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Narcissism Checklist - Research & Change + General in Depth (CLOSED JOURNAL)

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I am completing this journal for the following two main reasons:

  1. I want people to be able to use this knowledge to spot and distance yourselves from narcissists in your lives 
  2. Anyone here that has the self awareness to begin to modify their inner world that has already been infected by culture to be more narcissistic I want to be provided with a way out of their behaviours 

At present this is purely preliminary and I will likely make this more formal by next weekend or two.



1. Do they have a grandiose self? 

  • firstly, for certain people this is going to be easy to discern however at the upper levels of human potential it’s going to become increasingly more difficult to discriminate between the nuances here, much of which I’ve noticed people have more difficulty with.
  • trying to max out an ability doesn’t mean you’re “grandiose”, what matters more than anything else is whether the persons grandiosity is tied to a false self. Testosterone for example is going to all things being equal make others more achievement orientated, your ability to discern whether this orientation is based on either or both a grandiose false self and or to garner the approval and or validation of other people is what will spell out the difference here.
  • another indicator is are they trying to always create a certain identity for themselves rather than having a natural fluidity that isn’t bound by this kind of inflexibility and “mode of interaction” with other people?

2. Do they show validation and or approval seeking behaviour and by what degree?

  • to me outside of sensitivity to criticism even if it’s constructive feedback this is by far the best indicator of narcissism at the upper levels. The very definition of a narcissist is predicated on a false self that is designed to garner the approval and attention from other people. More pertinent here though is we’re studying the emotional reactions of people in relation to the behaviour of others. Meaning this is entirely drawn from understanding how they respond to feedback altogether. How responsive are they to flattery? How reactive are they to the inverse? This doesn’t mean that any reaction that is negative should be classified as potentially narcissism this is after all context dependent, however regardless some kind of scale here will be generated.

3. Callousness vs sentimentality 

  • do they form strong bonds with other people? If so, how strong are those bonds and in what ways are those bonds tied together? 

4. Trust vs Anti-trust

  • do they have trust issues or so they find it difficult to trust? Someone high in narcissism is more likely to be paranoid about other people and therefore will trust much less. However we can have the inverse of  where due to someone being high in sentimentality they trust “too easily” and need to understand constructs like this.

5. Gaslighting, sabotaging and other covert to overt tactics

  • All these things can be done in defence to protection so to this end we have a breather however to the extent that they’re done purely out of attack is to the extent that we need to be developing an understanding on how to discern the differences on and the depth to.


This is just all preliminary as stared

We hit two other birds with this stone here that we’ll explore later, BPD and psychopathy for example share many interesting overlaps here that I would like to refine my abstractions on.

Lastly, I want this to be remedial as well so I will be sharing my own designed ideas that will help people wire their brain away from the validation seeking that most of western culture has almost overnight for younger generations conditioned them to be more inclined towards. Validation and approval seeking is a natural phase that humans go through in their development however after a certain period in adolescence this is meant to wane down considerably. To have this present in young adulthood and greater is a big concern that is under emphasised and needs to be taken care of so that those people can set themselves up to thinking independently about the world around them to make the most creative contribution to the world they can without worrying about the negative or positive feedback from others outside of constructive learning to wisdom here.


This journal is going to be extremely comprehensive meaning anything you need to know about cluster B personality disorders will be able to be fully comprehended in this journal to the highest end I can complete it to. I have decided to use narcissism as an encompassing term and how I will begin this journal in light of it being the biggest worry for our culture and to add solutions for people that either need to become better at discerning narcissists from non-narcissists or where they themselves need to take preventative action based on how they’ve so far been conditioned by their society to seek the validation and or approval from other people that stimulates narcissistic tendencies.

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