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Super Insightful Trip

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My Trip just ended, so I have to explain what I experienced, basically these beings, for the lack of a better term, kept telling me on repeat this sentence:

- " Whatever you believe is Reality "


What da heck did they mean by this???

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The word “believe” seems to imply more than its use in the traditional sense.

They could either mean that reality is what you make of it, literally.. or they could mean the straightforward notion that belief = reality. The meaning of the latter being actuality. And the former meaning being more psychological than actual in its essence.

Personally, I'd say they meant the former.. Belief = Reality.. simply because of my insight on nonduality.

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belief is what mind takes as truth and therefore mind goes around looking for confirmation to claim that its belief is indeed truth

so if you believe christianity is true, you will block anything that suggests otherwise and therefore you created your christian reality

in short what you believe is what you see

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