Leo Gura

Elon Musk Buys Twitter

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Destiny's opinion:


We'll see how no regulation works in practice.

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Massive respect for Musk for putting his money where his mouth is regarding woke cancel culture. Cancel culture is getting out of hand in our culture and I hope Musk can, at least, steer Twitter into the right direction again.

And funnily enough; what the woketards don't realize is that the social elites are the ones who benefit most from cancel culture. Not the average Jane and Joe on the street. But apparently the wokies rather suffer with their lies than be exposed to the truth because a lot of wokies out there have built there whole personal identity on lies.

Edited by vizual

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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I think it'll change for the better, and also probably he will generate more organic reach for all the small twitter peeps, so everyone can get to know everyone else. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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This worried me at first, but I really don’t think that he would dare to really make this into a very unmoderated platform because of how much of a legal liability that will become, especially after what happens with the January 6th capitol riot incident. 


Also, it looks like Trump doesn’t even want to return to twitter anymore.

Edited by Hardkill

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I can't believe how many people think this will be a good idea. I think this will be a net negative for society in general. It will only exacerbate divisions in society and further proliferate the spread of misinformation. Perhaps I'll be humbly surprised. 

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I love Elon, so it'll be great. He actually tries pretty hard to make society more fair for everyone, and he really cares about the people in the world. 

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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What Elon says resonates with me. It sounds good, on paper.

I'm all in with the open source narrative, preventing bots, and authenticating humans. What's potentially dangerous is the "absolutist" free speech aspect. Could go really well in some ways and extremely bad in others.

Speculation aside, we'll have to wait in order to see how much and in which ways the platform changes.

Edited by UnbornTao

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I'm worried about this. I think he's absorbed a lot of right wing rhetoric unknowingly. 

I think he thinks he's being apolitical in his desire to uphold free speech. However, it seems rather right wing for me.

I could see the platform becoming a lot more segregated, and division in society, writ-large, increasing as a consequence.


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21 minutes ago, Ulax said:

I'm worried about this. I think he's absorbed a lot of right wing rhetoric unknowingly. 

I think he thinks he's being apolitical in his desire to uphold free speech. However, it seems rather right wing for me.

I could see the platform becoming a lot more segregated, and division in society, writ-large, increasing as a consequence.

In the long run, nothing more segregates a society than censorship. In a climate of censorship the segregation is just kept under wraps - under the false guise of social harmony - and festers until it explodes into bloody violence.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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I have a pretty good idea of what Twitter could look like if it really becomes "free" again -- Take a look at the comment section of any video on Bitchute, Odysee, or Rumble. 

If the price of freedom is having people online regularly insulting my physical appearance in my replies, or talking about 5G microchip nanobots, that's a price I'm willing to accept though.

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It's a big open question how much of Twitter will actually be changed. It may not get much change.

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Authentication of real people to curb the bots and the possibility that they just stick to removing people based on those rules alone, instead of an emotional whim.

Can we avoid ad hominem? Or do we enjoy it? Would we ever want our view to be censored by people with every reason to do so?

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Who would? Bad ideas are best when they can't assume victory.
Of course, there is always the mute button...

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I'm not particularly worried about this.

Elon Musk might try to reduce enforcement and Rules and Guidelines somewhat but it will quickly blow up in his face with all the public backlash.

'Course I could still be wrong in the short term but long term is what we really need to keep track of.

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Anyone who doesn't like Twitter is a shady person. No nuance. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Relevant tweet from Elon

Kinda simplistic but I think I agree with this take.

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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