
Human Sacrifice

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Humans & Animals have been killed as a sacrifice for God since the dawn of humanity. Why God ( You ) want an animal or another human to die for you? 

Does God enjoy the concept of murder?

Edited by Closed

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lol, "scarified".

Do you mean like ritual sacrifice or just killed for food?

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There are various reasons for the sacrifices, and they are not very consistent with one line of thinking among all civilizations. The most sense-making reason for me is insanity caused by fear. People justify doing all sorts of crazy things with crazy stories when they're afraid, and this seems especially the case with sacrifice rituals. It's like they project their fear outwards and try to fight it away in a way that they see fit, so they invent Gods and ghosts and all that out of fear of the unknown.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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16 minutes ago, Closed said:

Does God enjoy the concept of murder?

God enjoys everything that can be enjoyed.  

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Of course none of these sacrifices were made for the God Leo talks about.

Most religious traditions do have a nondual component, but for the most part they worshipped dual gods within creation. These gods are powerful astral beings that can be perceived by psychics.

Some of these gods are quite wrathful and actually wanted such sacrifices.

But I guess in most cases, these sacrifices weren't made because the gods demanded it, but because the humans believed sacrifices would please the gods the most and these humans were too primal and selfish to consider alternative offerings.

Sacrifices were made in the hope that the gods would then help and bless them in return. 

And less commonly, sacrifices weren't made for a god but purely for the energy. Suffering and death releases a lot of energy, some black magicians would go as far as doing sacrifices in order to use that energy to empower their sorcery.

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8 hours ago, Closed said:

Humans & Animals have been killed as a sacrifice for God since the dawn of humanity. Why God ( You ) want an animal or another human to die for you? 

Does God enjoy the concept of murder?

Sacrificed because humans misunderstand what God is not that God wants humans and animals to be slaughtered.

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IMO, sacrifices were just a way of channeling intention, just as a magician uses a wand (harry), rod (Moses) or staff (gandalf?)


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Celtic tribes and Native Americans , and sure many others, were given to sacrifices. the Celts also went to battle naked, as a ritual. I would say that there is more here than simple ignorance. symbolizes the unreality of the individual. its banality. the individual is sacrificed in the name of the tribe, which endures. symbolizes: the tribe is something, the individual, nothing. the gods will reward the tribe if we show them humility 

Not very different, but much more harder to do, the japanese, sacrificing themselves with a knife in the guts, to show the submission of the animal instinct to the will. Duty taken to the extreme. Total renunciation of instinct. for them that was to be civilized

Edited by Breakingthewall

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