
I wish I never started fapping.

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2 and a half years ago, I masturbated for the first time in my life.

This is thanks to my classmates in high school being surprised that I never masturbated given my age, and they were telling me I was missing out and that I have to try it.

So poor little ignorant me tried it out, with no prior knowledge of the potential destruction this habit can cause. If only I had known...  

I ejaculated so much that it was as if 3 years worth of semen was just waiting to burst out of my dick, which was probably the case.

I still remember the video I did it to.

It was so pleasurable, just like a drug.

Ever since then I haven’t been able to go more than 3 weeks without masturbating. 

It’s not even as enjoyable as it used to be, it doesn’t feel the same anymore. 

Every time I do it, I get a hangover effect that lasts for 4-5 days. Yet I still keep doing it. It’s literally not serving me in any way but I still keep doing it. 

How do I stop? 

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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Most of the time it is easy not to masturbate right?

It's only difficult when you are horny. 

So make a plan for what to do when you get horny. Like push ups, running outside, cold shower...

Just doing this for a few minutes should dissipate most of the horniness.

It's up to your discipline to follow through with your plan once you get horny.



Or learn how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms. Pretty much all of the negative effects come from ejaculation.

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Do you workout or do yoga? These will make you more energized and break through the sluggish phase that can be experienced sometimes after masturbation. Also they will improve your self discipline so you don't have to masturbate everytime you feel like it.

But never masturbating is probably not the best either imo, doing it sometimes can be a good thing. Try doing it without porn and focusing on the feelings in your body to make it a moment of bonding with yourself. Also work on your diet to make sure you get enough nutrients, it will make you recover faster not only from masturbation but from training as well.

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Most people masturbate multiple times a week, but some never do it. The hangover effect depends on frequency: the longer you go between each time, the more lethargic you'll feel afterwards.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just make a commitment to stop. You don't need a multi-step program. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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1 hour ago, GreenWoods said:

Most of the time it is easy not to masturbate right?

No. It’s always there in my mind. I just distract myself with other activities.

1 hour ago, GreenWoods said:

It's only difficult when you are horny. 

I haven’t been horny for 2 years. I masturbate out of psychological need, not horniness.

It’d be so much better if it was out of horniness but my brain has gotten addicted to the dopamine release it gives. So it’s psychological. 

1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

How is it your classmates fault?

Huh? I don’t think it’s their fault. Ultimately it was I who decided to try it out. I didn’t know any better and neither did they. 

1 hour ago, Asayake said:

Do you workout or do yoga? These will make you more energized and break through the sluggish phase that can be experienced sometimes after masturbation. Also they will improve your self discipline so you don't have to masturbate everytime you feel like it.

But never masturbating is probably not the best either imo, doing it sometimes can be a good thing. Try doing it without porn and focusing on the feelings in your body to make it a moment of bonding with yourself. Also work on your diet to make sure you get enough nutrients, it will make you recover faster not only from masturbation but from training as well.

@Asayake I workout but it makes me exhausted after I finish. It wasn’t like that before, I used to be energised afterwards. 

 I’ll try yoga. Which one? Kriya Yoga?

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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15 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Just make a commitment to stop. You don't need a multi-step program. 

I’ve made this commitment too many times... and here I am... giving my life force away to nothing... 

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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31 minutes ago, ThePoint said:

@Asayake I workout but it makes me exhausted after I finish. It wasn’t like that before, I used to be energised afterwards. 

 I’ll try yoga. Which one? Kriya Yoga?

What does your diet look like, are you eating enough after training? 

Also what does your workouts look like, are you 1 rep maxing deadlifts or doing higher rep movements with lower weight? How many body parts do you train in a session and how many sessions do you do per week? What kind of movements are you doing? 

Try a few different kinds of Yoga and see what works the best for you. There's a lot of good content on YouTube(Yoga with Adrienne has a 30 day Yoga challenge I liked if you want to try that at some point). I like Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga. Hatha Yoga early in the day gets the energy flowing in my body. Yin Yoga makes me calm and connected to my body and helps me wind down. I'm sure Kriya Yoga is also a good practice, all I have tried from that is Shambhavi Mudra so I can not speak a lot about it but from what I have tried it was good, it's something I'm going to explore more myself in the future.

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There isn’t evidence masturbation is bad for you.

Porn however is. Quit porn.

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Whenever you feel an urge take a cold shower, you can start it hot and then slowly make it cold, cooling down the body should make it go away

Try learning meditation. For a free online meditation training try unified mindfulness or the brightmind app.

Meditation has been shown to strengthen the part of the brain associated with willpower and quiet the part associated with impulsive urges over time. It also regrows the concentration and grey matter porn kills.
It can also be used to directly handle urges.


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Welcome to sex

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@ThePoint Dude it is totally normal, teenagers have very high levels of libido. When I was your age I used to masturbate a couple of times a day. It will eventually stabilize, don't worry. Don't shame yourself, it is totally normal.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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5 hours ago, ThePoint said:

Every time I do it, I get a hangover effect that lasts for 4-5 days.

Was this always the case? Sounds like POIS

Describe a thought.

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3 hours ago, Raze said:

There isn’t evidence masturbation is bad for you.

Porn however is. Quit porn.

Look up prolactin 

op’s rate actually isn’t bad so long as there isn’t porn

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1 hour ago, Osaid said:

Was this always the case? Sounds like POIS

It's not that. It's like Leech is saying; elevated prolactin levels. One of the functions of dopamine is to inhibit the release of prolactin. More prolactin = less dopamine action.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I quit porn and masturbation a few weeks ago and I noticed more energy and confidence. However my life just feels completely empty. I lowkey think I have depression. I'm losing interest in the things I used to enjoy and I feel emotionally drained. Hope its just temporary xD

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2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

It's not that. It's like Leech is saying; elevated prolactin levels. One of the functions of dopamine is to inhibit the release of prolactin. More prolactin = less dopamine action.

I don't experience any "hangover" effect after masturbating. Sounds very similar to POIS, though.

Prolactin just makes you sexually disinterested for a bit, and then it recalibrates itself over time, assuming you're functioning normally. I actually suspect it probably plays a big role in sexual dysfunctions so it might be relevant here.

Describe a thought.

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12 hours ago, ThePoint said:

How do I stop? 

By fully understanding your reasons for wanting to stop. Is fapping really harming you in any tangible way? or are you projecting blame onto fapping due to some underlying truth you are avoiding? I find this is the case with most people who are critical of fapping.

Indeed, jerking off doesn’t lead to any level of personal /spiritual development…so does not jerking off.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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11 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Most people masturbate multiple times a week, but some never do it. The hangover effect depends on frequency: the longer you go between each time, the more lethargic you'll feel afterwards.

@Carl-Richard for me it's like I lose my sexual appetite after not fapping for a while. The hangover depends more strongly on the intensity of the orgasm, which are normally weaker if my craving is weakened. 

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