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Harnessing sexual jizz

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If you follow me you know that i started seeing hookers since 2 days ago and now i feel ''depleted''. I lack motivation in every mundane tasks like taking a shower or doing my bed.

So i want to start this old pratice of mine of harvesting sexual semen to regain my sexual energy and then maybe start balancing out my hooker visits on maybe monthly visits instead of 2-3x a week.

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Or here's a thought stop seeing hookers and actually get laid through your skill. Your subconscious knows you didn't really earn the sex you really want deep down, a loving relationship, and is now making you self sabotage. I bet if you journal and meditated for a bit you would find a part you might feel a great deal of disgust or shame about seeing hookers. Which in turn is causing the issue. Your plan might work in the short term but in all likely hood you'll end up masking the underlying issues and repeating this cycle or expressing it in a completely new way. 

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