
Owen Cook Wants The Revolution. Wants You To Say Hi To Strangers

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@Epikur Haven’t watched any of Owen’s content in a while. I was worried he might have gone some sort of 2020 conspiracy or alt-right rabbit hole. It seems like his message is more or less the same it has been for a long time, with just some details changed. It’s good to see.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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His free tour videos including this series haven’t been great lately, way too rambly and repetitive. He said he filmed a year worth of videos for his main channel that he needs 6 months to edit. I suggest waiting for those.

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Just stumbled ower this one from him:

Btw he was at Tim Pool's show

Edited by Epikur

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@Epikur I don't think i've ever seen Owen being interviewed or on someone else's show. I don't watch Tim Pool for obvious reasons but might have to make an exception this time. I always thought Owen needs to be in other people's videos. Shame its Tim Pool haha!

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3 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

is this just a marketing tactic to make him seem like he's rich but still "for the little guy"

Yeah, he actually advised against this tactic in his videos for YEARS and then started doing it over and over again.

He went full conspiracy/alt-right since the pandemic started. I guess he is just milking his audience, he knows what they want and is giving it to them. 

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Owen has some great ideas, just don't get into the conspiracy stuff. Take his practical social and spiritual advice.

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Owen has some great ideas, just don't get into the conspiracy stuff. Take his practical social and spiritual advice.

He physically looks like he’s getting crazier every year.

Though I do wish we had some kind of revolution. I’d like to think that most people these days want it to given how sick and tired most people in 1st world countries are getting sick and tired of status quo of government and politics overall. 


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3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

He physically looks like he’s getting crazier every year.

He's pretty obnoxious to listen to comfortably. I like his old chill style way better. But his ideas are still good.


Though I do wish we had some kind of revolution. I’d like to think that most people these days want it to given how sick and tired most people in 1st world countries are getting sick and tired of status quo of government and politics overall.

A revolution does not solve serious problems, it's mostly just useless drama. We don't need a revolution, we need competent leadership and governance. We can't solve our problems by flailing our arms around.

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43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

He's pretty obnoxious to listen to comfortably. I like his old chill style way better. But his ideas are still good.

Yeah, he seemed cooler with his older style.

46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A revolution does not solve serious problems, it's mostly just useless drama. We don't need a revolution, we need competent leadership and governance. We can't solve our problems by flailing our arms around.


18 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

I think he said he screams to keep people off auto pilot so they pay attention and are engaged to his content

I dont trust revolutionists. just another power grab. osho said something like "once they gain power instead of using their power to change things the power itself changes them"

Well, if not a revolution then why aren’t people desperate enough to make  fundamental change like what the Square Deal, New Freedom, New Deal, Fair Deal, or Great Society programs did instead of just resenting the corruption of politicians?

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48 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

I think he said he screams to keep people off auto pilot so they pay attention and are engaged to his content

I understand that but it's too much. I don't need someone yelling at me for 1hr+ in order to get the information. It actually hurts my ability to listen because it's over-stimulating.

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41 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

But the whole "im a rich LA elite but im still fighting for the little guy" marketing speech

Owen's got his heart in the right place. Honestly he could have retired a long time ago. He genuinely loves helping people. He's not doing it for the money.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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His free tour videos have too much of the rambling and yelling. He is better at presenting for his main videos on his main channel. 
I liked these recent free tour videos though, good delivery and great lessons 



As for the conspiracy stuff, I have a feeling he’s going to double down on it.

Owen said growing up he believed in conspiracies, but in his older videos would actually be critical of this belief and argue the people in charge are good people just trying their best and conspiracies were just cope for unsuccessful people.

However the recent lockdowns and the media criticism he got seems to have changed him and lately he rambles about the “regime” and society trying to brainwash everyone.


Edited by Raze

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I find Julien much more chill and charismatic these days. Tyler needs to learn how to relax lol 

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42 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

I find Julien much more chill and charismatic these days. Tyler needs to learn how to relax lol 

Though he feels like he does not give a damn. So it feels like he may be lying to make money. Owen seems to be hyper engaged at least he may believe his own lies.

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4 hours ago, Raze said:

As for the conspiracy stuff, I have a feeling he’s going to double down on it.

Yeah i think its similar to how a lot of youtubers became right wing and trumpists, theres certain audiences that just yield better fruit in terms views and then money, although the money might not be important. If you think Rupert Spira is one of the most respected non-duality teachers in the world right now but only has 152k subs with around 20k-40k views per video. Compare that to Russell Brand who has 5.5 million subs and gets literally millions of views per video, add to that his channel blew up only when he started doing conspiracy content during the pandemic ( https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCswH8ovgUp5Bdg-0_JTYFNw/monthly ) for a few years before it was growing slowly. His own spiritually focused channel has not seen anywhere near the growth of his main, now conspiracy orientated channel.

So I think its interesting how easy it is to get drawn into whats selling, theres a huge incentive for Owen to lean into conspiracy stuff because his audience is susceptible to it, the way he talks sometimes is almost like he doesnt believe some of the stuff but he also doesnt want to condemn or say its stupid because he knows that a deal breaker for his viewers. This is the same with Brand, he'll say something like 'whatever your theory is on the vaccine...'. They may say that they have to do that just to get more viewers and once they get them in they can give them very important information, but im not so sure i think playing into it actually makes the viewers focus more on the conspiracy stuff as now this person they respect is kind of agreeing with them. 

Also its a good analogy for revolution, you can say that Brand & Owen are constantly screaming for one, but now that they have some power in terms of their audience, theyre very quick to manipulate this audience by playing into their audiences fears and getting them more engaged in this way, essentially doing what they criticised the mainstream media of doing, so this revolution of media is the same but not regulated. 

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