaotic during the process because you are vibration between wanting-trying-needing-confusion-apathy. The more acceptance you find in the body, the deeper you begin to go. As if you are entering a trance. Your thinking mind will prevent you to go in that trance deeply, just like when you are meditating and you keep getting bothered at the level of the mind. Frustration, wanting, needing, shoulds are common. We tend to push the thoughts away, and so it doesn't work. 

For learning prayer, feeling and energy consciousness, it can be very effective to practice do-nothing meditation daily for an hour. You need to learn how to still the mind so you can go deeper into feeling. That meditation is just perfect for that.

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@Kalki Avatar Actually i never practiced this specific exercise, something similar though.
The guy in the video is right, prayer is just form of meditation, concetrating in something outside of you that with time comes closer, finally bringing interior change.

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