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The exciting frontier of teledildonics

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As it’s probably obvious by now the dating market is beyond screwed (especially if you’re not inner city) and human connection/sex/birth rates are at an all time low because of it. 

I don’t know about y’all but I’m beyond tired of having to constantly walk on eggshells and enter every interaction very cautiously while analyzing every single thought I have before speaking as not to offend. Tired of being misled  about peoples’ true intentions and feelings resulting in faulty calibration settings on my end unequivocally making me look like the “weirdo.” Tired of having to think, act, dress and speak similarly to everyone else and memorize an encyclopedia sized list of social norms so I don’t make anybody “uncomfortable.” For most of us guys it seems at least half of our mental bandwidth is reserved for simply trying to not look creepy. Cost benefit analysis would suggest that putting yourself out there to be for years threatened, bullied and mocked for making social errors plus the possibility of false sexual harassment allegations etc. is not worth whatever great sex you might end up winning. 

The perfect solution to this massive cultural dilemma has to be advanced cyber sex. There are pressure and friction sensitive flesh lights and dildos that can be connected to each other through the web so each party can feel the simulated movements of one another in real time. You’ll be able to experience intimacy with anyone in any setting and as much as you want. The graphics in that documentary look very REALISTIC and it also says the tech is very close to understanding taste and smell. Watch and see.

The more I think about this the more excited I become to finally get to fulfill my basic need and without any of the risks or drawbacks of the real thing. 

What do you guys think, would you try it?


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  On 4/30/2022 at 7:19 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

flesh lights and dildos that can be connected to each other through the web so each party can feel the simulated movements of one another in real time.

^Trillion dollar idea.

Only simps fans is gonna make a fortune.

The era of cyber/virtual prostitution has begun.

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  On 4/30/2022 at 7:19 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:


As it’s probably obvious by now the dating market is beyond screwed (especially if you’re not inner city) and human connection/sex/birth rates are at an all time low because of it.


Wrong, the dating market has just changed. Men are no longer a commodity to women and are now more of a luxury item. Most men are doing the things that worked in a commodity market and are confused as to why nobody is buying. Its not even that hard to do just be attractive.

  On 4/30/2022 at 7:19 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:


I don’t know about y’all but I’m beyond tired of having to constantly walk on eggshells and enter every interaction very cautiously while analyzing every single thought I have before speaking as not to offend. Tired of being misled  about peoples’ true intentions and feelings resulting in faulty calibration settings on my end unequivocally making me look like the “weirdo.” Tired of having to think, act, dress and speak similarly to everyone else and memorize an encyclopedia sized list of social norms so I don’t make anybody “uncomfortable.” For most of us guys it seems at least half of our mental bandwidth is reserved for simply trying to not look creepy. Cost benefit analysis would suggest that putting yourself out there to be for years threatened, bullied and mocked for making social errors plus the possibility of false sexual harassment allegations etc. is not worth whatever great sex you might end up winning. 


That's how the human social dance works. The reason you feel like that is because you are a beginner over time as you practice this stuff becomes automatic and natural. You just need more practice people in the adult world aren't going to mock you.

  On 4/30/2022 at 7:19 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

The more I think about this the more excited I become to finally get to fulfill my basic need and without any of the risks or drawbacks of the real thing.

Damn bro that's a pretty toxic mindset. Everything that makes life worth living has risk and drawbacks. You might find yourself full regrets if you seek a comfortable and easy life.

  On 4/30/2022 at 7:19 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

What do you guys think, would you try it?

Ehh maybe, I wouldn't go out of my way to but if it was offered to me I'd give it a go



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  On 5/1/2022 at 1:24 AM, Leech said:

Men are no longer a commodity to women and are now more of a luxury item.

Can you clarify this a bit more? It sounds like you’re saying women are now picking only from the very best and seeing them as novelties instead of a basic resource. If that’s true imagine how many people will get left behind. Male virginity rates are already sky high.

  On 5/1/2022 at 1:24 AM, Leech said:

over time as you practice this stuff becomes automatic and natural

No it doesn’t.

  On 5/1/2022 at 1:24 AM, Leech said:

You just need more practice people in the adult world aren't going to mock you.

Maybe they won’t do so right in front of you but they sure will kick up a fuss about all your mistakes amongst each other behind your back. This causes problems to say the least. Once someone doesn’t like you, their mind is made up. So there is no room for error. This is not good for a beginner who needs lots of practice.

  On 5/1/2022 at 1:24 AM, Leech said:

Damn bro that's a pretty toxic mindset. Everything that makes life worth living has risk and drawbacks.

Right, but in this area I don’t think it’s that big a deal. I think teledildonics will be to sex what video games were to say sports or other real world hobbies. First it will be heavily scrutinized, then it will be accepted. Sex is at the very foundation of Maslow’s pyramid. There are so many starving dudes out there and the problem is so extreme I say why not have the perfect substitute to stay satisfied until you get the real thing.


  On 4/30/2022 at 9:20 PM, Arcangelo said:

Only simps fans is gonna make a fortune.

The era of cyber/virtual prostitution has begun.

It’s even better than that because you can walk around virtual worlds of any design you can imagine and literally just ask people to have sex with you (something you absolutely cannot get away with in the real world even though there’s no good reason why) and there’s a good chance they’ll say yes. It will be infinitely easier to express yourself authentically as there will be no consequences for doing so unlike real life. Imagine two ugly social rejects coming together in vr with perfect avatars to show each other what they never could and probably never would have gotten to experience. 

  On 4/30/2022 at 11:46 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

More pleasure =/= more happiness.

Then why have sex at all? Why even have this entire sub forum? Isn’t that all romance is? just maximum pleasure without having to take drugs?


  On 4/30/2022 at 11:46 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Regular porn is damaging enough, now imagine porn on stereoids.

The only thing that makes porn destructive is too much dopamine and not enough healing oxytocin to balance it out. I can see this tech getting good enough to trigger the body to release it.

  On 4/30/2022 at 11:46 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

If you're getting blown out constantly, the problem is not with others, the problem is with YOU?

Nazi’s fallacy. Just because majority consensus is one way doesn’t mean they’re right. That makes me think of some quotes: “Great spirits will always be opposed by mediocre minds.” And,

”It is no measure of health to be well adjusted... well you get the idea. 

But to be fair, if you’re going around being a total inconsiderate douchebag then yeah, the problem is you. But most of us arent even close to that and we still come up invariably dry. 

Apparently what you have to do to get laid is start touching various parts of her body before pulling. The problem is how astronomically high the stakes are here. If she likes it (meaning you read her signals perfectly and touched accordingly, you get to fuck. If she doesn’t, that shit can literally have you fighting a sexual assault charge, happens all the time. Whereas a girl can touch a guy she likes all she wants and generally won’t risk getting in any trouble for it.

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  On 5/4/2022 at 6:36 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

Can you clarify this a bit more? It sounds like you’re saying women are now picking only from the very best and seeing them as novelties instead of a basic resource. If that’s true imagine how many people will get left behind. Male virginity rates are already sky high.

When I say luxury good I mean more along the lines of food vs video games as opposed to a  town house vs a mansion . 


In the house example everyone needs shelter and thus most people will buy the best house they possibly can afford. You see this with a lot of commodity items people will typically buy the best they can reasonably afford. Similarly women pre-women rights treated men the same, the would go for the best man they could reasonably get prioritizing comfort qualities. Comfort qualities you can see as being money(resources),empathy, and parenting qualities among others. This was important to enable their survival as women couldn’t acquire resources as effectively as a man could at that time. Since women can now earn a salary and have the similar rights to men legally now comfort qualities aren’t as important to most women in the modern day. They become important in a relationship matience context but isn’t what will attract most in the first place to form one. This in turn has switched the dating market to a luxury good context.


In the food vs video games example most people would choose to buy food over a video game if they only had enough money to buy one or the other. People need food but people want video games. This makes all video games a form a of luxury item. Similarly women do not need a man to survive anymore but every woman wants a man. Luxury items generate profit by appealing and catering to a niche as opposed to increasing their inherent value. They have a perceived value to their target niche and are only concerned with catering to that audience’s desires. Men are in this situation as women now initially prioritize attractive qualities over comfort qualities.


Now most men make two mistakes major mistakes when they hear that. They assume that women only want the best man and what makes that man attractive. Remember, men are a luxury item meaning that we each have a niche that we cater to. A fps gamer will not have the same taste in games as a RPG gamer. Even within those groups not every game in that genre will be rated the same between gamers. Some fps gamers prefer tactical shooters as opposed arena shooters. Some arena shooter fans will rate halo higher then unreal tournament. Similarly women have a variety of taste in men as a group. If you walk around your town and look for couples you will notice a variety and diverse combinations of men and women. Women don’t want the best man they want the best man for them. 


Second men typically misunderstand what actually is considered attractive by women. Since most men are primarily attracted to the visual they assume women are too. This is incorrect as what women are primarily attracted to can be summarized as the emotional roller coaster. They want a man to provide them with an exciting movie star experience not necessarily to look like a movie star. This is in part why girls will randomly start stupid verbal arguments with you if she’s bored. That is what they love, attention and spiked emotions to a woman is what sex is to men. Now don’t misunderstand me I am not saying looks aren’t important it’s just less important then you think and different. Women want men to match the vibe they are portraying, congruence.

I can further expand upon this if you have questions about what I brought up here.

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  On 5/6/2022 at 3:05 PM, Leech said:

If you walk around your town and look for couples you will notice a variety and diverse combinations of men and women. Women don’t want the best man they want the best man for them. 

I recently attended a town gathering where people hang out, eat, listen to music and shop. I saw dozens of couples and hardly a single one where the guy is shorter. The only such couples I see are 9/10 times in their forties or fifties. It’s no different no matter where I look.

I don’t think looks are everything, but I do think they’re about 90% of it. If you have the impeccable social skills of an absolute god, it’s possible for that to carry you to victory in some cases. As long as you don’t mess up. Yet chad barely has to try at all, as seen in the above video. Read the top two comments on that clip.

Maybe I live in an extremely closed minded area but it’s very rare I ever get a good reaction from a girl. This is compounded by the fact that they will often disguise their true feelings to give the wrong idea, to either toy with me or as a safety mechanism. I usually try to open by being myself as much as possible which means creating a playful and carefree atmosphere yet this always goes poorly. You would think if so many different girls all had different “types” I would have had at least some luck by now, but nope. I have tried different techniques and they do elicit different responses but the end result is unchanged.

If I was the only one going through this or one of the small minority then yeah it would be my fault, but millions of us have this same trouble.

which is why I believe teledildonics to be a saving grace 

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  On 5/21/2022 at 7:30 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

If I was the only one going through this or one of the small minority then yeah it would be my fault, but millions of us have this same trouble.

Don’t be a victim. Millions of people are overweight due to the availability of crappy food that’s pushed by media and chemically designed to be habit forming. They are still responsible for becoming overweight. Its their fault and similarly its your fault you aren’t getting laid. You are responsible for everything that happens to you and the state you are in because you have a will, soul, or whatever makes you a conscious human. 

The sooner you adopt the mental model everything that happens to you is your fault they sooner you can turn your life around. If you are the cause of all that happens to you it becomes much easier to fix it and get what you want out of life. 

 I doubt what I said is going to change your mind or even make stop and think. I mean it’s a lot easier to just complain about being a loser and stay the same then to actually change. 


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  On 5/28/2022 at 5:01 PM, Leech said:

You are responsible for everything that happens to you and the state you are in because you have a will, soul, or whatever makes you a conscious human.


  On 5/28/2022 at 5:01 PM, Leech said:

The sooner you adopt the mental model everything that happens to you is your fault they sooner you can turn your life around. If you are the cause of all that happens to you it becomes much easier to fix it and get what you want out of life. 


  On 5/28/2022 at 5:01 PM, Leech said:

it’s a lot easier to just complain about being a loser and stay the same then to actually change. 

This isn’t being very fair. Is it acceptable to say it’s only half my fault? It takes two to tango after all. My half being I don’t put in enough practice. Their half being they have very little patience for sub optimal social skills. The problem is, you have to already be at a minimum threshold of skill in order to be accepted into any circle or venue unless they’re exceptionally cool. (assuming you aren’t highly attractive) Which sucks greatly because these are crucial training grounds to level up. It’s a perfect catch22. I would love to stop being a loser and take control of the situation. But like I have to carry pepper spray due to the perfectly valid fear of accidentally saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and getting beat up by chad. Night life spaces are supposed to be environments where you can let loose and open up to your true self after a long week on autopilot, to freely and playfully say anything that comes to mind with little inhibition. And it seems there are many people doing that. Then there are those of us who still have to tiptoe on eggshells lest we make some girl the slightest bit uneasy. It sends the message “be yourself but only if it’s a self we happen to like”

It honestly feels like an even more sick and twisted version of The Truman Show at this point.

If this isn’t what oppression feels like idk what is. 

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