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Good Musick

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Anyone have anything that can top this? 


"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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Super fascinating. No results. Hmm. Lol. 


"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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Oooohh. Nice one. I LOVE Bach. Definitely  Listening to it right now. Love that organ. Ever hear that "Hooked on Bach" album that was done with all synthesizers? What an amazing work of sonic mastery that was. Thanks for sharing.

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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2 minutes ago, EmptyInside said:

Super fascinating. No results. Hmm. Lol. 


thats because you added an extre "im". 

The song is old af, Google would obviously find it,


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have you ever heard of a more simplistic and accurate definition of "humility' than "I'm no better and I'm no worse"? It doesn't have that "stink of humility" that  the "holier than thou" type humility has. 

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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One of my favorite Beach Boys songs Phil. My dad even loves Beach Boys. He hates me, lol, but loves his beach boys and he's highly "religious" too if you know what i mean. Thank you. I had forgotten i needed to listen to that one again.

Thanks Michal. Can't believe i didn't notice that. I feel like a total moron. Thanks for being so much smarter than me.

This is slowly becoming one of my favorites too. 


Edited by EmptyInside

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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7 minutes ago, EmptyInside said:

Oooohh. Nice one. I LOVE Bach. Definitely  Listening to it right now. Love that organ. Ever hear that "Hooked on Bach" album that was done with all synthesizers? What an amazing work of sonic mastery that was. Thanks for sharing.

@EmptyInside Cool, no I do not think so, I will check it out later

Yes Bach is quite the gem.

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Not better, but about on the same level, I love the message.


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Loba, oh yeah Wow. Love that intro. Totally has that same "no better / no worse" underlying theme. Ambient is Great to kick back and meditate to also. One of my favorite genres. Thank you!

And i know this isn't "music" per say, but in keeping with the whole "humility" theme this video is powerful stuff. Confession, I had never heard the term "the stink of humility" until i watched this video. Hats off to Mr Eisenstein (sp?): 


Edited by EmptyInside

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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@EmptyInside Yeah no problem!  I loke the song you picked too.  Love finding new music! 

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I wrote these "inspired words" the other night when discussing the whole "paradox" concept that Leo and Myself are both intrigued by. Sure, it sounds arrogant and condescending, but when in Rome, right? What do you think?


I'll act dumb then outsmart you. I'll act crazy then show you how crazy YOu ur. I'm 1000 steps ahead and 10 miles behind you. You won't understand because you can't understand. I'll act hateful to expose HATE in YOUR HEART. I'll be the hypocrite to expose YOUR HYPOCRISY. Your brilliant. I'm cunning. i'm the fox and the wolf and the raven and the crow.

"I'm the shrapnel from the Explosion, hit you in the FACE while you POSING" ~Ice Cube




Edited by EmptyInside

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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Hello The0Self. Listening to them now. Now THIS is my kinda music. I could tell we were kindred spirits. Seen your posts elsewhere on the forums. HIGHLY impressed. I'll give you some feedback when I've finished thoroughly enjoying these 3 songs you shared. Thank you!

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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The first one is very much to my liking. I, like Terence McKenna, consider "Trance" to be my favorite of all genres. It has that "Trance" vibe and the Alan Watts sound bytes are superb. Love that guy. Love to hear him laugh, like a maniac, like he did frequently. It cheers me right up. Never heard this one before and added it my "private stash" playlist. 

The second one, Serendipity. One of my favorite words. Never heard this song either and absolutely Love It. Catchy. Nice hook. "something's watching over me". Yep. The whole "mysterious ways" and all. SUPREMELY "serendipitous". Love that line. This is certainly a "keeper". How have I never heard this song? See, so GLAD i ASKED. Have you ever seen the movie "Serendipity"? John Cusack. What's her face. One of the greatest movies ever made, I watch it every Christmas. Keeps me company. AND it's a "chick flick" too kinda. I don't care. I love it all the same.

Love the melodic piano in the third track. Did I mention I'm a musician. I've been known to record tracks that sound surprisingly similar to this one. Reminds me of my 0self. Great one to "open up those chakras to". Imo. Thank you thank you thank you!

I LOVE people who aren't susceptible to "flattery" and "love bombing" too. That speaks volumes.

Edited by EmptyInside

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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On the subject of Alan watts, this is by far my fav lecture. He is so ON FIRE in this audio recording, just wow. Chuang Tzu is how I prefer to spell it and pronounce it. He's even more on point than Lao Tzu was. And the dude is EXTREMELY funny!!


"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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