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ll Ontology ll

Powerful Imagination, Anomalous Thoughts in the Animal Kingdom (i.e. humour)

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Maybe all of the thoughts I share here are going to be awkward in some way for me to reveal though I want to share them so that I can make the tiniest impact on cultures memetic gene pool so that its creative nervous system maintains its health, in saying that in the interests of the "host" I am aware of course that some of my thoughts will be "rejected" by a cells "anti-virus" system haha.



First thought - Aliens and sexuality:

  • Sometimes I imagine a female alien species to have sexual thoughts about from a planet brought about by particular laws that don't conflict with my own belief system so I can override my own conditioned responses to sex. I can imagine all varieties permutations reflective and not reflective of human characteristics, though much more than enough human symmetry. I have also imagined being sexual with not even bodily forms but simply energies, including imagining the sexual energy of the universe say.
  • Today for example I imagined that she came from a planet that arose out of a "pure pleasure principle" meaning their natural selection process only reinforces pleasure giving and pleasure receiving. This principle is reflected in the entirety of the origins of all species, landscapes and environments on the planet itself. 
  • This makes it easier for me to imagine "infinite pleasure giving" and the enjoyment of giving and receiving to this end rather than allowing the superimposed limits of what I've experienced from other humans. Don't get me wrong, I've had amazing experiences, however our brains tend to limit ourselves based on our "best" experiences, so I wonder about the limits beyond that while recognising the drawbacks if such an imagination isn't treated with intelligence with respect to how I can apply it to my real life.
  • I guess by now you can only imagine the kinds of limits this would enable me to surpass with respect to developing unique knowledge as it concerns subjectivity and honing my intersubjective interpersonal lens on not just sexual experiences but all relationships to sexuality, including the various aesthetics of emotionality and energy

That's it for now.

I don't watch porn, I barely watch any form of video for the most part, its not as stimulating as I need it to be and nothing can compare outside of the genuine human experience of anything that isn't my own imagination or connecting with the imagination of another.


This is just a tester.

My writing is pretty lax today, I guess I'm still recovering from sleep deprivation. This is as bad as it'll get really. 

I'll create a certain way I compose these and reflect that determined sophistication repeatedly.

Edited by ll Ontology ll

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I honestly don’t think folk here are ready for this journal.

Haha I’ll just keep it simple for now and keep to the other journal and my work in SEP.

Maybe down the track, see how journals on this forum develop in the future.

Its way too “mainstream” here for me at the moment, no offense of course. As long as it’s the vanilla kind of mainstream it doesn’t bother me, only when it’s like “this is damaging humanity (I.e. indirectly)” when I’m like yeah this is a “blah” situation, moving on, never to read this journal again.

Edited by ll Ontology ll

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Oh yeah and in case your wondering of course, I can increase/decrease the volume knob on the level of intensity so there's as much realism to surrealism that I want.

Translation: it's as real as the real experience, at least the upper limits of what a human could possibly imagine as the real thing

Full Consciousness Control and Nervous System Experiential Sensitivity Simultaneously: Moreover, what I can make real, it isn't restricted to stimulation on any body part, but also the experiencing and shifting of my own consciousness relative to the behaviour of "the being" I'm imagining as one example, meaning let's say I give them a magic power and I can imagine any number of powers more or less simultaneously, all of this can be extremely flexible to stable, including the environment meaning I can simultaneously change the colour, dimension, structure and everything you could conceive of was possible to imagine and could change in the imagination simultaneously... I can and do, do it, where its necessary... Back to the powers... Let's say I give them the power to totally encase my body as a part of their seductive action towards me through like a solid fluid that slowly envelops my entire body that feels like the state of consciousness they're experiencing, like the desire to give a certain pleasure, my consciousness will self transform to reflect the state that its imagining I'm receiving from the imagined being, so a state of genuine empathy in this imagined field of awareness and inner experience. A true unquestionable atmosphere is created where I have total power over my perception and experience of my nervous systems inner "reality test" where it doesn't respond to things it perceives as illusion aka false and it does respond fully it perceives as true. This I can modulate at will while simultaneously being completely detached and experiencing the full pleasure of the experience as if it were real. 

Resolution: Now you understand why I don't watch porn or really any video for entertainment purposes now hey... Haha.

Pretty badass, that's just the tip of the ice berg but it gives you a glimpse into what you're capable of as well, at least at a bare minimum, after a certain level of your own personal instruction.


Edited by ll Ontology ll

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