Ya know

How to use your mind properly?

13 posts in this topic

I remember Leo saying in a video (can't remember which one) something like

A lot of spiritual traditions teach you to silence the mind, but it's an excellent tool when used appropriately.

Does anyone know what video this is from, or what video this information pertains to?

Any other information is appreciated


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Such a good question.

For me, it's the level mastery in spotting your self-biases and survival mechanisms ... at least the ones that pull you further away from Truth and create a low vibration in your everyday existence.

It's kind of complicated, but lots of spiritual work (meditation, contemplation, psychedelics, yoga, etc) .. will get you back to being present to what IS. This will open the doors to expand your consciousness, and be more attuned to spotting self deceptions. This is the recipe for an authentic, satisfying life.

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Didn't he say something like this in the recent video about ketamine? He was talking about his upcoming interview with Curt and how Curt is an example of a beautiful mind in a sense. Before that he spoke about just that, how the mind actually can be a beautiful tool.

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@Ya know

I would say that a thing which has a potential to silence mind is excellent tool. Yeah of course that doesn't mean that you should stop thinking things. Actually I will advice you to think so much that you actually don't have anything left to think and then the real silence begins. I used to write blog on twitter, but nowadays I don't have anything to say, because there is nothing to say, ta - da! At least for me it is like I have exhausted myself from thinking, because I have done it so much in the past.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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You somehow realize that beliefs are always though in various ways empty, that they are a minimal effort of survival.

That pretty much nothing is the way it seems, and ultimately in no particular way at all, therefore.


That equations are equivocations, and that substance/attribute theory is the closest you get to a consistent meta-model of mind, that instead of adding things together you subtract things from necessary unity, such that instead of saying 0.5+0.5=1 you end up only saying that without a whole there are no halves, and that everything of consciousness (say a duck) is thereby a fraction of it, and that without the duck there would non the less be something whole.

To say that the duck is an accident of what it inheres in, or to which it is subsistent.

You also realize that thoughts subsist, even though they are synthetic and pure imagination.

Synthetic subsistence implies consciousness as an absolute, and so to what you are asking I answer that the ultimate goal of mind is to find the essential subsistent attributes of the substance consciousness, if you can.

Time, Space, Causality, Empirical intuition, Will and Pure analytic mathematics/logic seems all to be THE essence of consciousness, none of which are mere representations of it but actually it. 

The best theory on how these essential ingredients are combined will also be the best way trough which to think, though it must always be understood that we retrospectively combine them imperfectly, and are therefore building a philosophical architecture instead of speaking absolute truth. This combination is a representation of something mystical, this architecture is a representation of something beyond ourself, I think. I also think that this rationalism is a cosmological and absolute necessity, an essence of existence itself.

This which is beyond ourself are typically recognized by various people and doctrines from Purple to Turquoise as God, Synthetic A Priori, Subconscious, Nothingness, Oblivion, Death, Unconscious, Materiality, Truth, Heaven, The thing in itself, "contents" of intuition, Noumena, absolute will or "something from nothing".

Edit: And by the skeptics in general this which is beyond ourself are recognized as a manifold of imagined material possibility, how they go about projecting themselves into the world they are supposedly skeptical of as a foundation for its possibilities is the biggest hoax and I would argue the most extreme case of mental gymnastics recorded in history. Don't be a skeptic, though learn everything you can from them.

Edited by Reciprocality

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@Ya know I have been learning a lot more about physiotherapy lately to add that to my skill tool belt for work.

Can’t go wrong with continuous learning! ?

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15 hours ago, Ya know said:

Does anyone know what video this is from, or what video this information pertains to?

The end of the Contemplation video.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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18 hours ago, Chrisd said:

It's mind on auto pilot that is the problem :o

This ^ ^ ^

What was being referred specifically is the rational, conceptual mind.

Rationality is a powerful tool, but at the end of the day it's a map of Reality (with its own limitations) rather than Reality itself.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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I would recommend books and youtube videos by Joe Dispenza... basically personal development types have narrowed the process down to first relaxing into that alpha brainwave state using open focus meditation and mindfulness techniques, then using a combination of visualization and positive thinking to rewire a new state of being into one's limbic brain while allowing the old state of being to "atrophy" like not using a muscle.

There's also books like atomic habits. It all comes down to routines and making healthy habits automatic through a process of rewiring the brain and creating new habits. This is like withdrawing from a drug you have become addicted too over decades... it involves discomfort. It involves cravings. It involves backsliding and trying again. Gradually you get better and better.


Being able to mindfully sit with cravings is the first step towards self mastery. Once you become proficient at doing this you can literally learn any new skill.


Edited by sholomar

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