
Best practice for Teotl and making good art?

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I've been making music for 6 years now. Produced over 1000 tracks but only 1 of them with a good and memorable melody and one has made it into Spotify and record label.

I saw Leo's videos and remember he said something about listening to 10 different genres and taking notes on stuff.

What's the best practice to improve art? I'm starting tomorrow to meditate from 10:00 to 18:00.

But what more can I do to get Teotl as fast as possible.

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I make music aswell and actually think that I am pretty good at making melodies so drop me couple links of your songs in pm and I could give some tips.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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5 hours ago, D2sage said:

What's the best practice to improve art?

Do lots and lots of it, but also study your artform in depth. What exactly makes a for good melody? What makes it memorable? Find out.

There's also the U shaped learning process. This guy explains his learning process (at 3:40 mark):


57% paranoid

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Alchemy - look into the magnum opus.

It should have elements of nigredo, albedo, cintrinitas and then rubedo to make artwork come alive.  Incorperate these four elements into any artwork that you do and it will become a philosopher's stone.

Edited by Loba

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Holistic Song Writing - 

Check him out, do his courses and read his books.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Go deep in a genre you like. Try to learn from it, figure out how to recreate the sound that define that genre. Figure out which plugins people use in that genre and try different ones to find ones you like.

Let's say you like deep house. Learn how to create a deep house style kick, how to create a deep house style drum groove. How to build a deep house chord progression and try to put an entire deep house track together. Repeat and make a few deep house tracks. After that you can dive into an other genre, let's say Chicago house. You do the same process, learn how to create those kind of sounds.

Then when you try to put a track together, you can start mixing elements from different genres you've explored. How would a Chicago house style chord progression work with a deep house drum groove? The more genres you've experimented with the more you can start mixing & matching different sounds from different influences and create something unique. But if you don't dive deep in any genre your musical language and production skill will suffer.

This is a very practical approach, but it will produce results. Then when you know how to create tons of sounds and grooves and got a good sense of melody in different styles, eventually you can let go of thinking so much about it and just start creating stuff until you come upon some idea that you fall in love with(this is also a good way to go about it no matter where you're at, but working on your foundation is never a bad idea either).

Edited by Asayake

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