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ll Ontology ll

Forum Leadership, Tolerance & Perspective: Mods, Members & Our Community Intelligence

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I received a warning for sending a warning to a male user her recently for harassing another female.

The mods know who that male is and if any mod doesn’t know feel free to respectfully contact me and I will respectfully let you know.

Let it be clear that in no way shape or form am I going to allow the misbehaviour of others especially people without noticeable personality disorders visibly harassing those with personality disorders in the same thread they’re being public about it.

This is a community space where we are all here to grow and learn from one another continuously each day in the best way we can.

If the moderators do their job which they did in this instance then in no way shape or form will I need to partake in that role.

But if moderators do not more if they neglect the fact that people with personality and mental disorders in general are going to be extremely more vulnerable to social situations and therefore taunts towards them interpreted with greater sensitivity, then this isn’t going to be a community where all people here feel safe to grow in the way they would like.

I mean this in particular more as it pertains to women rather than men because of the fact that they’re biologically more wired to seek safety more than risk. Yes as mods know I have sometimes been at the cost of some users own difficulties here however that comes with the territory of the situations I involved myself in and I am learning from those experiences accordingly, again I am learning from those experiences accordingly. Learning is a principle that must be followed at ALL TIMES on this forum so that there is continual adjustment to the ongoing developing boundaries on this forum so that more people feel more safe to grow and socialise in a way that best makes them feel comfortable and trusting towards one another.

To in any way positively reinforce the actions of someone towards another especially a woman with a mental disorder when such a person has neither revealed they have a mental disorder or it is yet to be proven is a gross mistake to the longevity of such growth in a community like this.

Reprimand me, I accept it with full respect. This punishment however does nothing to stop me from any such activity in the future if the same or any other user is not properly reprimanded and to ensure the ongoing safe growing haven of this forum.

It is abhorrent that someone without a notable mental difficulty that his voices to others would treat people in this way and be allowed to treat others in this way on a self actualisation forum. It’s dark triad and therefore the kind of mental problems that we don’t want to run rampant on this forum with males attacking or demeaning other females on this forum in any way shape or form. Males that are mods, you may have your insecurities towards females or even certain females on this forum but they need to be faced head on for the benefit of the growth of this forum in the future. Thank you.

I say this now because he is not the only one on this forum that has done this to this woman, many other males have in the past and many other males have gotten away with it. Well they’re not going to on my watch, again thank you though for addressing this situation as it needed to be addressed. 

I look forward to being a part of the ongoing growth and prosperity of consciousness on this forum.

Creativity and Responsibility,


Edited by ll Ontology ll

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