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Dysfunctional habits from a lack of Self-Love

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So as I revisited Leo's teachings about Self-Love I had so many insights about my own dysfunctional behaviors in everyday life. 

Two habits I want to address and set in context to Universal Self-Love - or more precisely, set in context with my lack of Universal Self-Love here:

1. Scrolling through media and listening to music non-stop: 

Because my Self-Love to ordinary people, ordinary situations and occurrences is so limited I take the easy way to Self-Love, when I look at beautiful people, landscapes and animals in YouTube or "social" media.Likewise with music. Because of my inability to appreciate the sound of my car engine or the sounds of birds, I take the easy route and listen to my favorite music for hours on end. 

However ordinary people, car engine sounds and birds are all me! Psychedelics showed this to me so many times, yet I seem to forget it over and over again.

2. Looking in the mirror: 

Because I train a lot and like my facial looks, I get addicted to "harvest low hanging Self-Love" when looking in the mirror. You could also call this ego self-love. Problems arise when my looks do not give me the same instant Self-Love and cause me to suffer. Yet when I'm extremely conscious, looking in the mirror is as pleasing as looking inside the organic waste bin. 

I'm interested to learn about your personal Universal Self-Love avoiding self-love behaviors. 

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The media and music issue is about a stimulation problem, your dopamine and serotonine receptors are craving for it. This happened to me when I was in love with a girlfriend and whenever she wasnt next to me I felt a compulsive need to replace her with music, movies and other shit... so maybe you're right and you're replacing love with stimulation.

About the mirror there's nothing bad. Some of us have great appretiation to beauty, aestethic, and when you see your face/body in the mirror and you like it is like contemplating a piece of art in the museum, or a sunset in nature. Nothing to do with ego.

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@Shawn Philips I sense you still miss the actual experience of Self-Love. My face is not 1% more myself than your foot. That's how radical actual Self-love is. Identification to one specific part of Self (my face) is keeps my limited ego. 

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