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Happy Lizard

ennagram type 1 resources ? - need help

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I've been exploring the enneagram model for a while now, and I'm very clearly type 1, but can't really tell w9 or w2. 
over self-control and over self criticizing is part of my everyday life; I arrive early for an appointment and tell myself off for doing so and not being exactly on the right time; I love an organized room and despite people with clutter or with messy spaces. Fatigue, frustration, and overworking, has been there for a long time but that's how I thought life was like — I was raised by a type 1 with similar attitude, and that doesn't help a lot either.

the "I know what is good for you!!" is very strong - and it's effecting my relationship with people and probably have for my whole life.

I'm wondering if you know about the model or have any good resources for 1's. I'd be grateful if you could share some.


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It's also great if you tell me how not to be like this with others or how I can start to see that life is not about 'Nailing that list of to-do' 24/7. I think I'll have more peace with myself once I see how others live life normally without being on top of things all the time.

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