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It all led to this

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I finally have the house to myself. But I was getting depressed because all I did today was sit inside. I started thinking about the fun stuff I used to do and became really upset

In the midst of all this a powerful silence came over me. Everything was so still. There was a great sense of relief. But then it kept getting more real. I had the sensation that I was seeing what was really there, behind the veil of my mind

it was an existential terror that I had gotten from weed many times years ago. But this time I breathed deep and accepted it. When it passed, it was just a matter of fact. My mind was telling story after story and I couldn’t see past it until now

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@UNZARI Beautiful.

Last night I had nightmares. Usually I never even remember my dreams. I came to the realisation that many of my own experiences of life were an illusion even though I’ve spent a large portion of my life running away from what felt so real. I feel like I need my existential crises to make sense of where to go, that seems to be the basis for them.

Sometimes in therapeutic practice we can not only help people through them but encourage them to go there, let it wash over them, sit with it rather than repress it. Embrace the story first, then feel it all the way through the body until we can show the client to see all the way through it. I feel like you have a really steady handle over how you interact between your mind and emotions that you should embrace the confidence of. Good luck. 



Love and Life


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