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As an Indian, I want my country to be the best in the world

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India is the only country in the world which is trying to become a global economic power with an uneducated and unhealthy labour force. It’s never been done before, and never will be done in the future either. There is a reason why Europe went for universal education, and so did America. Japan, after the Meiji restoration in 1868, wanted to get full literate in 40 years and they did. So did South Korea after the war, and Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and China.

The whole idea that you could somehow separate out the process of economic growth from the quality of the labour force is a mistake.  Unfortunately that applies today to government of India as well. It doesn’t acknowledge the relevance of the quality of human labour.

That is the foundation of their mistake, their conclusions therefore are wrong. For example, they are trying to go suddenly for everything to be done by cash, which is meant to be an experiment. 

India is trying to be different from America, Europe, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Singapore, China all of them. This is not good way of thinking of economics. So foundationally, the government’s understanding of development underlying their approach is mistaken. Having said that, the previous government was terribly mistaken too. But one hoped there might be a change, and there has been, but not for the better. All the sins of the past government have been added up.

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

India is the only country in the world which is trying to become a global economic power with an uneducated and unhealthy labour force.

China? they're shitting in the streets and 20% of their population apparently doesn't even speak Mandarin, the official language of china... 

Edited by MarkKol

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1 hour ago, MarkKol said:

China? they're shitting in the streets and 20% of their population apparently doesn't even speak Mandarin, the official language of china... 

Comparing the growth rates of India and China is a pointless exercise. China’s growth rate has been consistently higher than India’s growth rate over the past three decades or so. India has barely overtaken the Chinese growth rate for a couple of quarters. Only if India can continue to beat the Chinese growth rate by a huge margin for the next two to three decades, does India stand a chance of overtaking the Chinese economy

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Beware of nationalism

It a a tool used by elite to control us

Nationalism is always bad


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Only possible if it moves to stage green. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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46 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:

Beware of nationalism

It a a tool used by elite to control us

Nationalism is always bad


I agree. Nationalism has a disturbing history in our country. 

Also , Nationalism has a disturbing history in America. It is ingrained in American culture that their nation is the best in the world. In President Trump’s Fourth of July speech last year year, he praised the American Republic “as the greatest, most exceptional, and most virtuous nation in the history of the world.”

Nationalist ideology begins in schools. Aside from repeating the pledge every morning, nationalism is fixed in public school curriculums. In history class, America is portrayed as the “good guy” that’s always on the right side of history. History curriculums often conveniently leave out the not so appealing parts of American history where their  country wasn’t on the “right side.” 

I obviously want the same for Indian because I'm biased towards it .

32 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Only possible if it moves to stage green. 

Do we have any maps or way of categorizing countries based upon their overall level of values development based on the model of Spiral Dynamics? I was just thinking about having clarification on this. For a few examples Places such as The United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, South Korea,  etc all seem to be at a primarily stage orange level of development. However places such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, etc appear to be at a blue stage of Spiral Dynamics values development. I was wondering what stages the various countries of the world are at. Perhaps we could create a thread of where we think certain countries and regions would fall on the spiral. Red countries, blue countries, orange countries , green countries, etc.

I'm not exactly sure where does India belong in the Spiral. 



Edited by Someone here

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Someone here India is blue, red and orange. 


A weird mix .I guess it makes sense cuz  SD is just a model not a territory. I studied the model a lot for myself. And in the end you just gotta let go of it, cause reality is so vast that the model itself limits you.  Don't think you just can slap a label on a country or a person and say that it's either blue, orange or green. It's just a mix of everything.

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Hey man, Arab here, I want the exact same thing of Lebanon.

Our country would be a lot more rich and wealthy, like it was when we got our independence from France and the many decades after. During that time, it was so rich it was known as the Middle Eastern Switzerland, and Beirut was the Paris of the Middle East.

But now our country is so divided along sectarian lines. And each sectarian group has their own extremist militant organization to represent them. The Maronites have the Lebanese forces, the Sunnis and the Palestinians have Fatah, the Shi'as have Amal and Hezbollah. They fight constantly and even have gun battles in the streets.

All the young people want to leave, and there's no sense of National unity or a common Lebanese identity, someone's allegiance will be to Amal, another to the Lebanese forces, but none to Lebanon as a whole, it's split loyalty. So many of the buildings are still destroyed from the civil war. There is so much Gov. corruption. The left over destruction of the Beirut port explosion has still not been cleaned up. The poverty is insane, the slums are huge, and they scatter their trash everywhere and tote guns (ak-47's) on the street in the open. There is not constant stable electricity or internet.

Instead of making a commitment to cleaning up Government corruption and diversifying our economy, the boomer generation only wants to destroy Israel. That's all they ****ing care about. Shouting ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ (Allah Akbar) and voting for retarded anti-Zionist/Hezbollah politicians. They are indifferent to how much they stunt progress by tarnishing our name in front of the international community (by constantly threatening Israel, voting for Hezbollah, our connections to Iran, etc...).

Edited by Husseinisdoingfine

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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I don't think India will be able to navigate through the climate crisis. Its going to leave some part uninhabitable and strain food supply. This is a disaster for an already impoverished country with a billion people.


Also nationalism is bad and almost always leads to bad outcomes.

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@Husseinisdoingfine I guess that explains why you peddle a lot of negative stuff here on the forum. Because of where you're from. You're from a place that is like a warzone. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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There are some beautiful beaches in India. And the home of many Buddhists. A good country but could need cleaner cities.

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Indian diaspora in America are the highest income earners of all ethnicity. If they could do the same things in India, that would help, I guess. Indian are successful in east Africa to. 
Hopefully you’re country improves.

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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On 5/3/2022 at 7:26 PM, MarkKol said:

China? they're shitting in the streets and 20% of their population apparently doesn't even speak Mandarin, the official language of china... 

@MarkKol @Leo Gura mmmm Honestly as a Chinese person who lived in China since childhood. When I heard Leo talking about "shitting in the mall" I feel that's a genuinely very low quality example. Nonetheless, it's happening in one high conscious education source. It happening on one high conscious source. It was really sad. The odds of such a thing happening are as slim as a nuclear weapon landing in a country, but some media outlets only interested in picking on it. China's shady media will also use an extreme instance and one or two lunatics to stigmatize America. When it comes to truly understanding the people of a country, these informations are ..... so mindless.。。。


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Not just nationalism, but beware of a national identity even. It is this kind of identities and labels that the ego likes to pull out of its ass and cling to like "mmyyyy prrreciousss", and then it will smother the label on it's face and wear it like a mask, to pretend that it's something special. Then in the end it will look at the world through this distorting mask. I'd try to flush it down if I had it on me.

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3 hours ago, MarkKol said:

@ZGROPIUS Sorry If I offended you

Oh It's okay now. Thank you for listening to me. There's really little original voices on these topics/expressions about the east in western countries.

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