
Spirituality and NLP. Interconnected?

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   Firstly, has anyone here heard, learned and practiced NLP and spirituality? If so, what are your experiences with these two fields?

   In my opinion, while there's value to NLP, because ultimately NLP and the thousands of techniques it has is meant to develop a healthier self image and self concept of you as an ego, qualities of that self image, and resource states that are triggerable lkke anchoring a state to an external or internal trigger for example, for a person, spirituality seems to go mostly a different path, one of deconstruction of the self using various spiritual techniques, so it seems to me that NLP is like a compounding interest, where it gets better and is meant for long term growth of a healthier ego, versus spirituality that is meant to ultimately shatter that self image. For example, if you were successful in self inquiry, or had a mystical experience that shattered your ego, that's great, except the backlash that follows isn't helpful, and is a backlash coming from deconstruction of the ego too soon, and without some techniques to ground yourself, or to reform a stronger ego, you are far likely to linger in that negative space self inquiry or other methods of ego destruction can typically create.

   Has anyone else experienced this problem? 


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Enlightenment doesn't necessarily completely dissolve the seperate self.

The seemingly seperate self consists of appearances.  Enlightenment usually doesn't dissolve these appearances, it just shows that the belief/sensation that you are exclusively these appearances is an illusion. With deeper degrees of enlightenment, the belief/sensation that you are the seperate self completely dissolves, but the appearances of the seeminlgy seperate self still remain.

So from the relative perspective, a self still remains. 

In order to have a healthy self (from the relative perspective) NLP can be useful.

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On 4/22/2022 at 10:01 AM, Danioover9000 said:

 Firstly, has anyone here heard, learned and practiced NLP and spirituality?

Remembering those times when I was a student and seeing that commercials for NLP in the Kharkov subway, even went to their center of Ron Hubbard to study Dianetics ("Dianetics, from Greek dia, meaning "through", and nous, meaning "mind", is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. Dianetics is practiced by followers of Scientology and the Nation of Islam (as of 2010). by wiki". 

My opinion: this stuff really works while you are believing that you are a human being with the free will and so on and so forth. Remember when living in matrix, matrix's rules can be applied and executed. Once you drop the notion of being a human, you see the "real deal", LOL.:D

But if it helps while in the game being a hero, why not using it? You can always walk on the bridge between duality and non-duality.  Play with it. It is totally up to you, (if being aware enough,) when to fall back asleep or when to wake up. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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NLP aims to collapse dualities in most of its techniques for lasting change. It does this by anchoring two different "states" (aka a duality) and then triggering both anchors simultaneously. This has the effect of reframing the previous duality into a new unity - the two previously distinct states become one state which is different in character (hopefully more positive).

It strikes me that a lot of spirituality is also about collapsing dualities together. Both things are agents of change.

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This may appear overly general, but of course, there's a connection. There's a connection between spirituality and everything you'd consider not to be spirituality due to oneness. In the more relative domain, it's essentially a mental discipline designed to aid in better manipulating the human mind with language. All instances of human language use are manipulatory mind you, even though our culture tends to put a negative connotation on the concept of manipulation in truth manipulation is merely a resource much like money or firewood.

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