The White Belt

Meta-physical Occurences That Happened During Early Childhood That You Suppressed!

11 posts in this topic

Yo people! 


This thread is for people to unleash some 'freaky', or explainable childhood occurrences that they had to tell themselves was bullshit in later life, due to everyone turning them logical, but are now tuning back into them after meditation or after having some 'freaky' adult experiences.

I'll start.

When I was very young I used to look at things for an extended period and start to see a black and white spiral coming into my field of vision.

When I used to go to bed I always had some crazy OBEs that made me levitate above my bed! 


I'm only starting to remember these things that happened when I was maybe four years old, because a level on consciousness that I suppressed for 'practical' purposes is returning to me!


Please, share yours with us! 

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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I would sometimes ponder "What would it be like if the universe didn't exist?". Intuitively, this should be within the realm of possibility.

These sometimes triggered a sense of "nothingness" in my mind that scared the shit out of me. It was impossible to imagine nothingness... to imagine anything at all was "something"! 

As I grew older, I stopped being able to tap into that sense, or perhaps I forgot.

But now as I journey into spirituality and self-actualization, I am hoping to rediscover that sense of nothingness.

Edited by Flow With Life

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When I was around 5-6, while falling asleep, especially if I had some fever (which is common when you are kid) I would feel/see/hear fizzing abstract colored fractal noise, associated with unpleasant vertigo. It was like if the "infinite greatness of the universe" and "the infinite smallness of atoms" were fighting together, resulting in a "saturated buzzing self-convoluted complex". This youtube link describe the unpleasant feeling very well (see bellow).

On 8-9, this is a funny game I played in my mind, that helped me to fall asleep : in my imagination, a daemon were hunting me, and to escape it I had to picture in my mind the most distant galaxy, but each second I had to teleport in another random place, even more further, 100x, 1000x, exponentially. I could only escape the daemon by always switching from a new random place to another.


Edited by Soulbass

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Just gonna throw this in here as a reminder, not at all as accusation, in fact I love the idea of the topic.



+ even when not false, memory is inherenrly flawed, as it works with a nonexistant concept we call the past.

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When I was around 5-6, while falling asleep, especially if I had some fever (which is common when you are kid) I would feel/see/hear fizzing abstract colored fractal noise, associated with unpleasant vertigo. It was like if the "infinite greatness of the universe" and "the infinite smallness of atoms" were fighting together, resulting in a "saturated buzzing self-convoluted complex". This youtube link describe the unpleasant feeling very well (see bellow).

Yours reminded me of mine at that age, when I would look at the wallpaper which was parallel lines or curves  horizontally, when seen in the dim light they would shake violently back and forth. I say violently because it was more than a gentle vibration.


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I once thought that I was watching a movie. That none of this was real, and that I had no control. And, then, I went to my sister and she told me that, no, I was wrong, this is real life and I can touch stuff. I believed her but still thought I had stumbled upon a very accurate and coherent explanation of the nature of reality.

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I was convinced at one point that I had ESP. No idea if that's true or not, but the fact that ESP seems like a real phenomena means that it could have been true.



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Cool thread idea. I'm going to post a cool expert that I was reminded of from Frederick Dodson's book 'Parallel Universe of Self'


We often hear of people suddenly gaining extraordinary abilities under great stress, pressure or survival instinct. The well-known story of a mother suddenly being able to lift a car with one hand to save her babies life, comes to mind. But it is not always necessary to be in a life-threatening situation in order to have higher abilities. Two occurrences from my life come to mind. One day I was sitting there reminiscing about my childhood when it suddenly struck me like a bolt of lighting: As a child I had been jumping from buildings and trees without injuring myself! Up to that day I had somehow blocked this activity from my memory because it didn’t fit into the laws that supposedly govern our physical existence. Another reason I hadn’t remembered that was because as I child I did not view this as anything unusual. I recalled all the times I had played as a child and displayed abilities one might find outrageous. Playing Zorro and Hide and Seek and Star Wars and all kinds of things I recall jumping off the roof of a one-story house. I recall jumping off a tree and hitting the ground unscathed. And many more such incidents. My memory went on to other unusual events of my childhood. I actually drowned and lie under water for quite awhile before my cousin noticed I was missing and sent a search time into the lake to look for me. I was practically dead. Strangely enough I also recall my parents scolding me for jumping down high places. They kept telling me: “You are going to break your arm! You are going to break your arm! You are going to break your arm!” This mantra eventually sank in, and one day, I actually did break my arm. Tears welled up recalling this. After that there were no more high jumps. The amazing thing is how I had blocked these events from my memory, and how I was conditioned to believe that it is not possible or healthy to do things that “weren’t possible”. I understand we all have abilities and potentials way beyond what we are conditioned to believe in this reality in which self-limitation is the main game.


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So when i was like 10 or smth. I remember 2 chains of thought.

1. The existence of time doesn't make sence.

2. Consciousness cannot inherently be individual. It must be somehow one big consciousness in the end. How else could more conscious beings be born infinitely.

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Thanks for the responses, folks! Very interesting stuff. 

I'll throw one more in of mine (there are several more), this time, somewhat paranormal rather than meta-physical.

So i'm looking for this one game disc. It's one of those times as a kid when in your mind, you just have to play this game (I think it was a PlayStation 2 game), and the more I can't find it, the more desperate I get to find it. 

So i'm looking EVERYWHERE. Under my bed, in my drawers, behind cupboards, etc.

Then all of a sudden I hear a clunk, and I look in the drawer i've checked at least 5 times, and there it is! 

This totally knocked me out (figuratively). I am totally stunned. How can it just appear, with a clunk, in the drawer i've checked over and over?!

Of course since then i've told myself that I didn't look properly, and skipped over it. That it was there all along.

Don't get me wrong, that could totally be the truth! But the point is, not necessarily. 

It could just be that the event didn't fit into my paradigm of normal, so i've bent it to fit that.


Who knows, eh?! xD

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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3 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

Then all of a sudden I hear a clunk, and I look in the drawer i've checked at least 5 times, and there it is! 

This isn't childhood, but your story reminded me of a few weeks back. I had a lot of bad luck with health issues, I lost about 80 GB of important data and a whole heap of stress, then I lost my mobile phone. I turned the house upside down over a period of three days and I work at home, there's a lot of stuff to look through. I had just given up on the mobile phone when I went into my office and the monitor in front of me now had UNPLUGGED ITSELF. Yes ... you red it right. It unplugged itself. I bent down to the socket under the desk to plug it in and there under the electrical socket was my mobile phone. Go figure that one out?

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