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This is the Stare When You Realise Wealth Inequality

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Im watching this documentary and i stumbled upon this very funny and tragic scene. Check @3:28 of the video. Its one of the best scenes i've come across. The stares of these fishermen when they realise wealth inequality  are just priceless. Their minds can't understand or compute it, it seems. 


Edited by SQAAD

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@Hardkill Yes i agree. This scene captures a lot of deep stuff...

But if non-duality is the case, then everyone will experience the same end of the stick. Non duality is Equality .

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10 hours ago, SQAAD said:

@Hardkill Yes i agree. This scene captures a lot of deep stuff...

But if non-duality is the case, then everyone will experience the same end of the stick. Non duality is Equality .

Do you think that there will ever be any hope to improving this situation? If so, then what do you think might happen one day in the future that could or would solve this issue?

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