
Am I experiencing of what we call a little spur of “Samadhi”?

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17 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

So I wouldn't worry about trying to understand higher states, because whatever you're doing seems to be working.  It's all about surrendering this idea of "I" as just another thought that you can discard.

Every time I surrender and remove "I" and others it feels as I am falling in the abyss, mind does not have a crutch to lean on. 

This "I" used to think and compare its experience with others. Now, as I realize there are no "other" I cannot compare, judge or separate. I took the rug out from my feet. 

Every time "I" starts reasoning, I stop it there and say: " wait a minute, is there really another?" If not, does it mean this experience is Absolute from what I know? If yes, how can I rely on knowledge that came from external source.

I truly do not know, I am in the state of discoverer, seem like I am experiencing something fresh, new and unknown. There are no rules in this case. This script of being is not bounded by any rules, it can play out in a bunch of different ways and is not limited by any knowledge. 



"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 hours ago, Chrisd said:

because I do want to function properly.

Seems like a preference to me :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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On 4/28/2022 at 5:00 PM, Galyna said:

I felt joy without any reason for about an hour today. I had these joy moments before, but it was rear and did not last long. This feeling is familiar to me.

 Joy of being without this monkey mind that determines, separates, and judges all the time. I have recognized recently that there is no separation truly, and every time mind wanted to make any assumption, I stopped it there. My main practice was in keeping awareness on itself all the time. I am constantly observing thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, but I do not get involved. This is my meditation, LOL. This state has become so natural to me that now I feel like my body does things on its own, I actually am observing my body in motion and various processes, and I do not make any volition, it does things on its own.

Guys, this is the craziest thing I’ve ever experienced: mind is always late, first body does something, then comes the registration of the fact, post factum. As I cook dinner even right now, I do not register “Oh, I need to reduce the heat of my boiling water” Body goes to the kitchen, and as I get up from the chair, registration of the fact happens afterwards. There is literally no “doer”. Thought is always late. First motion.

Also, I have this love and compassion toward "other". 

My sexuality is on the rise, even a coffee table seems sexy to me. But even this feeling is a bit heavy compared to the bliss I have experienced.  

This feeling of blissfulness comes sporadically, does not last long. I am just happy because I am conscious. The closest description would be pleasure, orgasm, deliciousness, peace, joy and unconditional love toward Being.

Guys, I used a lot of “I”, please do not be judgmental here, I realize that awareness does not have any individualized quality, but I am using this “I” for a purpose of understanding. I can not pin point this “I” anymore, everything became like a big movie on the screen and is seen now holistically.  

you wont have to ask us if it is enlightenment.  But it does seem like your consciousness is leaning towards a shift to an expanded state or has elevated.   May be the right time for DMT and ego death so that you can experience God.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

you wont have to ask us if it is enlightment

I have not thought of it as a permanent enlightenment at all, but rather as an interesting state of bliss. It was magical, I want to be back there again :)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 minute ago, Galyna said:

I have not thought of it as a permanent enlightenment at all, but rather as an interesting state of bliss. It was magical, I want to be back there again :)

Indeed.  Perhaps a mystical state then.  Do you meditate?  Or was this completely spontaneous?  You have had a taste of Gods Love..just take care not to chase.  When you chase it it runs faster.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Indeed.  Perhaps a mystical state then.  Do you meditate?  Or was this completely spontaneous?  You have had a taste of Gods Love..just take care not to chase.  When you chase it it runs faster.

No, meditated in the past, not regular about it. My meditation is the observation of my mind :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 minute ago, Galyna said:

No, meditated in the past, not regular about it. My meditation is the observation of my mind :) 

Very nice.  You are definitely gifted.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Very nice.  You are definitely gifted.   

In comparison to what/who? hahahahah

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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On 29.4.2022 at 0:40 AM, Someone here said:

I experienced a radical awakening few weeks ago when I watched Leo's solipsism video. And I totally understand the illusion of other . That I'm god creating reality on the fly .

@Someone here This is bs. If you would have truly awakened you would know what death is.

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23 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Every time I surrender and remove "I" and others it feels as I am falling in the abyss, mind does not have a crutch to lean on. 

That's the point -- to remove all crutches and let go.

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17 hours ago, Aleister Crowleyy said:

Don't regurgitate what you are not currently experiencing. You have no idea what the "I" is. The "I" is everything, not a singularity. "I" IS NOT a conception. It's a 'Knowing/essence'

Dude, kindly stay in your lane, you have no idea what someone is or isn't experiencing or has experienced.  If you're in love with your special language for describing these phenomena, realize that it's not the only way to do so.

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6 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

Dude, kindly stay in your lane, you have no idea what someone is or isn't experiencing or has experienced.  If you're in love with your special language for describing these phenomena, realize that it's not the only way to do so.

This is solid advice.

@Aleister Crowleyy, read this and learn.

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20 minutes ago, Galyna said:

In comparison to what/who? hahahahah

Haha.  Relatively speaking.  All speaking is relative.  Have you delved into psychedelics or done serious self inquiry meditation? You may be on the brink of ego death/awakening but without the gun to pull the trigger....:)?



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

Have you delved into psychedelics or done serious self inquiry meditation?

Nope, my serious meditation was an inquiry: " Who am I?" "What is this reality" I have been asking this question since I am 12...

Actually,  "I love watching" my body doing its own thing, this is hilarious...It amazes me how body does something, and I register this post factum. 

Kind like when you drive a car...your body drives it :) You do not give any commands to it, it just does on its own, same thing. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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5 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Nope, my serious meditation was an inquiry: " Who am I?" "What is this reality" I have been asking this question since I am 12...


Then you havent yet done true self inquiry.  True self inquiry is finding out what you currently believe you are and then killing that belief by realizing it was an illusion and therein realizing  that which you truly are.  When this happens you become what you truly are and thats enlightenment.   You are gifted so this method can work for you.  Psychedelics just destroy the illusion without you having to discover it on your own thus i consider it unearned wisdom.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Then you havent yet done true self inquiry.  True self inquiry is finding out what you currently believe you are and then killing that belief by realizing it was an illusion and therein realizing  that which you truly are.  When this happens you become what you truly are and thats enlightenment.   You are gifted so this method can work for you.  Psychedelics just destroy the illusion without you having to discover it on your own thus i consider it unearned wisdom.

@Inliytened1 That's wrong.

Psychedelics don't destroy the illusion

YOU destroy the illusion, and after the fact you deny that and claim that psychedelics were the reason.

Wisdom is nothing you have to "earn." You are wisdom.

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Just now, Michael Jackson said:

@Inliytened1 That's wrong.

Psychedelics don't destroy the illusion

YOU destroy the illusion, and after the fact you deny that and claim that psychedelics were the reason.

Wisdom is nothing you have to "earn." You are wisdom.

I expected some pushback from you.  Dont make me poke you with my staff! :)?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

True self inquiry is finding out what you currently believe you are

I am questioning that too all the time. I found the "seeing", call it "space" but this understanding deepens. 

5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

which you truly are.

Impersonal awareness. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Dont make me poke you with my staff

Don't make me poke you with a needle of 5-meo ;)

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Just now, Michael Jackson said:

Don't make me poke you with a needle of 5-meo ;)

Didnt require it :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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