Michael Jackson

GOD is the only accurate word to describe reality!

50 posts in this topic

God is the best world to describe reality.

If you want to evaluate someones degree of awakening, ask them what they are. If they do not use the word God, they most likely didn't get to the deeper waters.

Why is God the best word? It is simple: The word "God" is associated with certain qualities, all of which apply to truth / reality / this present moment.

These qualities are:

  • Singularity: God is singular. There is nothing else. Only God exists
  • Intelligent: God is intelligence itself. God is infinitely intelligent
  • All-powerful: God is Power itself. Infinite Power. When God snaps his fingers, our entire Universe appears out of nowhere
  • Loving: In fact, God IS Love, unconditional infinite Love
  • Source/Creator: God is the Souce/Creator from which our entire reality came from


Why do people use words other than God?

It is simple, and I know it will hurt your spiritual ego: You are asleep. People calling reality "the present moment", "a movie", "the Now", etc. are simply not awake. Being fully awake you would realize that what you called "the Now" is simply GOD, and that the word God is a much more accurate word to describe what they previously called "the Now."

Many people in our days have realized the truth of "No-Self", meaning that your psychological identity is an illusion. However, too many people create a new kind of identity out of that realization, an "I am no-self-realized and awakened" identity.

They get attached to the idea that they are awake now, even though they have no plausible explanation of where this present moment came from, who created it, etc., and they start preaching no-self as if it is the end-all, be-all. One great example of this is a previous mod of this forum (@Nahm) who took neo-advaita way too far and therefore got demoted.

The Truth...

The Truth is simple and easy to put into words. People who disagree with the following statement are simply not awake:

You are GOD. You are the Source of all of Reality. You are Love. You are Singular. You are all-powerful, infinitely intelligent, you are eternal Infinity.

Again. When people shy around using these words, they simply don't understand the highest truth. Yes, of course you have no "self", yes of course you are "the present moment"... But have you realized what "no self" means, have you seen what this present moment really is?

This present moment, as it is, is only 1 thing: GOD. You are God, dreaming that you are a small creature that has realized no self. You are NOT a small creature.

Wake up NOW!

Edited by Michael Jackson

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38 minutes ago, Michael Jackson said:

Why is God the best word? It is simple: The word "God" is associated with certain qualities, all of which apply to truth / reality / this present moment.

These qualities are:

  • Singularity: God is singular. There is nothing else. Only God exists
  • Intelligent: God is intelligence itself. God is infinitely intelligent
  • All-powerful: God is Power itself. Infinite Power. When God snaps his fingers, our entire Universe appears out of nowhere
  • Loving: In fact, God IS Love, unconditional infinite Love
  • Source/Creator: God is the Souce/Creator from which our entire reality came from

Indeed, from the Actualized.org forums perspective, qualities like Singularity, Infinity and Love are agreed to be equal to God. 

However, the normie notion of God got stripped away of Singularity, Infinity and Love. For example even a hardcore christian could not convince some materialist, that there can't be "other Gods" or "other universes", because he lacks the experience of Infinity. 

So the word "God" and literally every other word in the history of humankind can't replace the significance of Infinity. I guess the right move, is to meet people where they at. On this forum God is the perfect word. In a more materialistic environment "source" might be better. For most peeps there is no word, that would be correct and would not make them feel irritated. 

In the end, these words are only ways sign to what we symbolize with the word "God". Cheers! 

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@Michael Jackson Hey, why don’t you leave Nahm name out of your post

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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God is amazing. But there is a void of nothingness where no other word comes close to discribe it except Shi-va. And it's indescribable. Literally. All logic and sense making and symbolic meaning goes out the window. So stay open i would say.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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2 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

@Michael Jackson i disagree. God is definitely a beautiful word, but that's precisely because it's a word for that which does not have a name.

We use the word "God" to point to the actual God, as in, this!, everything!, all that is!... and the actual God...comes without any labels, but at the same time you can call it God or Infinity or Shiva or Being or the Absolute or anything you like.

That's the Magic9_9

@Judy2 You can call it whatever you want but it is simply not accurate enough if you call it "Beingness" for example. Yes, God=Beingness. But the word God simply encompasses more quailties of the truth, than the word beingness, so we should use the word God.

Have you awakeked to the fact that you are God?

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@Michael Jackson Just a feeling of letting it go and respect. 

Do what u want ?

You can agree with those definitions and not be awake btw. Parrott’s are everywhere these days. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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There is no metric to asses degrees of awakening, let alone the use of the word God. Your entire post is pure dogma and intellectualization, like most posts in the forum. Look, only a mind would care about all this words, but in the end it is horseshit in relation to direct realization of the Absolute. This is only word, which can be a sound or some symbol on a blank paper. There is nothing special about it, unless you make it so. All words and sounds are completely meaningless, until you impose meaning on them.

And to be more precise, the word God is actually rather tainted and stigmatized by religions all over the world. Most people use this word in the context of belief, not direct Truth. People view "God" as some object that is separate from the world. If you want to communicate and represent absolute Truth with a word, it is better to use Consciousness, Absolute, Infinity, Indistinct, Nothing, Unbounded. The word God is too loaded with ignorance, belief and dogma in our present culture.

In the end, you should not give a rat's ass about all this words bullshit. This is just a waste of time. Nothing can represent the Absolute, so you may call it a colorful diarrhea for all I care. 

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@Batman ☝️ 

Symbols ain’t it are it

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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8 minutes ago, Batman said:

There is no metric to asses degrees of awakening, let alone the use of the word God. Your entire post is pure dogma and intellectualization, like most posts in the forum. Look, only a mind would care about all this words, but in the end it is horseshit in relation to direct realization of the Absolute. This is only word, which can be a sound or some symbol on a blank paper. There is nothing special about it, unless you make it so. All words and sounds are completely meaningless, until you impose meaning on them.

And to be more precise, the word God is actually rather tainted and stigmatized by religions all over the world. Most people use this word in the context of belief, not direct Truth. People view "God" as some object that is separate from the world. If you want to communicate and represent absolute Truth with a word, it is better to use Consciousness, Absolute, Infinity, Indistinct, Nothing, Unbounded. The word God is too loaded with ignorance, belief and dogma in our present culture.

In the end, you should not give a rat's ass about all this words bullshit. This is just a waste of time. Nothing can represent the Absolute, so you may call it a colorful diarrhea for all I care. 

@Batman have you awakened to the fact that you are God?

I suggest you to read the wikipedia definition of the word God, if you don't understand its meaning.

Edited by Michael Jackson

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1 hour ago, Michael Jackson said:

@Batman have you awakened to the fact that you are God?

I suggest you to read the wikipedia definition of the word God, if you don't understand its meaning.

If you think that asking members in the forum whether or not they have awakened will make of you a spiritual authority, you are deeply mistaken. I have no intention to play this foolish game of who is awakened or not. That is just another ego trap, which you have obviously fallen into. 

I hereby decline your suggestion. 

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@Michael Jackson maybe I'm not totally awake. Well, Maybe no, sure, because i feel that there is still a final opening to the divinity that I block. even with 5 meo I still have the feeling of...yes, god, anything, but I still resist. total infinity terrifies me. the total absence of limit is unbearable for me beyond a few seconds. Well, what I wanted to say is that in your definition of omnipotent, intelligent, etc, the fundamental word is missing: infinity. what we are is infinity, and the rest is implicit in infinity. but on the other hand infinity is so impersonal, so opposite to "I" that it is absolutely terrifying. it is death. educating the self to accept the infinite and to be able to become it, is the true awakening. the rest are limitations of the ego, call it god or whatever you want. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

@Breakingthewall I agree, it is terrifying and the end of separation, death. Have you tried sitting with the fear, meeting it?

Yeah of course, every days. the thing is why of the fear. the ego perceives that the absence of limits is death and it is impossible for him to let it go, he will always want to maintain a minimum of definition, of form, since the non-form is nothing, death. but precisely nothingness is your nature, or god, whatever, and this is what is impossible to grasp with the mind. the ego must surrender completely, this you can do with 5meo for a few moments, but sober it is very difficult. to be awake is to live with that openness to the unlimited.  I have an opening normally, but far from complete. there is attachment to form. the work is to detach from the form

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yeah of course, every days. the thing is why of the fear. the ego perceives that the absence of limits is death and it is impossible for him to let it go, he will always want to maintain a minimum of definition, of form, since the non-form is nothing, death. but precisely nothingness is your nature, or god, whatever, and this is what is impossible to grasp with the mind. the ego must surrender completely, this you can do with 5meo for a few moments, but sober it is very difficult. to be awake is to live with that openness to the unlimited.  I have an opening normally, but far from complete. there is attachment to form. the work is to detach from the form

That's good.  I think it is the way the body acclimatizes to it before being able to let go completely. No way to tell when it will happen though.

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1 minute ago, WelcometoReality said:

That's good.  I think it is the way the body acclimatizes to it before being able to let go completely. No way to tell when it will happen though.

It really happens totally? Could you explain your experience? mine is somewhat progressive. day by day I identify repetitive patterns, mental attachments, and liberation occurs little by little. For example, I realize that 2 months ago my mind was much more full of noise than it is now, much more fragmented, and a year and a half ago it was crazyness. now I have moments of freedom, but a certain reaction follows, the mind does not get used to being without handles. I fully understand what this means, so I'm going ahead with the demolition process, but it's not something that happens all at once, or at least for now. And I find it hard to imagine leaving the chains entirely

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I agree, God is the correct word.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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It's God cause when you finally get it, the only words out of your mouth will be OH MY GOD!

If you're not screaming OH MY GOD, you haven't got it.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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