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Hugo Oliveira

Tough inner game report

1 post in this topic

I had lots of ups and downs in sexuality and romantic life.
I came from a very traumatic background which I could overcome a good part. 

I've been into pick-up for a while, so I consider myself able o talk and connect to women.
But I'm suffering a lot from anxiety, depression, insomnia, and addictions. This is why I decided to take a break from trying romantic relationships.

I wanted to put myself in a better vibe before getting close to someone again, But I was also very needy and horny, to be honest. So I felt a strong impulse to make a few approaches and decided to bite the bullet. Even if I got rejected I think I could deal with that.

But I ended up talking with a magical girl who was incredibly kind and opened. 
It somehow triggered a hardcore vulnerability that I couldn't handle and I just wanted to run away. She was so sweet. And I was desperate. Feeling so weird and unprepared. Unmasked. She kind of brought up this wound of not being able to feel comfortable with myself, and with her. The worst possible feelings of shame and guilt. 

It hurt like hell.

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