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Map of reality. Possible ?

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I will try to explain my idea as clearly as possible.

I've been wondering for some time now if it's possible that a map of reality exists. By that I mean a tool of some sort (written, video, something else ?) that can be used at any stage of the spiritual path by anybody to locate exactly "where" or "what" he currently is in the infinite and speed up one's enlightenment process. It would be like pressing the fast forward button.

By enlightenment here I mean not only realise that you are god, but also get the whole workings of things so that you can direct yourself to experience exactly what you want to experience. Please tell me if you think I'm wrong. I totally get that wanting to experience something in particular is an ego thing, but the whole point of seeking enlightenment is an ego thing, so even if there is no such desire "after" enlightenment the point and the result are the same.

So, back to the idea, I've been yo-yoing with it. For me true infinity also means anything is possible, so a map would make no sense if from one given point (your now or mine, with all it's content) anything is possible and every possible reality can join. HOWEVER, in actuality even if I believe reality is infinity, I experience it from one standpoint at a time, so it makes sense there is a path anyway, even if the path is "meant" to lead to the whole outside of itself. 

Hell, actually from my standpoint, finding this map "outside" (as opposite to simply meditate it out of myself) would feel like bliss, infinite love and thus enlightenment itself. I say finding because for me it also makes sense that anything possible already exists in a way and all we do is get to it. Or the present shape shifts into it depending on where one puts his attention. 

And yeah, I'm aware that posting this message with hope to dig such a map into actuallity is not really different than meditating to find it more "by myself", but I just had to post it anyway. That's exciting, and that feels true.

Edited by Yobenm

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No, a fool's errand.

You will drive yourself batshit crazy trying to construct such a map. And in the end it will fail.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Anyone who thinks all of Reality can be conceptually-mapped deserves to be dismissed as a kook.

Especially if they are of the "Rationalist" type.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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You can’t even map the direct experience of the moment right now. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Maybe I didn't get the idea was got by others? I don't know why everyone was discouraging this. I feel all the knowledge out in the world is already like a map without routes. Many things/directions have been promised. but no matter how correct they are. You don't know what you gonna get unless you reached the destination.

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This map you're looking for is right under your nose, it's the word "everything" or "infinity".

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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I think this might be what you’re looking for. If you study it for long enough, that is.





Edited by axiom


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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No, a fool's errand.

You will drive yourself batshit crazy trying to construct such a map. And in the end it will fail.

Yeah, I get what you mean, but I kind of already went through that madness some years ago. I was not trying to construct this map, but I was chemically disbalanced by taking MDMA (for the first time) and some days later marijuana (which I had only done like 3 times before and always had an over the top effect). Combined with undelying psychological feebleness it led to a brief psychotic disorder where I kind of let myself believe I was in some kind of role game and it went out of hands. I can really imagine the endeavour of trying to map reality leading to such a crisis as I can feel my mind begin to slip in the same way while playing with such ideas.

On the other hand, it looks like an ordeal I've already gone through. I also think there might be usefullness to such a "device" that I will develop below.

7 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

Anyone who thinks all of Reality can be conceptually-mapped deserves to be dismissed as a kook.

Especially if they are of the "Rationalist" type.

Maybe the word "map" is wrong. I don't mean an all encompassing guide for all reality, this doesn't make sense, you can't explain infinity. You know, Godel's theorem... And I did'nt think my message could be interpreted as rationalist, that's surprising, but maybe I wasn't clear enough.
What about a "Compass". Something that from any current state would indicate the most direct way to enlightenment. One could argue that's called any form of spirituality but that's exactly the point. What I seek is the most systematic practice or steps to direct realization.

Maybe that's the systematic side that looks rationalist, but the point is to break out of materialism and transcend rationalism, so I don't know...

So yeah, easy to say, "Just invent the best path to enlightenment", like no master has tried in the history of mankind. But do we really have a spiritual practice that matches the state of the world nowadays ? I'm not sure, it looks to me like there's a great imbalance. I tend to believe the state of the outside world is just a reflection of one's current state. Maybe if this new "way" can be found, it could be a paradigm shift.

I mean, can you imagine anyone being presented with the possibility of buddhahood right now ? If there really are enlightened people reading this I would love your advice on this. Tell me if i'm wrong but enlightenment for me means total freedom, and the absence of the feeling a separate self. Doesn't the absence of a self come from the transcendence of any trace of resistance ?

If that's so it seems to me to be equivalent to choosing exactly the reality you want. So by extrapolation, woudn't presenting anyone with such a tool be the equivalent of living in a world that is actually like a kind of ultimate VR game. At any moment you can realize you are in the game very easily thanks to this artefact, this compass. Sure you may go through the worst existential crisis and go bat shit crazy. But if you follow the compass all the way, in the end it doesn't matter. You would realize you're just in the game, and you have to possibility to quit the game and explore the infinit russian dolls game you're in. And if that's no good for you you can just pick up the game exactly where you were before and forget all that.

I hope the transition to that last argument is not too fast or far fetched. I took a great shortcut but am I the only one that can see it ?

And yeah, It can make for a nice and useless philosophical idea. For what I know I'm exactly in the state where I just wanted to forget and pick up the game where it was.

But what if ? 


3 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

This map you're looking for is right under your nose, it's the word "everything" or "infinity".

Yeah, I know, but sometimes I feel lost in it. Or more precisely kind of stuck in a precise subsection of it, with an inner knowing and physical sensation that there is more but it doesn't unlock itself completely.

Edited by Yobenm

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3 hours ago, axiom said:

I think this might be what you’re looking for. If you study it for long enough, that is.

What's that? Esoteric art?

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2 hours ago, Yobenm said:

So yeah, easy to say, "Just invent the best path to enlightenment", like no master has tried in the history of mankind. But do we really have a spiritual practice that matches the state of the world nowadays ? I'm not sure, it looks to me like there's a great imbalance. I tend to believe the state of the outside world is just a reflection of one's current state. Maybe if this new "way" can be found, it could be a paradigm shift.

I don't think that lack of maps or lack of path the biggest reason for the small number of enlightened people. Most people nowadays are not ready to even start spiritual work. We need to put more focus on developing our population up to a level where they are ready and open for spiritual work.

Creating maps in not a new thing. Leo creating his own path some can resonate with it others can't. 

Regarding finding the 'new way' won't be totally new, it will be the integration of the known paths. If you have any awakening experience chances are, that you can already find a map where you can point to your experience is really high.

I might even disagree with the notion of trying to create one ultimate path, that everyone can use. I think that there is a lot of nuance to it, and everyone will find the path what he/she can resonate with the most.

What you could do is creating a system that can guide people to the already existing path that they can resonate with the most likely (based on personality type, biases, values, ego development, openness, based on methods that are working for them better compared to other methods, based on their strength in intelligence etc etc etc)

Or if you really want to create a totally new thing, firstly you will need to contemplate a lot about how enlightenment works what could be the variables that are responsible for most people's enlightenment and how you could create a model where you can boost those variables the most effective way for most people (assuming you don't want to create another niche system, but a system that is the most applicable for most people)

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11 hours ago, Superfluo said:

What's that? Esoteric art?

It was a joke. It's some outsider art, created by a schizophrenic artist named Nick Blinko.


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@Yobenm  I didn't interpret your post as supporting Rationalism, that was just a side note of mine.

Seems like your talking more about Intuition. I think it depends on what level of consciousness you're at.

I'm thinking there'd be a lot more fuzziness as you go closer to the infinite so your Intuition would need to be stronger as you approach higher levels.

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