I'd like to give some practical tools and red flags to avoid such traps, or get over them in bigger chunks
The ALWAYS trap ( I have always...been like this...done that...believed this...) : when you hear yourself saying that, thinking that, it is a sure sign that you're delusional!
The ME trap: thinking that pain, disappointment, problems, upheaval, etc are happening to YOU...(they're just happenings.)
The MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD traps... self explanatory enough? All illusions! Cut them off..
The I THINK, I BELIEVE, I SEE traps: These are much subtler... much more stuck for us to see and cut off... Ego thrives in these
The (I/you) NEED trap.. you are whole and perfect. There's nothing you need. It's an illusion
The I AM SURE trap: Everything that you affirm with certainty and solidity... oh boy! Encompassed here: I am right and you are wrong...my opinion is good, yours is bad - with all degrees of variation
More, later. Enjoy