
Things that are weird...

3 posts in this topic

As you know we are always located outside time, which is effectively the "same point in time". Same difference...

Past events were imagined right now, and did not actually take place before. They took place from this point "in" time. Did the events really happen at all? Is there a difference between events being imagined now and false memories? There's not really any way to discern....... 

Also that this is very finite. Green can exist apparently but isn't always necessarily in view. When nit in view it is just a memory. If it is not remembered OR experienced, does green even exist in infinity anymore?

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Things exist only if you think it exist..thats how mind is.... everything mind produces is taken to be true and then you say i experienced it like that...stuff happens only if your mind tells you without that theres no human experience...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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