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ll Ontology ll

Advanced Techniques for Growing Consciousness (i.e. heal, grow and or adapt the ego)

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Advanced Techniques

All of these are original, it is by mere coincidence that they are similar to ones you may have heard about otherwise.

They are free for you to claim as your own, this is all spiritual karmic currency as I have stipulated in the past.

Let's look at the word advanced here, from a relative sense.

As stipulated these are advanced techniques, do not attempt these techniques if you believe you may have certain consciousness vulnerabilities that will be activated as a consequence of their practice. Advanced here, is of course a relative word. 

We will be working with themes, to begin we will focus on the imagination which inclusive of that of course as a consequence to practicing the techniques they will be a means of growing the imagination. This is of course as well the outcome of most techniques that utilise any particular faculty, inclusive then of any other faculties that the imagination is simultaneously recruiting.

Let's look at both the number of themes and number of techniques from 1-infinity, as I don't know when I will be concluding my work here.


Theme #1: Imagination

Technique #1:The Echo technique


The following technique is to aid awareness in identifying the areas of the "ego" that may either need growing, healing or adapting.

The use of the word growth here in any respect here is through a feedback loop and or a mirroring function where the insight generated through this mechanism is reflective of the echo of growth. Hence the name, "The Echo Technique".

All that you need to do for this technique is to:

1. Simply close your eyes and focus as silently as possible within on your awareness.

2. Begin with a neutral phenomenon. Aka a phenomenon that is not at all triggering. Begin by imagining this phenomenon in your minds eye as separate from you while maintaining concentration on the awareness that is you in the moment that you're practicing this technique. A neutral phenomenon could be a desk, tree, lamp cloud, etc.

3. Now imagine yourself as this neutral phenomenon, while maintaining your concentration on the present moment, your real self, the awareness that is free from everything else that is not pure awareness, not excluding the pure resonance of being you feel.

4. Now observe all of the reactions your "ego" goes through by imagining yourself as this neutral phenomenon. Let's say you're a cloud a part of a storm. Let's say you're the cloud that is responsible for forming the lightening that somehow destroys your most loved person. 

5. Now we have evolved by this point to experience this previously neutral phenomenon as now a potentially threatening phenomenon because it "triggers" your ego. Now I want you to observe and experience all of the sensations that arise during the imagining of you as the cloud being responsible for destroying your most loved person. Sit with them in the way you would with the vipassana technique. This work is analogous to exposure therapy however for the purpose of identifying particular aspects of conditioning within the being that in your personal view require healing, growth and or adaptation, something that you will experience through the insight that you draw whether intellectual, emotional, intuitive or otherwise as an "Echo" that forms through the execution of this technique, THROUGH the healthy processing of those impulses using the noted complementary technique (again, the vipassana technique, don't screw this up).

6. Now imagine further threatening as well as positive scenarios with you as this cloud that occur as a consequence of being this cloud following the same efforts in step 5.

7. Have a free-associative writing session where you write down all of the insights you may be having from this experience about the growth of your ego, be as true as you possibly can adding no false indentation to the writing of your experiences. Allow these free-associations to be drawn from your deep subconscious mind emotionally, spiritually, intuitively, energetically and in every other way that is reflective of the all encompassing intelligence of your being

9. Now you're ready to actually begin identifying threatening phenomena already logged away in your memories that only you truly know are threatening to you that you can process in the same way. You've likely never done this before where you're imagining yourself as the threatening phenomenon so this is going to be an excellent way for you to draw new judgement on that phenomenon in a way that is designed for you to grow consciousness through the development of the ego. 

10. Any lingering "negative" sensations you may have from the experience I want you to begin to write out so you see them out on paper in a brainstorming way. And in the same way that you received an "echo" from the previous exercise I want you to draw out those intuitions again from this echo while at the same time making a conscious effort to dis-identify from associating as you as now no longer you, this is as a precautionary measure to ensure the health of your psychology so no unnecessary memory associations are stored.

11. This technique can not only be used for threatening phenomena but also non-threatening phenomena that you love or just simply have some difference with that in turn makes your ego draw a certain non-needed reaction to that phenomenon that wouldn't be there if your "ego wasn't in the way". The end goal of this technique is of course to help you have your ego "get out of its own way" for the greater fluid processing of your inner environment and every form and kind of environment you perceive through your consciousness. For example, I want you to imagine yourself as a man if you're a woman or a woman if you're a man where following the same procedure above you use the echo technique slowly breakdown the non-spiritual distinctions that exist between you that otherwise affect your judgement in a way that doesn't aid your perception of them as a being in this universe precisely in the same way that you exist in it. Go all the way up and down the animal kingdom and everywhere else with this technique and notice your ego make modifications to itself automatically by following these steps more and more.

12. The possibilities here are endless, feel free to share your own ideas including any future technique that is expressed in this journal.

13. Continue to shift from scenario to scenario as best as it reflects your best prior learning on other simulated scenarios as it concerns the pairing between A. Phenomenon and B. Activation of the thread/reward/otherwise response from the "ego" to convert the phenomenon from a neutral to non-neutral phenomenon and all the way back to pure awareness again, in conjunction with other steps, as best as you can learn to.


Edited by ll Ontology ll

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22 minutes ago, ll Ontology ll said:

13. Continue to shift from scenario to scenario as best as it reflects your best prior learning on other simulated scenarios as it concerns the pairing between A. Phenomenon and B. Activation of the thread/reward/otherwise response from the "ego" to convert the phenomenon from a neutral to non-neutral phenomenon and all the way back to pure awareness again, in conjunction with other steps, as best as you can learn to.

Brief as Needed Elaboration of Technique #1 within Theme #1:

If not already obvious to personally infer I added #13.

Core elements then we have here for your own conceptualisation and general intuitive construction:

1. Awareness

2. Imagination

3. Phenomenon imagined through, in and as awareness

4. Simulation to pairing phenomenon with and from awareness

5. Ego reactions

6. Ego growth through the level of encompassing awareness with consciousness that we frame as "processing", which denotes noted "Echo / Consciousness-Feedback/Learning".

7. An understanding of the End Objective post adherence and understanding of expressing these core elements: Pure awareness that does not exclude the full present awareness of the full intelligence of being including the present awareness of the energy of being and all other elements otherwise described above.

As needed, ask any questions, etc that you think the corresponding answers there would either add to this technique and or add to your understanding of it and its application.

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